HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoni"~ng Commss1gn Meeting January 18, 1979 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Mathewson, Etter, Sweeney, Watson Jones, Burke; Council Liaison Hazen; City Planner Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Community Development Planner Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley. MEMBERS ABSENT: None Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes -meeting of January 4 , 1979. Commissioner Mathewson noted that his motion on Item No. 3 should specify a "rear" setback line of 25 feet. Commissioner Sweeney noted that he and Commissioner Burke were absent and could not have made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.0 acre tract located at the intersection of `Texas"AWenue"and Rock Prairie Road from Agricultural- Open District A-O to General Commercial District C-1; The application is in the name of Mr. Freddie Curry. Mr. Mayo located the property in question. He explained that the Highway Dpeartment planned to build an interchange at this intersection, the right-of-way for which would take all of the tract on the corner. Commissioner Etter asked if any solution other than rezoning might be suitable. Mr. Mayo stated that if the property were not rezoned, the plumbing company would have to go to the Board of Adjustment each time they wished to enlarge their oper- ation. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mike Greer, representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the request, He stated that the owners were now thinking about 6ui1ding an expansion to the plumbing store. Commissioner Mathewson asked if the plumbing company was a retail or wholesale op~ eration. Mr. Greer stated that the store did mainly wholesale business. He added that the majority of the parking was for employees and that the parking was paved. The public hearing was closed. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission January 18., l ~J~_ 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Commissioner Mathewson. moved that, although the tract was small, it was not subdivided and that the request seemed reasonable. He also pointed out that the business would not cause a traffic risk on Texas Avenue. The Commission discussed the need to show the area near the intersection as commercial on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Muth, owner of the adjacent tract, stated that he would have no objection to his land being shown Commercial on the Comprehensive Plan if it would not cause an in- crease in his property taxes. The Commission discussed the need for a study of revisions to-the Comprehensive Plan in the entire area recently annexed. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission recommend approval of the requested rezon i'ng. The motion was seconded by Commi'ssi'oner Sweeney. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission consi.'der changing the Comprehensive Plan to show the corner property at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Rock Prairie Road as commercial. Commissioner Mathewson withdrew h%s motion to recommend approval of the request. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission consider modifying the Comprehensive Plan as needed in the entire area which was recently annexed.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke. Commissioner Mathewson modified hi`s last. motion to state that the Commission should undertake a study to make revisions to the entire Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Burke accepted the modification. The motion was unanimously approved. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission recommend approval of the requested rezoning. The motion was seconded 6y Commi'ssioner Etter an approved with Commissioner Watson abstaining.. Commissioner Mathewson pointed out that.the intent of the approval was to take the first steps in creating a commercial development of sui:fi:cient size in the general area of the request.. Agenda Gtem No, i+ ~- A~pu61i'c hearing on the question of rezoning Emerald forest Phase One from Agricultural=Open Di'stri'ct A^O to Sn41e Family°Resi:dential District Rrl. City Planner Mayo pointed out that the rezoning was needed. to allow the developer to build homes in the subdivision. The pn61ic hearing was opened.. Mr. Allen Swoboda, developer, spoke i,n favor of the request. MINUTES Page 3 Planning and Zo ing Commission 7 0 P.M. No one spoke in opposition to the request. The public hearing was closed.. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission recommend approval of the request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 ~~ Consideration of a landscape - parking plan for Q,R.C. Mr. Mayo explained the history of the case as it had been heard by the Z,B.A. He pointed out that the Commission could require the removal of the parking lot. Chairman Stover pointed out that, in light of the decisions of the Z.B.A.,the problem was one of design rather than required number of spaces. Commissioner Mathewson noted that the situation at A.R.C. was different from that at a shopping center in that the effect was to A.. R.C. only. He also pointed out that the lot was for employee parking. City Engineer Ash noted that a fire lane might be required to serve the new building. He asked that the plan be shown to the Fire Marshal for fins approval. Dr. McMath, of A.R.C., stated that a fire. hy~dra.nt had been installed as required by the Fire Marshal. • Chairman Stover suggested that a fire lane would still be needed and that this would take away from the number of spaces prov%ded, Commissioner Mathewson moved that the ftem be tabled until the Fire Marshal could deter ermine the need for and location of an fire lanes, The motion was seconded 6y Commssi;oner Etter.. The motion was unanimously approved. Dr. McMath pointed out that he has stated that A..R.C. would sign a written agreement stating that A.R.C.. would mai'ntai~n their parking entirely on their site for their employees. He also emphasized the stipulation of the Z.B.A. that th.e parking situation would be reviewed 6y the Cfty In one year and any needed changes would be made. He also noted that A.R.C, had provided ll rather than 10 foot wide spaces and that he felt islands should not be required of them. Agenda l'tem No. 6 -- Other 6usi'ness. The Commission discussed the revi'si'on of the Comprehensive Plan.. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the staff was currently very busy with the Annual Report, instituting the office of Zoning Administrator, preparation of ordinance revisions and other planning activities which would prevent them from devoting much time to the Plan revision until summer, The Commission determined that the revision was not cri.'t'tcal and could be delayed until the staff had time to affer support i'n the revision studies, Mr. Mayo advised that the joint meeting between the two Planning Commissions and the County Commissioners had been set for Teuesday, Febraary 20, 1979 at the County MINUTES Planning And Zoning :Commission January l8, 1979 7: QQ P~.~J. Courthouse. Agenda Item No. 7 - -Adjourn. Commissioner Jones moved that the meeting be adjourned. Page 4 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. APPR01/ED Chairman • Attest Secretary •