HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/1977 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting April 7, 1977 7:00 P.M. • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mathewson; Commissioners Stover, Bailey, White, Burke; Council Liaison Gardner; City Planner Mayo, Community Development Planner Callaway; Graduate Design Engineer Fees; Planning Assistant Long ley MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Etter, Sweeney VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meeting of March 17, 1977. Commissioner Stover pointed out that in Agenda Item No. 8, page 3, Mr. Chuck Magnussen's name had been misspelled. Commissioner Stover moved and Commissioner White seconded that the minutes be approved as written. The motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. 1111 No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of the Peppertree Apartments located on the east side of Longmire Drive and approximately 600 feet north of the intersection of Longmire Drive and Deacon Drive. Mr. Mayo briefed the Commission on the deliberations of the P.R.C. Commissioner Stover questioned the advisability of allowing the drive through the complex to continue on to Texas Avenue. Mr. W. D. Fitch spoke to explain this and answer other questions of the Commission. Commissioner Stover suggested that access to Texas Avenue be limited to right turn only onto Texas. Mr. Fitch stated that he would be agreeable to this, but that final approval would be up to the Texas Highway Department. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commission Stover moved to grant the Use Permit with the understanding that the access point on Texas Avenue be designed for right turns only onto Texas. MINUTES, Regular Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 April 7, 1977 7:00 P.M. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. 1111 Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 1&2, Block 1; Lots 1,2,16&17, Block 2; and Lots 1&2, Block 3 of the Oakwood Addition. Rezone from Apartment Building District R-3 to Single Family Residential District R-1. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Rodney Hill of 119 Lee Street read a statement in support of the rezoning in behalf of the residents in the area. Mr. Mike Murphy, 305 Pershing, spoke in favor of the rezoning. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover moved to recommend the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- A public hearing on a Conditional Use Permit application from the College Station Baptist Chapel for the construction of a church building on their property at 2555 South Texas Avenue. Mr. Ken Griffeth presented the chruch's proposed building plans. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Gerald Ferrar, owner of adjacent property,spoke in opposition to the use permit. Mr. Ferrar suggested that the church would adversly effect his commerical property. Mr. Griffeth pointed out that the church had purchased their property before Mr. Ferrar had purchased any property in the area. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover moved that the use permit be granted with the following stipulations: 1. That the parking lot be paved. 2. That access to Texas Avenue be limited to one point. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a Preliminary Plat - University Park East located on the southeast corner of the intersection of University Drive and Tarrow Street. Mr. Jerry Bishop, engineer for the project, presented a proposed site plan. Commissioner Stover suggested that the plat be sent back to the engineer in order to work out better access to the entire tract. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a development proposal by Mr. J. W. Wood for the property located between Holleman Drive, Winding Road and Thomas Street, formerly known as Woodson Village, Fifth Installment. (Previously submitted as Bee Cove Addition.) 411MINUTES, Regular Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 April 7, 1977 7:00 P.M. Mr. Wood presented his proposed P.U.D. plans. SMr. Garland Cannon of 803 Hawthorn spoke in opposition to the proposed project and presented a petition in opposition signed by residents of the area. Several other residents spoke against the proposed project. Mr. Wood stated that he understood the concern of the residents of the area and would give their statements consideration before continuing with the project. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of proper parking requirement for an "auto repair shop", Mr. Mayo explained the need for a definition of this requirement. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Stover moved to recommend requiring one space per 100 square feet of service area for auto repair and that each service bay would count as one parking space. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Discussion of revisions to residential density classifications, Mr. Mayo outlined the recommendations of the Land Use Subcommittee. 410 Commissioner Burke moved to accept the recommendations of the Subcommittee and hold a public hearing to change the ordinance as recommended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stover and unaniously approved. The Commission determined not to consider a rural subdivision zone at this time. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Other business. Mr. George Boyett requested that the Commission consider a proposal by him to build a small apartment and commercial project on a piece of property at Boyett and Patricia Streets. Mr. Boyett requested that the requirement for a P.R.C. meeting be waived. Chairman Mathewson pointed out that the ordinance would not allow this as a public hearing was required for granting of the use permit. The following Commissioners were appointed to serve with a group of Councilmen to study the Flood Hazard Ordinance: Chairman Mathewson Commissioner White IiIP Commissioner Sweeney Chairman Mathewson advised the Commission that a local real estate agent had asked that he get the feelings of the Commission concerning the location of a K.O.A. on a tract near Mile Drive and the East Bypass. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting Page 4 April 7, 1977 7:00 P.M. The Commission recommended that Chairman Mathewson advise the agent that his 411 client should look for another site. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Stover moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED Chairman ATTEST Secretary S f • College Station, Texas April 7, 1977 To the Planning and Zoning Commission City of College Station Gentlemen: We the undersigned property-owners in the general Thomas-Holleman area are about to make our third trip to a meeting of your Commission to present our view that any new construction in the presently undeveloped 71-acre tract between those two streets should be commensurate in space, front-footage, and quality of construction with the long-existing houses in the area. We want to be on record as opposing any construction which would alter the character of our neighborhood, and in the future we ask that you inform us in advance, of any potential item on your agenda which involves this undeveloped property. Thank you for your consideration. \S Respectfully yours, • N , \AI . \\\ a,u polo N VA �w~ V �1 f f ,a� 1203)r - /) r- ut-visCL) 1 °I 2-- wt,,,cc„- 4) 17 L 1...... ,,6441.p.A.Q) 0 - e---24)40.. /0,e-e-47rL�� � �° ?o3 uF 5LiDc $i . / w,, \-4_,,,,, rl , ,,„,-, t...kiiik.„4„,....,, , .4..„...,:„...„ ,p ,,,,,,46( _ „, .. (u. CSC _ _-=— 4 ^ -_-- ----p 4,frtic_t_ttifrlf ke2., ‘,14-', (: 0 62.4._t_.CI X j_ea_rj Wt,w- . cla__ 44---eit- A i - - 7 b„Z VI 61-1,--tom ( , - GU- (.t1, 1.�c1 lo— I I. ° 4 —0L-1\/J— s (� ' j U '`a (C )6'--/-k-i• X Ka<2)-aila-,4-e--"--er /71keWez-pf/ ...--4A---e-4,2c? UJ • .eg.f W./0/3 . i-,... 8o# 7 Ac j ed(4., cr li�sow A, 4%_,_• `' l '�% Bar") a9-:ui �A . - AI ! . -. • I • College Station, Texas April 7, 1977 To the Planning and Zoning COMMielliOU City of College Station Gentlemen: We the undersigned property-owners in the general Themes-Holleman area are about to make our third trip to a meeting of your Commission to present our view that al, new construction in the presently undeveloped 71/2F-acre tract between those two streets should be commensurate in apses, frontafootages and quality of construction with the long-existing houses in the area. We want to be on record as opposing any construction which would alter the character of our neighborhood, and in the future we ask that you inform us in advance of any potential item on your sonde WA* vol a this loped property. Thank you for your consideration. CIA-4jZ- ce 74-14a,>6 ). 1.1vvYvelj Respectfully yours, , /'`(,; c:-'- /`-e- e:'- ',N‘1L''' Cif /914c-6.4zike'i, 6, 7" , •, i • ‘\_,7, , ./;;_, (1____Vriti; t( ic:,----12-- , \• ' - c„---/------i-e _ a-642AL czi-iidle-/-r. ' ‘\\ 11__N-)L-ezithv)_1 • / L.-. - _ eoee, ,11L-L.-,•- ' ' ''' -' (c-2-- • 5;7 0---c—v-t-et..e 1 e)12_, LesiA,- ,i4(I2k24 --a6d.-4i1 e&-e-1, 1 Ti 7/ la/-7Zfrif"- ,11%-k 146-",/ ,41 tutt' A.e.ch __&„,,,•_/ ,... --c--7/ , III6---6 i!4i-z.-d A) „s•---- "y e.) 7 .7) xyv-z2e'''k? A / tae.fe 6, A---z---7 A 3 . • College Station, Texas April 7, 1977 To the Planning and Zoning Commission City of College Station Gentlemen: We the undersigned property-owners in the general Thomas-Holleman area are about to make our third trip to a meeting of your Commission to present our view that any new construction in the presently undeveloped 71-acre tract between those two streets should be commensurate in space„ ggaatefootage, and quality of construction with the long-existing houses in the area. We want to be on record as opposing any construction which would alter the character of our neighborhood, and in the future we ask that you inform us in advance of any potential item on your agenda which involves this undeveloped property. Thank you for your consideration, 7:7 Respectfully yours, S t),,to/ // 7ti ` m/ram rex-tk /o ( ,65;;,9,d6a) ./ JUG tc)'nci, /ecetcLkip 7207746c,ra., . yv ex.itid,Ice /C/3 /Y " REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING April 7, 1977 7:00 P.M. 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