HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1978 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission October 5, 1978 7:00 P.M. • Members Present: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Etter, Watson, Sweeney, Burke, Jones; Council Liaison Hazen; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Community Development Planner Callaway; Planning Assistant Longley. Members Absent: Commissioner Mathewson. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes, meetings of September 7 and September 26, 1978. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the minutes be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of a day care/nursery school facility in the exist- in residence located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Texas Avenue and MorQan'S Lane Lot 16B. Lakeview-Acres The application is in the name of Mr. Mayo reviewed the recommendations of the P.R.C. He stated that the site had four main problems: 1) The traffic volume and the speed of traffic on Texas Avenue. 2) The narrow width of Texas Avenue at this point. 3) A sight distance problem. 4) No provision to keep children from running into Texas Avenue. Mr. Mayo suggested that possible solutions might be to add additional parking in the rear of the house and build a larger circular drive. Dr. Haji stated that the facility would be mainly a pre-school center and that no more than 15 to 17 children would be accommodated. He stated that the drive could be widened to allow for more traffic. He stated that most of the children would only stay half a day so the traffic would not be concentrated. Mr. Larry Wells showed the Commission a revised p1 an which would allow for more off-street parking. Dr. Haji stated that the site would be fenced to prevent children from getting on to Texas Avenue. Chairman Stover suggested that at the hours of picking up children, cars would be stacked into Texas Avenue. The public hearing was opened. MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission October-.5, 1978, 7:00 p.m. Mr. Fred Bouse, owner of the tract, stated that the Highway Department had plans to widen Texas Avenue within the next two years. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Watson suggested that facilities like this were better suited for side streets and not on major arterials. Commissioners Etter and Burke stated that they agreed with Commissioner Watson. Commissioner Burke moved that the permit not be granted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Benda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional se Permit for the c©nstruction of a church building to be located on Lot 15, akeview Acres Addition off of Morgan'S Lane. The application is in-the name of he First Assembly of God Church. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mayo advised that any development in this area would require the rebuilding of Morgan's Lane. Mr. J. A. Bennett stated that he had been unable to get the needed signatures on the petition for paving. Mr. Bennett stated that they would like to be permitted to use the existing house for worship rather than building the proposed building. He stated that they would put in a concrete parking area which could be extended if the church ever enlarged. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Mayo explained the petition paving process. Mr. Bennett stated that there would 6e only 12 to 15 cars using the facility on Sunday and Wednesday. He stated that the church was also wi'11ng to pay for the 6~inch water line extension and fire hydrant.. Commissioner Burke moved that a permit be granted to allow the church. to use the existing structure on the_condtion that a 6-inch water line and fire hydrant be constructed and that no expansion be allowed until the reconstruction of Morgan's Lane, and that any expansion of the facility be submitted for the review of the Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson.. Chairman Stover pointed out tliat the reconstruction of Morgan°s Lane might require relocation of the 6~inch water line. City Engineer .Ash stated that this could not 6e determi:ned until plans for the street were completed. He noted that additional right-of-way or a construction maintenance easement might be required. Mr. Stover stated that he wanted to point out the possible additional cost of moving the water line. He advised that it would be w~'se if Morgans Lane were reconstructed now rather than after installation of the water line. MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission October 5, 1978, 7:00 p.m. • 3 Mr. Ash pointed out that the cost of relocating the water line would fall entirely on the City. Chairman Stover suggested that the motion be amended to require that necessary easements be obtained and appropriate location be determined for the water line before the use of the house was allowed. Commissioners Burke and Watson accepted the amendment. Mr. Bennett stated that this requirement would delay and prevent them from obtain- ing the property. Commissioner Watson noted that this would not place any additional cost burden on the church. The amended motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Ttem No. 5 -- Consideration of a final plat - Dexter Place located near the intersection of Jersey Street and Dexter Street. Mr. Dick Hervey explained that he would build three single family homes on the proposed lots. Commissioner Etter moved that the plat be approved, The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney. Mr. Duane Kote suggested that the lots might cause additional traffic loading on Dexter Drive. Mr. Hervey stated that he would be glad to construct turnarounds on the houses. Commissioner Etter amended the motion to have turnarounds specified on the plat., Commissioner Sweeney accepted the amendment. The amended motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Ttem No, 6 -~ Consideration of a`pr~1imi:n the northwest corner of the intersection of Sout plat -Park South 1oc~ ~t Parkway and Welsh Ay tea on Mr. Ash pointed out that the drainage from the McCulloch Addition went through this property and that additional study needed to be given to the street layout. He suggested that the drainage might be greater than the street could handle. Mr. J. W. Wood stated that he would work with Mr. Ash to set up the drainage system. Mr, Ash pointed out that these questions should have been worked out before the preliminary plat was submitted. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the plat be tabled until the drainage questions could be worked out. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and approved with Commissioners Watson and Jones voting against. -- - MINUTES y Regular Planning and Zoning Commission OCTOBER 5, 197,8, 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Watson stated that he felt this would be an unnecessary two-week delay for the developer. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Timber Ridge Phase I located between Dominik Drive, Munson Avenue and Plantation Oaks Drive. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the proposed street names were duplicated either in College Station or Bryan and would have to be changed. Mr. Stover questioned the usefulness of Lots 1 and 20 because of the gas line. Mr. Bill Kling stated that until the final design was completed he could not say. He advised that they would request that the gas company either relocate or lower the gas line. Thomas Vozik stated that he was in agreement with the developers plans. Councilman Hazen asked when the portion of the development providing Plantation Oaks would be built. She noted that Phase T of the addition would increase the turning movements off of Harvey Road and that access to the addition from Munson would help this. Mr. Kling stated he would advise the developers that they should make this portion their next phase. Commissioner Etter moved that the plat be approved with the provision that the street names be changed as required and that a note concerning access to corner lots be placed on the plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. Benda Item No. 8 ~- Consideration of parking requirement for Agency Records ontrol expansion, Mr. Mayo explained that A.R.C, had asked that they not be required to build any new parking spaces for their proposed expansion. He stated that they claimed their new bui~ldi:ng would not increase the number of employees, only relocate existing people. He pointed out, however, that a recent survey had shown that several cars were already parked outside the existing parking lot and that the proposed expansion would have to increase the number of cars in the future. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the representative of A.R.C, was not present. Commissioner Jones moved that the item be ta61ed until an A,R.C. representative could be present, The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. A enda Item No. 9 -~ Di:scuSson of street tannin in the area of the Middle School 6y Rodney Hi`1 A&M Consolidated School District. Mr. Rodney Hill presented the proposed changes in the area of the school. They included closing Ho1ik Street and constructing a right-turn lane on Jersey at the Anderson intersection. The plan also showed the proposed location of bus traffic on Ho1k Street and a landscaping plan. MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission October 5 , 1978, 7;00 p.m. ~- Mr. Ash .pointed out that he and Mr. Mayo had suggested closing Holik Street to the School Board two years ago and that he was glad to see some progress being made on the idea. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the Commission endorse the concept as presented and that the staff proceed on the project with the School Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Other business. Mr. Mayo informed the Commission of the action that was being taken against John Garner for selling a portion of a lot which he had recently subdivided. Commissioner Jones stated that, in regard to Item No. 6, he did not think that approving a preliminary plat would obligate the City to approve the final plat or construction plans. Mr. Mayo pointed out that at least three members of the Council considered that approval of the preliminary plat obligated the City to approve the final. Commissioner Watson moved that the Commission initiate action to rezone the Arnold Brothers tract from R-6 to an appropriate zone. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 11 -~ Adjourn. Commissioner Jones moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m.