HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/1978 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting February 2, 1978 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Mathewson, Bailey, White, Burke, Etter, Sweeney; Council Liaison Gardner; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Community Development Planner Callaway; Planning Assistant Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: None VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meetings of January 5 and January 19, 1978. In the temporary absence of Dr. Stover and Vice Chairman Burke, Secretary Sweeney appointed Commissioner Mathewson Acting Chairman. Commissioner Bailey noted that on page 5 of the meeting of January 5, in the seventh paragraph of Ttem No. 8, the word "was" had been misspelled. Commissioner Bailey moved that the minutes of the January 5, 1978 meeting be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. Commissioner White noted that on the January 19 meeting the word "any" should be deleted from page 4, Item 5, paragraph 2. Commissioner White also stated that any reference to Ray Sis should be "Dr:' Ray Sis. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that on Item No. 3, his fourth reason to deny should read, to insure the requested use of the property." Commissioner White moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. _Agenda Item No 3 -- A public hearing to obtain views of citizens on the develop- ment of the 1978 Community Development Block Grant Application. Community Development Planner Callaway explained the purpose of the public hearing, the present status of the program and the proposed use of the funds. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Sam Ford of Richards Street, asked why the projects for 1977 had been delayed. Acting. Chairman Mathewson explained that the funds had to be applied for well in advance of expenditure. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 Mr. Callaway also noted that the City would now be using consulting engineers and contractors on the projects and that this would greatly speed construction. Commissioner White asked how the consulting firms had been selected. Mr. Callaway stated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development had advised him to have the City Manager and. City Staff select the firms and request proposals fram them. This was done and the firms were approved by the City Council. Commissioner White suggested that, in the future, the consulting firms should be selected through the standard method of advertisement for bids. Mr. Ford suggested that after the street paving programs had been completed, some funds be used for housing rehabilitation. Mr. Callaway noted that some of the 1978 allocation would be used for housing re- habilitation programs. Rosetta Keaton, Clement Court, spoke in opposition to the use of funds to construct a bridge connecting Southland Street to Oney Hervey Drive. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Callaway noted that the Neighborhood Committee would be giving further consideration to the bridge on Southland Street. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of granting a conditional use permit for the construction and operation of a day-care facility to be,located on the northeast corner of Dominik Drive and Puryear Drive. The application is in the name of Mr. John M. Mounce. City Planner Mayo briefed the Commission on the request and noted that the owner of the adjacent duplex had called to state his opposition to the request. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed, Commissioner Bailey stated that he was concerned about the traffic generated by the facility at 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. He also asked Mr. Ash what the status of the Dominik-Kyle intersection was. Mr. Ash stated that the Capital Improvements Committee was now studying several solutions to the problem. The applicant stated that the capacity of the facility was 120 children. 4iairman Stover arrived at the meeting. Councilman Gardner asked if all 120 children would be at the facility at one time . The applicant stated that the majority of the children would arrive between the hoursof 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. Commissioner Burke stated that the facility would offer "all day" care and thus cause heavy traffic at 5:00 P.M. Commissioner Sweeney suggested that most of the persons dropping off and picking MINUTES, Flanning and Zoning Commission February 2, 1978 Page 3 up children would park on Dominik Drive creating the problem of children having to cross Dominik. Commissioner Bailey-moved that the permit not be granted due to the potential traffic congestion and hazards created by the facility. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke. Commissioner Sweeney stated that he felt a facility of this type was needed, but not in this location. The motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning all of Lot 1, Block 9 of the College Hills Estates Addition, located at the corner of Francis Street and Foster Street from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Duplex Residential District R-2. The application is in the name of Ms. Lorelei B. Brown. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mayo explained the request and showed the surrounding zoning and land use. Mrs. Charles Richardson, 1013 Foster, spoke in opposition to the request. She stated that granting this request would be contrary to the deed restrictions in College Hills. The following residents of the neighborhood spoke in opposition to the request: Mr. D. A. Anderson Mrs. C. A. Greer Shirley Cramer Annie Mae Hatchett Bill Hyman Mr. H. E. Hemphill The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Bailey stated that the request was spot zoning and that the feelings of the surrounding residents was clearly in opposition. Commissioner Burke moved that the Commission recommend denial of the request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and unanimously approved. Commissioner Mathewson moved that, in order to bring zoning into closer compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, the Commission consider rezoning the two R-6 tracts located to the north on Foster Street to a lower density residential zone. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Chairman Stover asked that the Land Use Subcommittee study this question. Agenda Item No 6 -- Consideration of granting a conditional use permit for the operation of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity in the existing structure at 418 College Main This item was tabled at the last meeting for nreuaration of a site plan. Mr. Mayo pointed out the curb line proposed by staff which would close the MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting February 2, 1978 existing drive. Page 4 Commissioner Mathewson suggested that the drive would be useful for trash pickup and delivery of supplies and equipment. Dr. Ray Sis stated that they didn't expect any large delivery trucks and that trash disposal would be in bags at the curb. Mr. Ash pointed out that no curb and gutter existed on Cherry Street in this area and that the fraternity could not be required to construct curb and.. gutter . He also noted that the surface of the parking area would have to be on "all weather" surface to be approved by his off ice. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the use permit be granted on the following conditions: 1. The existing driveway be closed. 2. The curb line as suggested by the staff be constructed. 3. The surfacing of the parking area comply with City standards. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney. Dr. Sis stated that the tree shown on the site plan might not be exactly where it was shown. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that his motion be amended to read: 2. The curb line with a suitable single entrance to the parking area be constructed. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner Sweeney. Commissioner White suggested that tike parking area be moved away from the property line of the adjacent lot to the east. Commissioner Mathewson amended his motion to read: 4. That the edge of the parking area be set back 5 feet from the property line of the adjacent lot to the east. The amendment was approved by Commissioner Sweeney. The amended motion was approved with Commissioner White abstaining. Agenda Item No 7 -- Consideration of a final plat - Sutton Place located west of and adjacent to the East Bypass, approximately 2000 feet south of Harvey Road. Mr. Mayo noted that Mr. Ash had determined that the Council could grant a variance to allow a rural type street in the City Limits. He also noted that it would not be necessary for the right-of-way of Scarlett O'Hara Drive to be on this plat. Mr. Ash pointed out that the street on the proposed plat would be built to City standards only without curb and gutter. Commissioner White moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and approved with Commissioner Bailey and Chairman Stover voting against and Commissioner Burke absent. Commissioner Burke stated that he did not .want to see rural section streets inside the City Limits. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission February 2, 1978 Page 5 Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a final plat resubdividing Lots 37A through 37J, Southwood Valley Section 6-B. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the lots had been platted 20 feet deeper as requested by the Commission. Commissioner Mathewson stated that the plat should state that the reserve area was commonly owned. Commissioner Mathewson also noted that the Commission had asked to see an agree- ment regarding the maintenance of the common property. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be tabled until an agreement on maintenance of the common property was prepared and presented to the Commission, and that the plat be changed to show the reserve tract as "commonly owned property", and that a note regarding the maintenance of the common property be placed on the plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideration of a final plat resubc1ividing Lots 55 and 56, Block 23, Southwood Valley Section 7-A. The plat was withdrawn by the applicant. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Consideration of a vreliminarv vlat - right-of-wav dedication for Manuel Drive and Cornell Street, located east of Texas Avenue approximately 500 feet south of Sterling Street. (Formerly known as the K.F.O. Addition) Mr. Mayo stated that the staff would prefer that the entire property be platted rather than the right-of-way only. Don Garrett, Project Engineer, stated that the developers wanted to do this so that they could proceed with the construction of the streets and utilities. He also stated that Mr. Kahan was now considering the construction of townhouses on the property. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that this plat was not a legal instrument, but that it was only a plat of a right-of-way. Councilman Gardner pointed out that the right-of-way of the Southwest Parkway extension to the east had also been platted, but had never been constructed. Chairman Stover suggested that the developer was taking a great risk by building a street before he decided what type of units he would build. Commissioner Mathewson moved to deny the plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Chairman Stover stated, that, in his opinion, a 60 foot right-of-way would almost dictate a single family or duplex development. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Discussion by Consultant on Developmental Ordinances Dave Pugh concerning planning activities. In the absence of Mr. Pugh, Commissioner Mathewson reviewed the recommendations on changes to the commercial sections of the Zoning Ordinance. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 February 2, 1978 The Commission discussed the recommendations and decided to read over the suggestions and discuss them at the next meeting. Agenda Item No. 12 -- Other business. Councilman Gardner asked why Item 9 had been taken off the agenda. Mr. Fitch stated that his engineer had submitted the plat before he had had a chance to look at it. Mr. Gardner asked Mr. Fitch what the purpose of the plat had been. Mr. Fitch stated that he intended to adjust some easements. Mr. Mayo explained a plan by Mr. Don Martell to construct a group of sorority houses in the Wildwood development located between Munson, Dominik, and University Oaks. Mr. Mayo suggested that the owners should replat the property and seek a conditional use permit at the same time. Mr. Mayo stated that Mr. Martell only wanted to find out the feelings of the Commission on the proposed project. Mr. Tim Keniepp presented a drawing of the first three proposed sorority houses. Mr. Martell stated that he might be able to locate as many as nine sorority houses on the site and planned to tie the development into the Woodstone and Sundance Apartment and shopping complex. Commissioner Mathewson asked whether the houses would be sold or leased. Mr. Martell stated that the houses would be both leased and sold. Councilman Gardner stated that he felt this was a good location for such a facility but suggested that the houses be oriented so that their fronts face the public streets rather than each other. Commissioner Etter pointed out that the area across Munson had just been platted for single family homes and suggested that the sorority houses along Munson should be designed so as to not adversly effect those homes. Mr. Martell stated that the units could be screened and landscaped so as not to impact the surrounding area. The Commission indicated to Mr. Martell that they were generally in favor of the project and advised him to proceed with replatting and conditional use applications. Agenda Item No. 12 -- Adjourn. Commissioner White moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. APPROVED Chairman ATTEST