HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/20/1978 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting April 20, 1978 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Etter, Sweeney, Jones, Burke, Mathewson, Watson; City Council Liaison Hazen; City Planner Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Community Development Planner Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: None Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of Minutes, meeting of April 6, 1978. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. Mr. John Martin, 2703 Sandy Circle presented a petition asking that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to make all uses in C-N zones conditional and place them under the site review process. Commissioner Mathewson moved that a public hearing be held at the soonest possible meeting to consider an ordinance to do this. • The Chairman decided that a motion was not needed for this and directed the staff to prepare the necessary notices. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of granting a conditional use permit for thec onstruction of a church building to be located west of and adjacent to the East Bypass approximately 3500 feet north of the intersection of the East Bypass and Texas Avenue. The request is in the name of the Bretheren Church of Bryan-College Station. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the proposed project and explained the Project RAview Committee report. He suggested that additional parking space would be needed for the proposed futur addition. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the adjacent property owner to the north had called him to protest the request. She had stated that she felt the church would limit the possible development of her property. The public hearing was open. Mr. Bob Odstrcil, project engineer, spoke and explained that no buildings or proposed buildings would be near the objecting property owner. He added that a large amount of extra parking could be provided in the open area to the north of the proposed sanctuary. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Mathewson pointed out that the note about the flood elevation should be stamped and certified by a Registered Engineer. Mr. Odstrcil said thathe could take care of that. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the permit be granted on the condition that the flood elevation shown on the plan be certified by a Rgistered Engineer. MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission April 20, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 2 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of a landscape - parking plan for the La Quinta Motel to be located at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Live Oak Street. City Planner Mayo distributed a revised plan from La Quinta which attempted to meet some of the requirements of the P.R.C. He noted, however that two main areas of noncompliance still remained. These were, a) the eight foot planted setback along Live Oak Street had been reduced to four feet, all in City Right of Way, and b) all of the raised islands at the ends of parking rows were undersized by about one half the required plantable area. Mr. Henry Ortega, project architect, stated that due to the building system used by La Quinta, no other arrangement of buildings on the site was possible and that the narrow width of the site made it impossible to provide an eight foot strip along Live Oak and still meet the parking space requirement. He also noted that the Chauncy's Restaraunt had agreed to provide an extra dumpster location. Chairman Stover noted that in past cases where a deviation from the Landscape- Parking Ordinance had been requested, the lost landscaping had been made up elsewhere on the site, but that this was not the case with this project. He noted that the proposed plan would be a substantial deviation from the ordinance. Commissioner Mathewson stated that he felt the site was overfilled and that, allthough Live Oak was a minor street, the Commission should consider the precedent that might be set by approving the proposed plan. Commissioner Watson asked what this project would do to traffic on Live Oak. Chairman Stover suggested that Live Oak might become a small street in the center of a commercial area with La Quinta on one side and 707 on the other. Commissioner Mathewson noted that the green area provided by the proposed plan was far below the requirements of the ordinance and asked Mr. Ortega if there were some way he could reduce the number of units on the site. Mr. Ortega stated that this would not be possible. Chairman Stover asked if La Quinta had tried to aquire any of the adjacent property. Mr. Ortega stated that they were unable to aquire any additional property. Chairman Stover pointed out that the La Quinta would be using a system which would recycle their water three times before being discharged into the City sewer system. Mr. Ortega explained that the water would be used first for drinking and bathing, then for laundry and watering and finally for flushing toilets. Mr. Ortega asked that the Commission consider the La Quinta project on its own merits rather than consider the precedent it might set for futur projects. Chairman Stover suggested dropping some of the extra parking spaces and increasing the size of the planted islands. Commissioner Watson suggested the need for parking spaces was grater than the need for additional landscaping. MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission April 20, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 3 Commissioner Sweeney stated that he felt the project was simply too tight for the site and that the requirements of the ordinance had been disregarded to too great an extent. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the proposed plan be refused because of the number of units being too great for the site and the substantial noncompliance with the Landscape-Parking Safety Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and approved by the following vote: FOR: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Burke, Sweeney, Mathewson AGAINST: Commissioners Watson, Etter, Jones Agenda Item No. 5 -- Reconsideration of a request to rezone a 1.599 acre tract located at the intersection of Anderson and Holleman from Single Family Residential District _R-1 to Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3. The application being in the name of Mr. T GT Ginn ri Chairman Stover stated that Mr. Wood had advised that he would be out of the Country on the day of the meeting and had asked that the item be tabled. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the item be tabled. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Windcrest Addition. Mr. Mayo pointed out the revised plat which had been prepared by the developer. He explained the problems faced by the developer on the property at the end of Sterling Street. He advised that the City needed Crest Street for fire protection, garbage collection, etc. and that a strip of five feet had been removed from the street right-of-way and turned into a utility easement for the use of the City and creating 100 foot deep lots. Commissioner Mathewson noted that Manuel Drive would have to be completed befor any of the proposed development could be built. Mr. Ron Cruse stated that part of his contract to buy the property in question was that he install the 600 foot portion of Manuel Drive from TexasAvenue to the Windcrest Addition. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Parkway Plaza Phase 6. Mr. Mayo reviewed the past preliminary plats on the tract and the methods of access from Texas Avenue used on them. He suggested that if this plat were approved, the barriers between the parking lots should be removed so that persons could drive from store to store without having to get back onto Texas Avenue. James Conner Smith, developer, presented a proposed overall land use plan for the Parkway Plaza development. He pointed out that the building line had been set back to 60 feet to allow for higher speed exiting of traffic from Texas Avenue. • :7 MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission April 20, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 4 Chairman Stover asked City Engineer Ash what his opinion would be of each two lots sharing a driveway thus requiring only two entrances from Texas Avenue. Mr. Ash stated that this was not a policy of the City but that it would not pose a problem. He suggested that the drives be 40 feet wide with 20 feet on each lot. Mr. Smith stated that he would not object to this solution. Mr. Ash noted that if one of the middle lots were sold it could not deny it a curb cut onto Texas Avenue. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that the plat state that the drives would be shared by Lots 1 & 2 and 3 & 4. Mr. Ash stated that this would not help him. Mr. Smith suggested that he could take care of the situation in his negotiations with prospective buyers and through deed restrictions. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the plat be approved with the stipulation that curb openings would be shared by Lots 1 & 2 and 3 & 4. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson. Mr. Smith stated that he would include the deed restrictions with the final plat and would try to comply with the requirement. Commissioner Sweeney asked that it be made clear that approval of the preliminary plat did not, in this case, imply approval of the final. The motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat Southwood Valley Section 11 Mr. Fitch explained that he hoped an elementary school would be built on this site, but that if it were not, they would want to replat it for residential development. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideration of a landscape-parking plan for Tinsley Square Commissioner Mathewson noted that the plan should show the note stating that,if possible,acces to the site would be taken from a road on Don Dale's property and the curb opening on TexasAvenue would be modified. He also suggested that the site plan show the opening from Tinsley's to Don Dale's property. Bill Kling, project engineer, stated that the note would be added to the plat. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plan be approved with the stipulation that the required note be placed on the plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Discussion of allowing car washes in apartment pro iects for use of tenents only. MINUTES Page 5 Regular Plannang and Zoning Commission April 20, 1978 7:00 P:M. Mr. Mayo explained the question. It was the opinion of the Commission that if the problem limiting the use of the car wash to tenents only, there would be no problem. Mr. Mayo noted that,in most cases, the car washes would be no more that one or two bays in size. The Commission also noted that these car washes should be included in all conditional use requests, and that all car washes in existing projects would have to be conditionaly permitted. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Other business. Mr. Mayo advised the Commission that he had been asked by the owners of Ceminos and Woodway Mobile Home Parks about the possibility of adding to their parks. He noted that the Commission might want to require that the existing parks be brought up to meet the Mobile Home Park Ordinance before any additional re- zoning and enlargement were considered. Commissioner Mathewson noted that a large portion of any addition to one of the parks would be in "the flood zone. Chairman Stover noted that there would be considerable opposition to the en- largement of Cemino's. A straw vote of the Commission indicated that the Commission would oppose any rezoning for mobile homes in the flood plain and would be in opposition of rezoning for the other park if considerable citizen opposition was raised. The Commission discussed the petition to require all uses in C-N zones to be conditional. n~ The Land Use Subcommittee was established as follows: Commissioners Jones, Etter, Watson. The Transportation Subcommittee was established as follows: Commissioners Mathewson, Burke, Sweeney. enda Item No. 12 -- Adiourn. Commissioner Burke moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. APPROVED Chairman Attest Secretary s' ~ o .a- ~~ City Council City of College Station College Station, Texas 77840 We the: undersigned respectfully submit the following petituon for consideration by the Council: . _,1, The C-N classification pf the zoning ordinance is appropriately .. _ .. , intended to .provide residential neighborhoods with restricted convenience good's and`persanaT'service businesses, without j eopard zu ng. the health,; rrel fare,. safetyc and morals of those neighborhoods. 2. We recognuze further that the C-N classifica ion is untended to provide restricted convenience goods and personal service busi- nesses to all resudential classifications. Considering the • sensitivity of residential neighborhoods to the presence of non-residential land uses, we request that .all C-N permitted uses be transferred to condituonal ases permutted classificatuon. 3. Furthermore and in lught of .the above, we request that the Cou~cil,~ a unstruct the City's Planner and the Building Officual to send site plans for proposed C-N developments to the Planning and Zonung Commission for site planning review and approval. jv are ~. c. s. C~ ~ +, ~~, Z~~ g SrxK~-y C~rc fe C~ l~~G,Q ,S.~., ~'o~H~ ~f -- 2 --."~ $ J , d 4~ . ~: r:~' 2 7 3 z ~ai H d C~i r c / e ~.o II~~ e _S,~aH~'~a`y, ~i' -/.z -. ~~. ,~ r /~ ti.~ ~ f ~, _-_ ...f... 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