HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting February 1, 1979 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover, Commissioners Etter, Watson, Jones, Sweeney Mathewson; Council Liaison Hazen; Director of Planning Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Community Development Director Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Burke. AGENDA STEM N0. 1 -- Approval of minutes -meeting of January 18, 1978. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM NQ. 2 -,, Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM NQ. 3 --'A public hearnq^on-the question of granting ~ Conditional Use Permit for the operation ~of a 1HorrtesSor~' private school on Lots 119 and 12C of Southwood Valley Section 5A. City Planner Mayo showed the location of the request and reviewed the P.R.C. report which had recommended approval of the request.. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Earl Merrel, Architect, spoke and explained the concept of a Montessori School. He noted that the school was quite different from a day care center in that the school provided educational opportunitt"es rather than just "care". He stated that the children would be between 3 and 6 years old. Dr. Karim Haji, applicant, spoke and stated that the school would operated between the hours of 9 AM and l PM. He a1 so stated that they would attempt to see that students were delivered and picked up as~ close to those hours as possible. Dr. Haji explained that he intended to start with two classes of 20 students each fora total of 40 children. Mr. Gail Wagner, Sandy Circle, spoke and. presented a list of questions for Dr. Haji: and Mr. Memel. He stated that he was not opposed to the school but that he would like for the questions to be answered.. Dr. Haji; and Mr. Merre1 answered the 16 questions presented by Mr. Wagner. A resident of Sandy Circle suggested that many of Dr` Haji''s answers were only what he planned to do at the time and he stated. that he was concerned about the possbl1i.ty of outdoor lighting on the site. Chai.~rman Stover noted that as a part of the Conditional Use Permit, the Commission could note that no outdoor lights be permitted.. Mr. James McNamara, Sandy Circle, spoke in favor of the request. P1INUTES Page 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Februar 1, 1979 7:00._ P.~J~ Mr. Weitzman, Sandy Circle, stated that he was not opposed to the request but that he was concerned about the possibility of the use of the structure changing from a Motessori School to a day care center. Mr. P~ayo explained, that as long as the permit were granted for a Montessori School or a "private school", any such change of use would require a public hearing. Chairman Stover pointed out that any outdoor lighting would have to conform to the C-N district development ordinance, No. 1119. Mr. Merrel stated that they might install some outdoor security lighting but that it would conform to the C-N ordinance. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Hazen question whether or not 4 staff parking spaces were adequate. Dr. Haj stated that there was room on the site for additional permanent parking but that he planned to start with only one classroom and one teacher. Mr. Hertel noted that the two-way dri"ve was wide enough to allow extra parking area if needed. Commi;ssi;ones Mathewson asked if the plan was a final site plan or just a concept. Or. Hdjl stated that this was the site plan which would 6e turned in with the application for bui1di~ng permit. Commissioner Watson moved that a Use Permit for a private school be granted. The motion was seconded 6y Commissioner Jones. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that the motion be amended to state that no "barnyard" type animals could be kept on the site, Commi~ssi'oners Watson and Jones accepted the amendment, The. motion was unanimously approved.. AGENDA ~1'EM N:q; 4 -~ A ublic he tin on the uestion`of rant'n a Site Plan Permit fcir the"construction pf a multi~fami y residential phoject tp be locate on the southwest corner of the intersection of Munson Avenue and Universit Oa " B yd~ The application is in the:mame of Mr: Robert D: Matte 1. Mr. Mayo reviewed the P.R.C.. report he noted that the only change that had not been made was .the provision of planting islands in the long rows of parking spaces, He explained that a small part of the site was still zoned C-1 and that. the applicant had submitted an application for rezoning this property to R-5. Mr. Mayo also suggested that approval of the plan be conditional on the approval of fire hydrant location by the Fire Marshall. The public hearing was opened. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 1,1979 7:00 PM Page 3 Mr. Don Martell spoke and explained that the project would be similar in ap- pearance to the Sausolito project. He noted that there was no objection to adding planting islands as required. He explained how this project would tie into the City Park and the Woodstone commercial center. Commissioner Mathewson noted that the plan covered the area set aside for overflow parking of the sororities in Greek Village. Mr. Martell pointed out that this requirement was on the first use permit for the sororities, but that in the latest permit, the sororities had agreed to provide all of their parking on their own sites. Mr. Mayo noted that the use permits for the sororities now required that they provide all necessary parking on their site, No one spoke i"n opposition to the request.. The public hearing was closed.. Mr. Mayo noted that Mr. Marte1'1 planned to provide an access easement between the Woodstone Center and the proposed apartment project. City Engineer Ash asked that the Commission require amore detailed study of the drainage situation be provided before the bull ding permit was granted. Mr. Martell stated that he had employed Jerry Bishop to do a plat of the property and a complete drainage study of the site, Commissioner Sweeney moved that the plan be approved with the following conditions, 1. That a detailed drainage p1 an be submitted to 2, That fire hydrant location be approved by the 3. That planted islands be provided near parking 4, That an access easement between the apartment Shopping Center be provided. 5. That the property now zoned C-1 be rezoned to the City Engineer. Fire Marshall. spaces 247, 99, and 113. project and the Woodstone R-5. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. AGEND ZTEM_NQ. 5 -- A publi"c hearing on the question of granting a Site Plan Permit for the"constracton of a rr~ult=family residential project to be located at the ~ntersecti'on of Har-vey Rvad and the"proposed Dartmouth Drive: The appli- cat ion"is in"the"name"of'Mr: A:B: Syptak. Mr. Mayo noted that the suggested changes by the P.R.C. had been made with the exception that the location of the mail room had not been changed, He also noted that the P.R.C. had considered moving the access point and drive on the project to the west of Dartmouth in order to facillitate fire protection. He noted that the Fire Marshall had no objection to the plan_as submitted. Chairman Stover noted that,. if the Fire Department had no objecti"on, the plan as shown was Superior to the moving of the drive and access, Mr. Mayo pointed out that the entire length of the drive was less than 300 feet. The public hearing was opened, MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 1, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 4 Mr. Curlly Green spoke and asked the location of the project in relation to the Washington Chappel Baptist Church. He explained that the Church had received a letter of notification, but that he did not think the Church was within 200 feet of the project. The Commission explained that the project was located more than 2000 feet up Harvey Road from the Church. (It was determined after the meeting that the Church owned a cemetery near the end of Richards Street which was within 200 feet of the entire Woodstock tract.) Mr. J.W. Wood, project Architect, spoke to answer questions from the Commission. Chairman Stover suggested that the building nearest Dartmouth Street in the Gardena project be turned to face inward in order to discourage parking on Dartmouth. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that the orientation of the building would not prevent parking on Dartmouth. Mr. Wood noted that the section of Dartmouth in front of Gardena would be a divided section and. that this would dictate that the street be signed for no parking. Chairman Stover also noted that, on the Woodstock project, there was a consider- able distance from the parking areas to some of the units. 61r. Wood stated that this problem would exist only with the units nearest to Dartmouth and that even this distance was less than 150 feet. He stated that this distance existed in some projects now in operation and that it had posed no problems. No one spoke in opposition to the request. The public hearing was closed.. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plan of the Gardena project be approved With the fo11ow1ng conditions: 1. That a complete drdinage plan be submitted to the City Engineer. 2, That the City 6e reimbursed for the cost of no parking signs along Dartmouth to the vacinity of the project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson. City Engineer Ash asked that the condition of reimbursement for no parking signs be remoYed from the motion. Commissioner Mathewson withdrew that stipulation from his motion and amended the motTOn to state that landscaping be added to the project i~n such a way as to discourage parking on Dartmouth. Commissioner Watson accepted the amendment, The mOtTOn Was unani'mous~y approved. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plan of the Woodstock project be approved with the following conditions: _~ MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 1, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 5 1. That a complete drainage plan be submitted to the City Engineer. 2. That the mail room be relocated so as to be more convenient to the units. 3. That access and fire lanes be approved by the Fire Marshall. 4. That landscaping be provided along Dartmouth so as to discourage parking on Dartmouth. The motion was seconded by .Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM Np. 6 -~ Consideration of a preliminary plat - Southwood Business ar . Mr. Mayo reviewed the p1 at and pointed out that the 25 foot strip on the north side of the property would be deeded to the City as a utility easement thus insuring that it would not be built upon. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and approved with Commissioner Watson absent. AGEPJDA ITEM N0. 7 --`Consideration of a final plat ~ Chalet Vi11a4e. City Engineer Ash explained how the drainage on He expressed his concern that owners of some of thus blocking the flow of water through the easy tract. Mr. Jerry Bishop, project engineer, stated that obtained from Mr. Fitch, but that he planned to plat of Dexter East. the tract would be handeled. the lots might build fences ~ment at the rear of the no written easement had been show a drainage easement on his Per. Ash suggested that the easement on the rear of the property be designated a ''drainage and uti1tty easement". He stated that this would give the property owners some relief to flooding caused by other owners. He a1 so pointed out that a fence could be built in the easement as long as it did not impede the flow of water. Commi:ssloner Mathewson moved. that the p1 at 6e approved with the stipulation that both of the easements shown be relabled as "Dra-Wage. and Utility Easements." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0;-8 ~- Consideration of a final- plat ~ Resubd1yision of Lots 1,2 and 3 Block 3 and tot 1;`B1ock 4 of the Pooh's Park Addition_ Mr. Mayo explained the purpose of the replat. P1r. O.M.. Holt represented Mr. Dale. He noted that Mr. Dale could not be present at the meeting due to poor health. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be approved.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM Np: 9 =- Consideration of a final plat - t~indwood Phase 2. P1r. Mayo noted that the final plat was identical to the preliminary. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission February 1, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 6 Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be approved with the addition of a note stating that Lot 26, Block 1 ~ Lot 43, Block 1 - Lot 1, Block 3 and Lot 20, Block 2 have no direct access to Appomattox. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM NO. TO -~ Consideration of access to Amber Ridge Drive in Emerald Forest Phase I. Mr. Allen Swoboda, developer, explained that in order to save existing trees, he wished to have the requirements for turnaround type driveways relaxed for lots in future phases of the development which would front on Amber Ridge. Mr. Mayo noted that,although it was a type of collector street, Amber Ridge would only loop from two points on Emerald Parkway and have no other major streets intersecting it. He noted that the only traffic on Amber Ridge would be from the cul-de-sacs feeding onto it. He suggested that due to this fact, the requirements for turnarounds could be relaxed. Mr. Swoboda also asked that he be allowed to revise the final plat of Phase One to allow lots having frontage on both Amber Ridge and a cul-de-sac to have access to Amber Ridge. Commissioner Sweeney moved that turnarounds not be required on future lots in Emerald Forest fronting on Amber Ridge Drive. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and unanimously approved. The Commission also advised Mr. Swoboda that they would be favorable to revising the Phase One plat to allow access to Amber Ridge from lots on the cul-de-sacs and Amber Ridge. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11 -~ Other business. Mr. Mayo reminded the Commission of the joint meeting between the Bryan and College Station Planning Commissions and the County Commissioners on February 20. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that all future resubdivision plats show both the new platted lots and the existtng lots so that the Commission could see how the replat would effect the subdivision. Mr. Mayo stated that this was a good idea and that he would start asking for it on future plats. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Etter moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Rittest Secretary APPROVED ` Chairman ..