HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1977 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting February 17, 1977 7:00 P.M. 101 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mathewson; Commissioners Burke, Etter, Bailey, Stover, Sweeney, White; Council Liaison Gardner; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Graduate Design Engineer 'Fees; Community Development Planner Callaway; Planning Assistant Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: None VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of the meeting of February 3, 1977. Commissioner White pointed out the followingcorrections: Page 2, Paragraph 3 should read, "The increased runoff and increased possibility of flooding. . . ." Page 2, Item 6, Paragraph 1, the word audience had been misspelled Page 3, Paragraph 5, should read, "Mrs. Henry of Caudill Street. . . ." Commissioner White moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. ': The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consideration of proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Mathewson outlined the history of the proposed revisions to the Plan. He pointed out that the revisions were a combination of the efforts of the Commission's Land Use and Transportation Subcommittees, the City Staff and Councilman Gardner's Graduate Planning class. City Planner Mayo described the proposed revisions and how they differed from the existing Comprehensive Plan. The meeting was opened for public discussion. Mr. Edsel Jones asked why his property located at the intersection of Wellborn Road and the West Bypass, and currently zoned R-3 and C-1 was shown as low density residential on the proposed plan. Mr. Mayo pointed out that it would be difficult to access from this property to the highway due to the fact that it was located on the curve 411, of a high speed exit ramp. Mr. Mayo also pointed out that there was adequate zoned, but undeveloped C-1 property in this area at the present time. Mr. Michael Murphy suggested that bicycle and pedestrian paths be shown on the transportation plan. �_ J MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 February 17, 1977 7:00 P.M. 1110 Commissioner Stover pointed out that it should be understood that streets shown as arterials or major collectors on the plan would include bicycle and pedestrian facilities as an intergal part of their cross sections. Councilman Gardner made the following suggestions estions and observations: 1. That a large portion of the area indicated as industrial at F.M. 60 and F.M. 2818 be shown as permanent open space. 2. That the indication of annexing area to the east of the East Bypass was premature. 3. Councilman Gardner questioned the relevance of indicating proposed parks on this plan. 4. Mr. Gardner questioned the need for the indicated connection of F.M, 2818 to the East Bypass and on to the proposed County Road. Commissioner Stover pointed out that very little of the traffic approaching the City from the east was through traffic. Mr. Stover suggested that the proposed connection of the county road to F.M. 2818 and the East Bypass would allow incoming traffic to filter into the City from a variety of streets rather than all being placed in Texas Avenue. Councilman Gardner spoke to his opposition to annexation of property east of the East Bypass. Mr. Gardner presented an existing land use map. Mr. Gardner suggested that there was adequate undeveloped property within the existing city limit. Commission Stover stated that he was presently in favor of the proposed annexation for the following reasons: 1. Annexation would require future development in the area to conform to City standards. 2. Annexation would protect arterial street linkages to the south and east. 3. The committment on the part of the City to provide utilities to developments in this area. Commissioner Burke stated that she felt the plan should show a long range conceptual plan for the area east of the East Bypass. The Commission discussed the area west of Wellborn Road and south of the intersection of Wellborn Road and F.M. 2818. The Commission determined that the proper land use for this area would be either low density residential or industrial. Commissioner Stover suggested the following changes to the proposed revisions: 4110 Transportation Plan 1. That the collector street paralleling the East Bypass between the extension of Southwest Parkway and F.M. 2818 be eliminated. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 .191 February 17, 1977 7:00 P.M. 2. That the intersection of Shenandoah Drive with F.M. 2818 be shifted to the west by a few hundred feet. 1111 3. That Francis Street not be extended to the Bypass. Land Use Plan 1. That the areas east of the East Bypass be shown for future rather than immediate development. 1 2. That the proposed industrial area at F.M. 60 and F.M. 2818 be redesignated as residential or light industrial. 3. That the plan incorporate the sewerable area west of Wellborn Road south of the city limit and be indicated as light industrial or low density residential. 4. The the park on University Drive be indicated on the other side of University Drive. 5. That indications of future parks be less definite as to location. Commissioner Stover moved that a descriptive text be prepared and that this text along with maps incorporating the above changes be considered, without a public hearing, at the next regular meeting and that the recommendaitons resulting from this meeting be sent to City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 30 acre tract being a portion of the Brentwood Addition from Duplex Residential District R-2 to Single Family Residential District R-1. The action is initiated by the Commission. City Planner Mayo showed the location of the rezoning. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend that the property north of Brentwood Drive and bounded on the west by Brentwood Section II and on the east by Dartmouth Avenue be rezoned from R-2 to R-1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a Final Plat - Brentwood Section III. Commissioner Burke moved that the Commission recommend approval of the final plat pending approval of the zone change and under the condition that a note be placed on the plat that no access to Brentwood Drive be allowed from Lots 1 and 16. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unaimously approved. 4110 Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a Final Plat - Raintree Section I. Commissioner Stover asked about the legal status of the annexation of the Raintree property. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 4 February 17, 1977 7:00 P.M. Mr. Ed Schultz, developer of the property, stated that he had discussed the situation with Mayor Bravenec, City Manager Bardell, and the City Attorney and that, in their opinion, the property should be considered annexed. Chairman Mathewson pointed out that the plat could be considered whether the property was legally annexed or not. Chairman Mathewson suggested that Appomattox Drive be located further to the east. Mr. Mayo pointed out that in meetings with Mr. Schultz and his engineer it had been concluded that topographic restriants prevented the location of Appomattox further to the east. Commissioner White questioned the use of the property immediately adjacent to the East Bypass. Mr. Schultz stated that he planned to use the property either for neigh- borhood commercial or single family "cluster" type development. The Commission discussed the advisability of platting lots to front on Appomattox Drive. Commissioner Sweeney moved to recommend approval of the plat with the provision that no direct access be allowed onto Raintree Drive. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and approved with Commissioners Burke and Stover voting against. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a Preliminary Plat - Dexter Place Mr. Mayo pointed out the provision of the Subdivision Regulations giving the City one year in which to purchase property indicated for parkland by the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Mayo also spoke to the possible confusion created by the intersection of Winding Road. Holleman Drive and the proposed Tangent Street. Commissioner Stover suggested that the intersection of Holleman Drive and Winding Road to the east of this project be eliminated. Following a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Stover made the following motion: To recommend approval with the following stipulations: 1. That the proposed extension of Dexter Street be terminated with a cul-de-sac on the south end. 2. That a bicycle and pedestrian path be provided to connect the existing Dexter Street with the proposed cul-de-sac. 410 3. That the proposed extension of Haines Street be stubed out for a future connection with Welch. 4. That the right-of-way for Dexter Street be reduced to 50 feet. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 February 17, 1977 7:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a Final Plat - Woodway Village 1111 Section I. The Commission discussed the problems of access which still existed to the proposed development. Commissioner Stover pointed out that the site plan for the project would still have to go before the Project Review Committee for a Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Bailey moved that the Commission recommend approval of the Final Plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and approved with Commissioner Burke voting against. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideraton of a Final Plat resubdividing Lots 1&2, Block 1 of the Breezy Heights Addition. Dr. Luther Jones, a resident of Hereford Street presented a petition signed by residents of the neighborhood requesting that the property be platted into larger lots than shown on the proposed plat and providing for 3 lots I to be platted on Hereford Street and 4 lots on Welch. Commissioner Burke moved that the plat be tabled until the next meeting to give the Commissioners an opportunity to see the site. SIThe motion was seconded by Commissioner Stover and approved with Commissioner Bailey abstaining. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Other business. Commissioner Bailey moved that the Commission recommend that the name of I Welch (Welsh) Street be made consistent. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and approved unanimously. Mr. Mayo, at the request of Director of Public Works Ford, asked the Commissions opinion of rezoning the tract adjoining the electrical sub- station tract on Harvey Road to R-3. The Commission advised that R-6 or R-7 would be more advisable. The Commission discussed methods for shortening their meetings. Mr. Mayo asked for clarification from the Commission on two points in the recently approved Landscaping and Parking Lot ordinance. 1. Should the ordinance apply to apartment projects built in C-1 and C-N zones? 2. Should approval of the parking area plan require a public ill, hearing? The Commission determined that the ordinance should not apply to apartment projects in C-1 and C-N zones and that approval of the plan should not require a public hearing. k _Ail MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 February 17, 1977 7:00 P.M. The Commission set the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 3:00 P.M. for workshop sessions. The Commission advised that no certificate of occupancy be granted for the flower shop adjacent to Sambos Cafe until a replat had been filed granting an access easement to Homefinder Realty. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Stover moved that the meeting be adjourned. The mtoion was seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved. APPROVED Chairman ATTEST Secretary S REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING —11 February 17, 1977 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 1. -,7)7//)/ pia`1 19. '`Z K- 2. HQvii, 20. W.42-?.0-aA‘) 3. 1/4s"v'v"'`0,,,,, 21. A -Q-a--, ( ) N'''""---'2--- E,_ :jvi:4 4. OW 22. 5. 23. /2 s - 6. 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