HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/03/1977 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting November 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Bailey, Etter, White, Burke; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Community Development Planner Callaway; Planning Assistant Longley; City Attorney Lewis MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Mathewson, Sweeney; Council Liaison Gardner Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meeting of October 20, 1977. Commissioner White pointed out that on Page 2, Paragraph 7, the first word of point one should be "decide" rather than divide. Commissioner Bailey moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Commisioner White and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 21 and 22 of the Meadowland Addition and two adjacent and unplatted tracts located north of the end of Meadowland Street and on the corner of the intersection of two unnamed streets on Texas A&M University property from General Commercial District C-1, and Apartment Building District R-6 to General Commercial District C-1. 410 The application being in the name of Burtex Constructors, Corpus Christi, Texas. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the property and the proposed use. Mr. Mayo cited the following problems: 1. The University owned the street to the north of the property thus requiring the approval of curb cuts by the University. 2. If access was denied by the University, the owners would demand access to a 30 foot strip of property between Schlotzsky's and the miniature golf course. Mr. Brad Crane, sales manager for Jacob Beal Realty, spoke in favor of the rezoning. He presented a survey of the property and a proposed site plan. Mr. Joe Ferreri stated that he owned several of the rent houses adjacent to this property and that he feared this rezoning would make his property hard to rent. Mr. Gus Ellis, owner of Schlotzsky's stated that he would be opposed to the project if the curb cut on Texas was required. Mr. Bill Lafferty, representing U-Haul of Texas, stated that the proposed project would not reduce property values. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner White suggested that any action at this time would be premature A PFP- MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 November 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. due to the question of access to the site. Mr. Etter stated that he was concerned about the project being located across the street from student housing and Hensel Park. Commissioner Burke moved that the item be tabled until the question of access could be answered. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.61 acre tract located adjacent to and east of the East Bypass and directly across from the Ponderosa Motel from Agricultural Open District A-0 to General Commercial District C-1. The application being in the name of Mrs. Marjorie Eimann, 1015 Winding Road, College Station, Texas. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the tract and the proposed use. No one spoke for or against the request. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Burke moved that the Commission recommend denial of the requested rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The site is too small for the proposed use. 2. The access would be difficult to handle at this intersection. 3. This would be a "spot zoning". 4. There was no one present to speak for or explain the proposed project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a landscape-parking plan for the C&C Office Park located on Puryear Drive in Culpepper Plaza, Phase II. Commissioner White pointed out that the truf areas shown along the parking islands would be destroyed by people getting out of cars and walking on it. Mr. White suggested that these strips be paved or concreted. Mr. White also noted that the sidewalk along the front of the building was too narrow to allow pedestrian passage when cars were parked to the curb. Mr. Ron Cruse and his project architect discussed these problems with the Commission. Mr. Cruse objected to being required to install a fire hydrant in a developed subdivision. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the property was developed under the previous ordinance concerning fire hydrants and this project would require an additional hydrant under the current ordinance. Pr- MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 November 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Etter moved that the site plan be approved as shown on the plan on file in Mr. Mayo's office. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and approved with Commissioner White abstaining. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Carter Lake Cloisters located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction on the south side of Carter's Lake. City Planner Mayo pointed out that, since he was a property owner in the Carter Lake Addition, he would stay out of the discussion of this item as much as possible. Mr. Mayo pointed out that a legal question existed concerning the ownership of the access to this proposed addition. He also noted that Wellborn Water Supply, Inc. had stated that no more water meters would be available on their system, thus making it difficult for the proposed addition to get water. City Attorney Lewis spoke to the legal question of access and county acceptance of the roads or right-of-ways involved. The attorney representing the subdivider spoke to attempt to answer some of the question raised in previous discussion. Mr. McGee, the developer, stated that he had three water meters from Wellborn Water and planned to dig a deep well to serve the other seven lots. 4110 Mr. Thorp, Carter Lake, spoke in opposition to the plat because of the increased traffic it would cause on Carter Lake Drive. Mr. John Heyde, 1209 Winding Road, and property owner in Carter Lake, stated that the plat of Carter Lake indicated that the property owners had purchased an interest in the 30 foot access easement. He also noted that the Subdivision Ordinance requires a 70 foot right-of-way in the E.T.J. and only a 60 foot right-of-way was shown on the plat. Mr. John Griffths stated that he owned property to the east of the proposed development and that the proposed road was his only access to this property. City Attorney Lewis stated that the Commission would be best advised to let the property owners in Carter Lake settle the legal questions through negotiation or civil action with the developer. Commissioner Bailey moved that the item be tabled until the questions of water supply and county acceptance of roads could be answered. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat -- Easterwood Park located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction on F.M. 60, west of F.M. 2818. Mr. Mayo stated four main problems with the proposed plat: 1. The lots were too small for commercial or industrial uses. 2. The 60 foot right-of-way was too small for the type of traffic which might be generated. r _ MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 4 November 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. 3. There is no water or sewer service to the property. 411/ 4. A short cul-de-sac street off of a major highway was a poor design. Mr. Carl Dalstrom, the developer spoke to these points: 1. The property was to be used for very small offices. 2. There would not be any truck or heavy traffic. 3. He planned to drill a well and have a septic system. 4. The ownership of adjacent tracts forced him to design a short cul-de-sac. Chairman Stover suggested that the property might be better developed by building one structure for offices and having one parking area to serve this building rather than the cul-de-sac concept. Commissioner Burke moved that the plat be denied for the following reasons: 1. A short cul-de-sac off of an arterial street caused a traffic hazard. 2. The lots were too small for commercial use. 3. The lots were too small to allow for a suitable septic system. 411/ The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of parking requirements for an automobile dealership. Mr. Mayo explained that the question concerned the Mazda, Volkswagen dealership at the corner of Texas and Holleman. Mr. J. W. Wood presented a site plan and explained that cars now displayed along Texas Avenue would be moved to the parking area for the addition and the area in front would be used for customer and employee parking. After some discussion, the Commission determined that the eight service bays would require 4 spaces each, with the bay to count as one space, and that 20 spaces should be required for customers and employees for a total of 52 spaces. Commissioner Bailey moved to recommend 4 spaces per service bay including the bay as one space plus 10 spaces for customers and 10 spaces for employees for a total of 52 spaces. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Other business. Commissioner Bailey asked what the status of the joint drive between Homefinder 1111 Realty and Sambo's was. Mr. Mayo stated that the attorneys for the two subjects were still working to reach an agreement. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Adjourn. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 5 November 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Bailey moved that the meeting be adjourned. 410 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. APPROVED Chairman ATTEST Secretary � A Objections Against Rezoning Change Voiced at 3 November 1977 P & Z Meeting 1 . Mr. Gus Ellis, owner of property at intersection Hwy. 6 and Avenue D. Mr. Ellis does not want curb cuts from subject property onto Hwy. 6 because it is contiguous to Schlotzsky's and this could interfere with that or subsequent businesses. RESPONSE: Mr. Ellis contacted Jacob Beal Realty and attempted to purchase the 37 foot strip from Hwy.6 to the rear of his property, a distance of 200 feet. 2. Mr. Joe Ferreri , owner of lots 6,8,9, and 11 on Meadowland against the zoning charge because of inordinate amount of traffic to be generated • by the new business. Mr. Ferreri also said he may later (date unspecified) decide to build apartments on his property. RESPONSE: Mr. Ferreri now pays yearly on the four lots and improvements thereon $55.12 in City taxes and $290.74 in School taxes. U-Haul can pay between $24,960 and $31 ,200 yearly in City and School taxes depending whether the new structure will cost $600,000 or $750,000. These figures do not include land valuation and will vary according to appraisal of the property. U-Haul will comply with all zoning ordinances and building specifications. U-Haul will maintain a minimum 3-man work crew 24 hours daily.