HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/1978 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting August 17, 1978 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Mathewson, Watson, Etter, Jones, Burke; City Planner Mayo, Community Development Planner Callaway, Design Engineer Fees, Planning Assistant Longley; Acting Council Liaison Boughton MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner .Sweeney Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes - meeting of August 3, 1978. Commissioner Mathewson noted that the motion on Item No. 3 should include the statement that the two year period for the paving of the parking area should begin at the date of acceptance of the paving of Churchill Street. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning several lots ~, and tracts of-land in the Cooner and College Heights Subdivisions and adjacent areas. This action is initiated by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mayo went over the proposed rezoning. He pointed out that the existing zoning was not in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and that the street system would not handle the potential traffic generation of the existing zoning. Mr. Charles Gregory, owner of Block F, Lots 1-4; College Heights, stated that he had no real objection to the A-P zoning but would like for his property to be considered as a single piece of land rather than two. Chairman Stover advised Mr. Gregory that he could request that his property be replatted as one lot. Mr. Roy Hann, 1300 Walton, spoke in opposition. He presented drawings showing his proposed development of the lots he owned on Cooner Street. He stated that his plan would allow only two residents to live in each unit. Mr. Joe Templeton,. Houston, stated that he owned two lots on Cooner, now zoned R-2 and that he wanted to build four-plexes on these lots. He stated that the units would be only 250 to 300 square feet and allow only one resident per unit. Chairman Stover advised Mr. Templeton that this would require rezoning of his two lots and that he would have to request such a rezoning. The public hearing was closed. J MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission August 17, 197$ 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Commissioner Mathewson suggested that by zoning the entire Cooner area R-6, they could provide an area for the types of projects proposed by Mr. Hann and Mr. Templeton. Mr. Mayo stated that the zoning of an area should clearly show the allowed maximum use of the property and that the R-6 zone would lead purchasers to believe that there was no maximum on the units per acre they could build. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission recommend rezoning of the Cooner and related areas as shown on the proposed plan with the exception that the areas shown as R-4 be rezoned to R-5. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones. Chairman Stover suggested that this action would not solve the problem of the single lot owner trying to build 24 units per acre on his site. Commissioner Mathewson pointed out that such situations could be controled through the Site Plan Permit process. Commissioner Watson advised the Commission that he owned property within 200 feet of the area in question. He asked if any of the Commissioners would object to his voting on the question. None of the Commissioners objected. The motion was approved with Chairman Stover and Commissioner Burke voting against. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of granting a Site Plan Permit for the construction of a townhouse project to be located at the intersection of Anderson Street and Holleman Drive. The application is in the name of J.W. Wood. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mayo suggested that the rear access drives might be made wider than 12 feet to allow for two-way traffic. Mr. Wood stated that he would widen the drives to 14 feet. Commissioner Mathewson asked if Mr. Wood had considered using "Grasscrete" for the visitor parking areas instead of gravel. Mr. Wood stated that he was in the process of investigating this. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Site Plan Permit be granted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 --Reconsideration of a Landscape Parking Plan for a 711 store to be located at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Brentwood in the Parkway Plaza Addition. Mr. Mayo noted that the parking at the rear of the tenent space was still against the rear of the building and that a fire hydrant needed to be located near the front of the site. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 August 17, 1978 7:00 P.M. Mr. Howard Wisenbacker, architect spoke and answered the Commission's questions. Chairman Stover pointed out that the tenant space building was against the north property line and this would require that circulation around the building be on the adjacent lot. He also noted that the plan lacked several dimensions necessary for consideration. Inspection of the final plat showed that the 15 foot easement shown on the plan did not exist, Chairman Stover noted that there were four questions that needed to be answered: 1. The provision and location of a fire hydrant 2. The parking layout would not work due to -the fact that the easement did not exist. 3. The site distance at the intersection of Brentwood and Texas needed to be confirmed, 4. The plan needed to be properly dimensioned. Commissioner Burke moved that the item be tabled until these points could be worked out. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and unanimously approved.. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Reconsideration of a preliminary plat - Quail Run Estates Phase 2 located in the E.T.J: on Dowling Road. Mr. Jim Jett explained that the plat as approved by the Commission would require twice the land dedication for streets as opposed to the first plat. He noted that he was requiring, by deed restriction, a 100 foot setback along Dowling Road. He suggested that the size and depth of the lots would discourage backing out onto Dowling Road. Mr. Jett then explained that the County planned to build a road joining Dowling Road and F.M. 2818 near the intersection of Holleman Drive and F.M. 2818. Chairman Stover noted that this connection would be desirable, and would reduce the status of Dowling Road along the proposed plat from that of a collector to a local street. He asked that the County be sure to plan the extension of Dowling Road to match Holleman Drive at F.M. 2818. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat as first submitted (Proposal A) be approved and that the final plat show the ]00 foot setback along Dowling Road. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a Final Plat - Right-of-Way Dedication for F.M. 60 from the East Bypass to F.M. 15g. Mr. Mayo explained that the Highway Department had asked him to put the plat on the agenda so that they could proceed with plans and application for funding.. He explained that the proposed extension would serve the Wheeler Ridge Addition. Commissioner Mathewson stated that he opposed the plat because the developers of Wheeler Ridge had not provided any information about their development or its impact on College Station. Mr. Mayo stated that he had had no contact with the developers since their first MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission August 17, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 4 submission to the Commi.ssi.on and Council. Council Liaison Boughton that she thought the Council had .approved of the concept of the development and the extension of F.M. 60. Mr. Mayo advised the Commission that the Council had included the proposed extension on the revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission reviewed the original development plan for Wheeler Ridge. Commissioner Mathewson noted that no phasing was shown on the plan and that this would have a great deal to do with the impact of the project on College Station. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be denied due to the lack of information on Wheeler Ridge. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke. Mr. Mayo suggested. that he did not think the developer's plans had changed, and asked that the plat be tabled rather than denied. Commissioner Mathewson modified his motion to state that the plat be tabled until more information was received on Wheeler Ridge, its impact on College Station and the phasing of the project. Commissioner Burke accepted the modification. The motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Other business. There was no other business. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. APPROVED Chairman Attest Secretary