HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/1979 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting April 5, 1979 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Sweeney, Burke, Etter, Mathewson, Jones, Watson; Council Liaison Hazen; City Planner Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Community Development Planner Callaway, Housing Coordinator Kee: MEMBERS ABSENT: Planning Assistant Longley AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval of minutes - meeting of March 15, 1979. Commissioner Watson stated that the person identified as Mr. Spearman in Item No. 8 was Mr. Frank Murphy. Commissioner Mathewson stated that in regard to Items 4 and 5, he felt that the i~, actions of the Commission at the previous meeting where the replat of the property was suggested, had led the applicant to believe that the rezoning would be approved. Commissioner Watson asked that his statement in item No. 5 in relation to the recommended denial of the requested rezoning be changed from "unfair" to "rotten as Hell ." Commissioner Sweeney moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and approved with Commissioner Mathewson abstaining. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM NO 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 8.93 acre tract located on the .northwest corner of the intersection of Anderson Street and Holleman Drive from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Duplex District R-2. The application being in the name of Southwood Valley, Inc. City. Planner Mayo showed the location of the tract and explained that the City was now in negotiation with-the owner and applicant to buy the property for use as park- land. He also noted that the property was shown on the Comprehensive Plan as a park. He said that a petition in protest had been received which had been signed by owners of about 17% property within 200 feet of the request. Commissioner Burke asked how Southwood Valley, Inc. had become owner of the property. Mr. W.D. Fitch stated that Mr. D.R. Cain had traded the A&M Consolidated School District a tract in Southwood Valley for this tract and that Mr. Cain had asked Southwood Valley, Inc. to pursue rezoning of the property. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Fitch spoke in favor of the requested rezoning. He stated that he felt that the best use of the property would be as a park but that the negotiations with the City had taken longer than anticipated and that holding the property was costing the MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission April 5, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 2 owners a lot of money in intrest. He said that he felt the site, developed with duplexes could supply a needed type of housing in the area. He added that, due to the property's proximity to multi-family projects and the street pattern in the area, that the property was not suited for single family development. Commissioner Burke asked why the application was being submitted while negotiations with the City were still underway. Mr. Fitch stated that he had not been contacted by the City for several months and that the delay was getting expensive. Councilman Hazen stated that Mr, Fitch was correct and that other matters had oc- cupied the. Council in the past months. Mr. Fitch stated that he would be willing to have the request tabled and re-enter into negotiation with the City. Commissioner Watson pointed out that Councilman Halter had asked that the public hearing be held and that the question be tabled. Mr. Sidney Garrison, 1406 Sunny Court,spoke in opposition to the request. Mr. Mark Chittendon, 1404 Sunny Court, spoke in opposition. Mr. Carol Robertson asked what the effect of the petition would be. Mr. Mayo explained the effect of a protest from the owners of 20% of the property within 200 feet of a zone change request. Mrs. Sandra Robertson spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning. Mr. Micheal Stetcher, 1404 Skrivanek spoke in opposition. Mr. David Roland, Holik Street, spoke in opposition. Mr. Jim Bradley, 1010 Holik, asked that the property be purchased for use as a park. Mr. Chi Mao spoke in opposition to the rezoning. Mr. John Kassel spoke in opposition. Mr. Dennis Bearing spoke in opposition. Mrs.. Janice Smith 1006 Holik, spoke in opposition. Mrs. Brooks, 1305 Village Drive, spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Burke moved that the item be talbed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that the motion be amended to stipulate that the item be tabled for 30 days. MINUTES Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission April 5, 1979 7:00 P.M. Commissioners Burke and Sweeney accepted the amendment. The amended motion to table was unanimously approved. Commissioners Etter and Sweeney stated that they would vote against any rezoning on the tract.. Commissioner Mathewson moved that if the property was not purchased within 30 days the zone change would be denied. Chairman Stover ruled the motion out of order because no action can be taken on a tabled motion. AGENDA ITEM NO 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 0.71 acre tract located at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Rock Prairie Road from Agricultural Open District A-O to General Commercial District C-1. The applciation bein4 in the name of Mr. James B. Bond. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the property and explained why the request was being made. He pointed out that the Highway Department planned a major im- provement to Texas Avenue at this .location in the near future and that the right- of-way for the project would take all but about 20 feet of this site. He stated that right-of-way acquisition might begin in as little as 6 months. The public hearing was opened. Mr. James B. Bond spoke in favor of the request. H~ stated that the property had been purchased by his parents in 1937 and had been a commercial use ever since. He said that he felt it was unfair that a traditionally commercial property would become a nonconforming use by the act of annexation. He also stated that it would be unfair for the Commission to consider a future need to condemn the property for right-of-way as a reason to deny C-1 zoning. Mr. Band added that the C-1 zoning of his mother's property would be consistent with the recent zoning of the Curry Plumbing tract. Ms. Judy Hall, operator of the business located on the property, stated that she wished to maintain the property as a country store and gas station. She stated that she wanted to obtain a beer permit and sell health food and operate a small cafe in the existing building. Ms. Hall asked that the property be rezoned C-1 to re- flect the hisoric use of the property. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission recommend to Council that the re- quested rezoning be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson. Chairman Stover stated that this was a very small piece of property and that there would be problems with access and parking on the tract. Commissioner Mathewson stated that these problems could be handled in the parking and landscaping approval. Ms. Hall stated that she wanted to improve the traffic and parking problem at the store by providing parking in the rear of the building. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission April 5, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 4 Mr. Mayo pointed out that improvements to the building and the site could be made with a variance from the Board of Adjustment if the property were not re- zoned. Commissioner Jones suggested that this might make it hard for the owners to obtain financing for impropvements. Commissioner Burke stated that she was glad to see someone trying to preserve and improve a historically relevant use of property in College Station. The motion to recommend the rezoning request was approved with Chairman Stover voting in opposition. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5 -- Consideration of a finale. plat - Dexter Place. City Planner Mayo pointed out the location of the property and explained that the final was identical to the preliminary plat. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be approved with the .stipulation that easements and building setback lines be shown as required. The motion was seconded by Comissioner Etter and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Timber Ridge Phase One. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the tract. He explained that the revised plat included the extension of two streets to Munson Drive and the inclusion of more lots. Chairman Stover pointed out that the new part of Plantation Oaks Drive needed to be changed to University Oaks Drive. Mr. Mayo advised that this action would be directed to Council. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that Lot 1, Block 3 was an unbuildable lot because of the gasline easement through it. He suggested that Lots 1 and 2 be combined. Mr. Bill Kling, project engineer stated that if it would be possible, they would re- located the gas line and if the line could not be moved, they would ask for a replat to combine the two lots. Commissioner Etter moved that the plat be approved with the following conditions: 1. Name changes of Plantaiton Oaks and Post Oak Lane be made as required by Council 2. That a note be placed on the plat requiring lots on Munson to take their access off of University Oaks and Post Oak Lane rather than Munson. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and unanimously approved. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission recommend to City Council that the name of Plantaiton Oaks Drive be changed to University Oaks Drive. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission April 5, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 5 1~ AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 -- Consideration of a landscape parkin plan for Del Taco. The item was withdrawn from. the agenda. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- Discussion of the sign ordinance as_i_t pertains to the number of detached signs per site, portable and trailer si ns. ~~ The Commission discussed the existing sign ordinance and possible revisions to it which would set up a permit system for temporary and trailer signs. They suggested that a time limit might be set on such signs. It was suggested that the permit application for temporary signs include specific location, size and other necessary information. The Commission discussed the methods employed by the City to investigate and handle violations of the sign ordinance. They advised Mr. Mayo to check with the City Attorney on this question. The Commission advised the staff to prepare an amending ordinance as discussed for consideration at the earliest possible date. GENDA ITEM NO. 9 -- Discussion of number of unrelated ersons constitutin a famil n Single Family zoned districts. The Commission discussed the problems caused by more than four unrelated persons living in a single family residence. They noted that, since most residences provided only two off-street parking spaces, one of the main problems was one of several cars parked on the streets. Excessive noise and waste disposal problems were also mentioned. The Commission also discussed the fact that a need existed in the City for the type of housing where more than four person lived in the single family residence. Ms. Vicky Rinkey, Gunsmith Street, stated that she was very concerned about the problem. She noted that traffic and parking were now a problem in her area that did not exist before the homes were occupied by student~.renters. Mr. Gordon Echols, Lair Lane, stated that the townhomes in which he lived had begun to attract several students and that this had made his neighborhood less desirable for permanent residents. He stated that he felt the Zoning Ordinance gave the Commission the power to protect the character of single family areas and asked that this be done. A resident stated that he felt any change as discussed would be an economic hardship on owners of single family rental units. Commissioners Watson and Etter agreed to work together to study the question and con- sider possible ordinance revisions addressing the problems discussed and providing a means for enforcement. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 -- Other business. Mr. Mayo reminded the Commission of the joint meeting between the Planning Commissions and the County Commissioners on April 10 at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Mayo proposed that the policy on zone change requests be changed to provide that the applicant not be allowed to publish notice for the City Council hearing until after the Commission had made a recommendation on the request. He noted that this would give MINUTES Planning and Zoninig Commission April 5, 1979 7:00 P.M. Page 6 the staff adequate time to prepare any presentations necessary on the case. He explained that the only time available now was the day after the Commission meet- ing. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the City Planner be instructed to delay the is- uance of the public hearing for the City Council until after the Commission has made a recommendation. The motion was seconded by .Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Commissioner Mathewson read a letter to the Commission stating that he did not wish to be reappointed for another term on the Commission but offering his sevices to any body on which the City Council would ask him to serve upon. Mr. Mayo distributed copies of the Planning Department Annual Report. AGENDA ITEM N0. 11 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved.