HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1977 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING February 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. 4110 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mathewson; Commissioners Stover, Bailey, Etter; City Planner Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Community Development Planner Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners White, Sweeney, Burke VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register Agenda Item No. 1. Approval of Minutes -- meeting of Jnuary 20, 1977. Chairamn Mathewson pointed out that on page 3, Item No. 7, paragraph 12, the word "dropped" had been misspelled. Commissioner Bailey moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No.2. Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3. Consideration of a Final Plat - Parkway Plaza, Section 4. City Planner Mayo pointed out that the changes recommended by the Commission in 41/1 consideration of the preliminary plat had been made. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend approval of the Final Plat. The motion was seconddd by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4. Consideration of a Final Plat - Parkway Plaza, Section 5. City Planner Mayo pointed out that the changes recommended by the Commission in consideration of the preliminary plat had been made. Commissioner Bailey moved that the Commission recommend approval of the Final Plat with the provision that the word "permitted" be deleted from the note on access limitations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5. Consideration of a Preliminary Plat - Bee Cove Addition. City Planner Mayo explained the proposed plat and the situation of the pre- viosly approved but unfiled final plat on the subject property. Mr. J.W. Wood, developer of the property, spoke in favor of the proposed plat and attempted to answer questions of the Commissioners and members of the pub- ./ lic. Several citizens living in proximity to the property in question spoke in op- position to the proposed plat. AA MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting page 2 February 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. The objections of the citizens centered on three basic points: 1. The inadequacy of Thomas Street to handle the increased traffic. 2. The increased runoff and increased possibility of flooding due to development. 3. The smaller lot sizes and smaller square footages of homes in the pro- posed development. Discussions returned to the Commission. Commissioner Stover pointed out that the flood hazard zone adversely effected several lots on the proposed plat. Mr. Wood stated that he was having the correct location of the flood hazard zone surveyed and that the effect of the flood zone would not be as severe as indicated on the preliminary plat. Commissioner Stover suggested the following points: 1. The proposed development would not fit in well with the surrounding neigh- borhood of larger, established lots and homes. 2. Property suitable for smaller lots and homes now exists in areas where such development would not effect surrounding neighborhoods. 3. Developers who hold property without building on it take the chance of development trends changing to their detriment. Commissioner Stover moved that the preliminary plat be denied. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6. Consideration of proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Mayo explained for the audience the history of the Comprehensive Plan and proposed changes to it. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Sterlin Moore of Gilchrist Street suggested that no development be all- owed in the flood zones. Mr. Phillip Noe of Gunsmith Street requested that a park be established on the "Holik" tract between Welch Blvd. ,and Caudill Street. Mr. Henry of Caudill Street also requested that a park be established on this tract. The Commission discussed the proposill to extend the city limit to the east of ppr---- - MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 .1111 February 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. the East Bypass. Mr. Micheal Murphy stated that he felt it would be a good idea to extend the city limit in this direction in order to gain control over development in this area. Mr. Murphy suggested that the city limit not be extended beyond the flood zone limit of Carter Creek. Mr. J.W. Wood spoke in favor of the proposed extension of the city limit. Mr. Wood stated that this area would be more easily developed than any pro- perty in the existing,: city. Mr. Wood suggested the possibility of the City purchasing the flood hazard area for use as open space and parks over a period of years. Mr. Henry of Caudill Street stated that she was in favor of the citizens contributing funds for the purchase of parkland. Mr. Carrol Messer questioned the location of the park indicated on Unversity Drive near the East Bypass. Mr. Mayo stated that this was only an indication of need for a park in this area and not to be interpreted as a specific location. The public hearing was closed. Chairman Mathewson pointed out that another public hearing on revisions to the Comprehensive Plan would be held at the meeting of the Commission ID on Thursday, February 17, 1977. The Chairman invited all intrested citi- zens to attend and offer their input before the plan was submitted to the City Council. Agenda Item No. 7. Other business A citizen residing on Guadelupe Drive requested that steps be taken to alleviate an erosion problem created in his back yard due to Bee Creek. Chairman Mathewson reffered the citizen to the City Engineer's office. Agenda Item No. 8. Adjourn Commissioner Bailey moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned APPROVED Chairman ATTEST 111, Secretary A 81. 806 Thomas Lane WM. G. (BREEZY) BREAZEALE College Station, Texas 77840 3 February 1977. TO: Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission City of College Station College Station, Texas. . .778L0 This is to identify the speaker and owner of the home on 806 Thomas, College Station, Lot # four (4), in Block three (3), in SOUTHEAST COLLECT PARK, 7e built our home, on the above described lot, in late 1955. I have been a resident of this city since Nov. 1945. I have been associated with the area since September 1931. Vie are very much opposed to any change in the zoning of the property just East and North of SOUTHEZST COLLEGE PARK. Rezoning of the property, East & North, of our home will disappoint many people in the area, however, we will feel 4111 the requested change more than any other property owner. I'll try to e)(plain. Thanks Very Much. Respectfully Yours Wm G Breazeale February 3, 1977 • I am Garland Cannon. My family and I live at 805 Hawthorn, directly opposite the proposed development and the ones to be most directly affected. We protest the proposal for three reasons, which we and my neighbors share, some of whom are presenting their own objections tonight: I. When we bought our home eleven years ago, our criterion was that it be in a settled area of one-family dwellings of good value where there is little auto- mobile traffic. Our lot has a front footage of 170 feet. We purchased with the normal expectation that any new houses constructed in the area must have commensurate front footage and value. 2. Present sewers for the area are inadequate, resulting in back-up flooding of our carpet after the frequent big rains. Presuming that developers construct homes of equivalent value and front footage in our area, they must also be re- quired to enlarge the present sewer capacity while adding the capacity needed for the additional dwellings. 3. Thomas is a narrow street in our area, already inadequate for present vehicular traffic. Even if only a street is cut through to connect Thomas and Holliman, with no feeder streets, the traffic will greatly increase. Moreover, after every rain, water floods down Thomas, across our lawn, and washes large holes in the road, making it virtually impassable. The present tube under Thomas is so small that it acts as a dam for the floods that pour down the creek after every rain. Five times the back-up has completely covered my back lawn • and risen to within inches of flooding my home, also flooding my neighbors' land. In line with the long-agreed city projection, tubing of adequate size for the creek under Thomas must be installed at no cost to us; and the developer must be required to widen and pave Thomas in our area all the way to Pershing, including installing all curbs and gutters at their expense. In summary, my neighborhood objects to the rezoning of the area for lower-cost houses with about fifty-foot frontage, as has been reported to us through telephone calls from Dr. Larry Ringer and others. I ask the Committee to block the developer from proceeding in that manner. I request that this written objection be made part of the official record of the meeting tonight . Finally, once everyone has had an opportunity to speak on this subject tonight, I request that an informal show of hands be asked for as an indication of the audience 's sentiments, in line with the procedure usually followed at town meetings. Respectfully submitted, Garland Cannon y GUEST REGISTER PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING February 3, 1977 Please sign below: ill, 1. IN\r `.'- 's� U 19. 1/2141* ,.1 LA-(72.-yLlicH,e 2. le/ "/ ' i' l/-17/ . 20. �1� �� ,�, �a�'g ckii."kovJ 3' 46k, .,_`e-k �JY�JY ,—A-AN 21. L / 9( a 7-'1v. .A C7r 4. j L F 6:e.ciV.7ty\_ 22. Cl)1,,2^l5___-` As*e\ 5. Viy1, 6, -rne__Ctirttoi / �;y'',r�'-� 23. �! 6./4 71 i42l ,/KZ • 24. 110 • `4 1NAA - W • Z. • rat&c..k 2-ia41.1 ,17.. /e /get_g6_0 7. 25. 4,44)---elh'.104- ii 8. iti 26. ii r n (CIC lc. , (7 I 11,• 9 A 27. ,4)0VPL- egg? 10. 28 . gi.,_:_, ,05;,/ 11. 5 a!!;y29. AidA4fiNL - U , 12. CSC. Qm 30. 5//zeTi 13. .7(-e 31. 7)441.4' `r ,yvDN 'i 11. , JO , 14. 7/ r 32. U V t/ .._ (' / 15. 1(,0/ ' 4110'-/ 3 3. '� �Yf - t �//`�,�"�`y Do "vim / f 16. 444 34. d '/ gq-P-02e=4.1 / , 17. Vll Mqs 35. -( L. 18. AtAL..„,01441/4436. 69, ,t, ee_c___0(.440.._ex,t4,,, 6,---, clef ,g42..e.e_a_.c..,,