HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting January 4, 1979 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Chairman Stover, Commissioners Watson, Etter, Mathewson, Jones Sweeney; Council Liaison Hazen; City Planner Mayo, Community Development Planner Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley. Members Absent: Commissioner Burke. Agenda Item No, l -- Approval of minutes, meeting of December 21, 1978. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter .and approved with Commissioners Mathewson and Watson abstaining. Agenda Item No, 2 -~ Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No, 3 -^ A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 7.086 acre tract located at the intersection of Texas Avenue and the East Bypass from Sin le Family Residential District R=l to AdministratiVejProfessional District A-P and General Commercial District C-l: The application is in the name of Mr. Ronald Cruse. Mr. Mayo showed the existing zoning and land uses in the area. The public hearing was opened, Mr. Ron Cruse presented a model showing the proposed commercial development. He indicated that the A^P area would be used for small offices and that the C-1 area would be used for wholesale sales and storage, He also indicated that the property would be replatted into separate lots with a public street down the center. He stated that the buildings in the C^1 zone would be about 14,000 square feet while the buildings in the A~P zone would be 4,000 square feet and a maximum of 18 feet tall. Mr. John Hamilton, app s iser, stated that, in his opinion, the location and cost of the property made i,t unsuitable for single family development, He stated that the homes on Mile Drive were effected more by the existing Mobile home park than by the potential commercial development.. Mr. Al Bormann, 113 Mile Drive, spoke in opposition to the request. He noted that the mobile home park was being developed at the same time that the houses on Mile Drive were being built and that the residents asked to be annexed in order to stop. expansion of the park, He also. noted that the mobile homes were 300 feet away from their houses and did not detract from their property. He stated that the residents wanted Mr. Cruse to provide a ~^ foot undeveloped buffer to cut down the effects of light, noise and heat frog the commercial development. He pointed out that a problem of flooding existed now in the area and that the pro- posed development would make the problem worse. He also stated that the residens objected to the 18 foot tall buildings. Commissioner Jones pointed out that the average single story house was between MINUTES Page 2 Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1979 i 18 and 25 feet tall at the eves. Mr. Bormann stated that the residents were not affraid of the A-P zoning but that they had no assurance that the plan would be built as shown by Mr. Cruse. Mr. Darrel Davis spoke in opposition. He stated that although A-P might be a realistic zone for the property, he wanted to see a 60 foot buffer, Mr. Cruse pointed out that he was providing a 25 foot setback rather than the l5 foot setback required by ordinance and that this 25 feet plus the 25 foot setback of the houses on P1ile Drive left a 50 foot undeveloped strip. Commissioner Jones stated that he felt the 60 foot buffer was not a realistic demand. He also pointed out that if the property were left R^1, 'it could be developed into small lots with small houses which would have an adverse effect on the value of houses on Mile Drive. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commi,ssi:on recommend approval of the rezoning with the understanding that development of the A^P tract would in- clude a 25 foot rear setback. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and approved by the following vote: For: Jones, Mathewson, Sweeney, Chairman Stover Against: Etter Abstaining: Watson Agenda Item No, 4 ^~ Considerafiion of granting a Conditional Use Permit for the operation o an orthodontist's office in the existing res%dence located oh Lot 1 B o the Lakeview Acres Addition, Mr. Mayo explained the proposed plan, He noted that the plan would require a variance to the parking requirement as 18 spaces were required and only 8 spaces were shown. Dr. Everett Treadway, applicant, stated that he did not need 18 spaces because he would only have two patients overlapping at any one time. He explained that most dentists operating out-of a structure this large had two or three dentists and as many nurses empolyed, He stated that he would have only himself and one nurse-receptionist in the building, He advised that the rest of the space would be used fora lab and a darkroom. Commissioner, Sweeney stated that he felt a problem could be created by people lining up on Texas Avenue turning left into the dentist's office. He also suggested that there might be some attempts to back out onto Texas from the parking area, Chairman Stover stated that the parking area was of adequate design and that such backing movements would be minimal. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the permit be granted on the following con- ditions: MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1978 7;00 P.M. Page 3 , 1. That the office employ one dentist and one staff member. 2. That if a traffic problem evolves, the parking lot must be redesigned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 ~- Other business. Commissioner Jones asked what could be done to expedite the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Southwest Parkway. He noted that several serious accidents had occured at this location and that the Police Department had stated that this was the highest accident rate intersection in the City at this time. Mr. Mayo explained that the installation was up to the Highway Department. He noted that the City was going to put up a surplus signal at the intersection, but that it was intalled at Jersey and Timber instead.. The Commission discussed the method by which the Highway Dpeartment decided on funding and approval of signal installations. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.