HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting August 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Watson; Commissioners Stover, Etter, Hazen, Sweeney, Sears; City Council Liaison Halter; Director of Planning Mayo, Zoning Official Callaway, Planning Assistant Longle~. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Behling AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval of minutes - meeting of August 2, 1979. Commissioner Hazen moved that the minutes be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stover and approved with Commissioners Sears and Etter abstaining due to their absence at the last meeting. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit to General Telephone Company for an expansion to its central office building located at 300 Holleman Drive East. Mr. Mayo stated that the expansion would be for equipment only and would not add any new employees. He also noted that there were only seven person employed at the office and that the 32 existing parking spaces provided was far more than adequate and that no new spaces would be needed. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover moved that the permit be granted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 23.90 acre tract located 800 feet south of F.M. 2818 and 2000 feet west of Rio Grande Boulevard from Agricultural/Open DistrictA-0 to Apartment Building District_R-5. The application is in the name of Area Progress Corporation. Mr. Mayo showed the location of the property. He pointed out that the developer intended to build townhouses and four-plexes rather than apartments as would be indicated by the request for R-5 zoning. He explained that a typographical error in the Zoning Ordinance exluded townhouses and four-plexes from the list of permitted uses in the R-4 zone. The public hearing was opened. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Mr. W.D. Fitch spoke and explained the developmental concept for the property in question. He explained that the intent was, indeed, to build twonhouses and four-plexes rather than apartments. He also explained the circulation plan for the area which would be as shown on the approved master preliminary plat of Southwood Valley Section 21. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Sears stated that he felt the proposal was a good use of the land and that the tract would provide a good buffer for the residential development proposed to the south. Commissioner Hazen moved that the Commission recommend approval of the requested rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears. Commissioner Stover stated that he did not think it was a good idea to zone the land R-5 when the R-4 zone was the suitable zone. He suggested that action be delayed until the Zoning Ordinance could be amended to allow townhouses and four-plexes in the R-4 zone. He asked that the minutes point out that the de- veloper had presented the project as an R-4 development of townhouses and four- plexes and that it was the intent that all properties would have their access to the local streets in the area and not the major collectors. The motion to recommend approval was unanimously approved. ~3 AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 17.25 acre tract located on the west side of Rio Grande Boulevard approximately 800 feet south of F.M. 2818 from Agricultural/Open District A-0 to Apartment Building District R-5 and a 4.11 acre tract located on the west side of'Rmo Grande Boulevard approximately 1100 feet south of F.M. 2818 from Agricultural/Open District A-0 to Duplex District R-2. The application is in the name of Southwood Valley, Inc. Mr. Mayo explained that the properties in question were a part of the previous development but were separate items because the applications were from two different firms. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Fitch spoke in favor of the rezoning. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover stated that he had the same reservations concerning the R-5 zoning district as he had expressed in Item No. 4. Commissioner Sears moved that the Commission recommend approval of the requested rezoning. The motion was seconded by commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. MINUTES Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 2.47 acre tract located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Airline Drive and Southwood Drive, and being a part of Lot 1, Block 14; Southwood Valley Section 6-C from General Commercial District C-1 to Apartment Building Dis- trict R-5. The application is in the name of Southwood Valley, Inc. Mr. Mayo explained that this was the property Mr. Fitch had discussed at the last meeting. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Fitch asked if it would be possible for the Commission to recommend zoning additional property, approximately 125 feet to the east, to R-5 in order to take in the intersection of Airline ,and Hillside. Mr. Mayo advised that this would best be handled by another rezoning request. Mr. Fitch stated that he would prepare the request. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend approval of the request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning four tracts all generally located north of University Drive, West of Tarrow Street and south of the College Station City Limit from Single Family Residential District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1, Townhouse District R-3, and Adminis- trative/Professional District A-P. The application being in the name of Tenneco Realty, Inc. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the tract had been discussed before when it was presented by Mr. Bellard. He stated that the development was reasonable and advised that the zoning be approved. The public hearing was opened. Mr. L.E. Wade of Cooner Street asked if the rezoning would have any effect on the taxation of his property. Mr. Mayo stated that it would not. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover stated that, due to its rather large size, the C-1 property could be developed as a unit and that its adequate frontage on University Drive would allow for a well designed access. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend approval of the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. Councilman Halter pointed out the Bryan had just built a 138 KVA electric~l~. transmition line down the north property line of the tract (the city limit line) and he asked if this would effect the project. MINUTES Page'4 Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. Mr. Randell Pritchett, representing the developer, stated that the City of Bryan .had built the line totally within a granted easement, that~the line would be unsightly but that the could design around it. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- Continuation of a public hearing on the quesiton of abandoning Holik Street from Jersey Street to Anna Street. Commissioner Hazen moved that the item be removed from the table. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeeney and unanimously approved. Mr. Mayo explained that Councilman Jones had asked that the Commission go ahead and make a recommendation on the proposed abandonment. Mr. Mayo then explained the concept of the development of the area that would be created by the abandonment. Mr. W.D. Fitch, of the School Board, stated that that body was in favor. of the abandonment. Commissioner Hazen suggested that when. only two grades attedned classes at the school there was no parking problem, but that if the street was closed, people would have to park on Jersey Street when picking up or dropping off children. • Mr. Fitch advised that the area would be designed so that people could drop of the children and drive through the parking lot to Timber Street so that no bottleneck could develop, and that a turnaround would be pro- vided at the Anna Street end. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover stated that the proposal presented the opportunity to solve the circulation problem by design rather than regulation. He added that Holik Street did not really serve a community circulation need while Anderson and Timber were intended to do so. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend that Holik Street be abandoned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 9 -- Consideration bf a final plat - Vacating and Resub- dividinq Lot 5, Lakeview Acres Addition. Mr. Mayo explained the proposed plat. He pointed out that the extension of the West Bypass would effect the two lots, however, the timing ofi the ex- tension of the Bypass should not require that right-of-way be reserved at this time so he recommended approval of the plat. Mr. Clint Bertrand, owner, stated that he intended to sell Lot 5B with the anticipation that a house would be built on it. Commissioner Hazen asked if there were some way the Commission could assure that a house built on the property would be built far enough from Miller's MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 5 Lane so that they would not be effected by the extension of the West Byapss. Mr. Mayo stated that the building setback line shown on the plat was 25 feet as required by the ordinance. Commissioner Hazen suggested that a note be place on the plat to advise potent- ial buyers that the widening of the street was anticipated. Commissioner Stover stated that most buyers would never look at the plat and that such a note would be useless. Mr. Bertrand stated that he would have no objection to placing such a note on the plat. Mr. Mayo also pointed out that a note now on the plat stated that the side set- back was 5 feet rather than 72 feet as required and that this note should be re- moved from the plat. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the plat be approved with the stipulation that the note about side setback be removed and that, if posssible, a note be added to the plat advising of the possibility of Lots 5,A and 5B being effected by futureright- of-way purchase. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hazen. Commissioner Sweeney amended his motion to require a 75 foot front building line. Commissioner Hazen accepted the amendment. The motion was approved with Commissioner Stover voting against. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 -- Consideration of policy regulating maximum width of drive openings on duplex lots. Mr. Mayo explained that in the past, builders had been allowed to build a 36 foot wide drive opening and park four cars directly off the street, but that an amend- ment to Ordinance 608 required a maximum opening of 28 feet on a duplex lot and that this requirement was now being enforced. He said that one local builder had complained that the resulting parking lot design was inadequate for parking large vehicles and trailers. Mr. Mayo suggested that the builder not try to build the parking areas to minimum dimensions and enlarge them as other builders had done. Mr. G.H. Alani, builder, stated that the parking area required by the 28 foot curb opening would not fit on small duplex lots. Mr. Mayo stated that this requirement had been placed on all other builders and that Mr. Alani was the only one to have a problem. Mr. Aalni suggested that all the other builders were wrong and he was right. Commissioner Stover suggested that the best solution was for Mr. Alani to buy larger sites for his duplexes. Mr. Mayo added that most builders did not even use a 28 foot wide opening and found that 24 feet was adequate. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 6 Commissioner Seans stated that the 28 foot wide curb opening design could be a problem on very small duplex lots, but that both designs had problems. He said that when four cars were allowed to park directly off the street with the 36 foot opening, owners would often try to park eight cars in the spaces. Mr. Mayo suggested that the main problem was that a 60 foot minimum width for duplex lots was not adequate and should be at least 10 feet wider. Mr. W.D. Fitch stated that, although the design was tight on a 60 foot lot, there were ways to design the parking areas with a 24 foot curb opening. Mr. Fitch demonstrated ways in which the design could be done on a narrow lot. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend that no change be made in the ordinance and that the existing ordinance be enforced. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter. and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11 -- Other business. Chairman Watson asked when a traffic light would be installed at the intersection of Southwest Parkway and Texas Avnue. Councilman Halter stated that he understood that the design for the light was in the final stages by the Highway Department. Mr. Mayo added. that the light was part of the computerization project now under- way. AGENDA ITEM N0. 12 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Stover moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.