HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/1976 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting December 2, 1976 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mathewson; Commissioners White, Sweeney, Bi Bailey, Etter; Council Liaison Gardner; Planning As; Longley; Building Official Koehler; Community Deve: Planner Callaway MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Stover VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meeting of November 18, 1976. Commissioner White moved that the minutes be approved as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consideration of a Preliminary Plat, Brentwood Section IV. Assistant Planner Longley pointed out the location of the proposed plat and briefly discussed the recommendations of the City Planner. Mr. Richard Smith, the developer of the tract, spoke to answer the questions of the Commission and to present a possible site plan for the development of the tract. Commissioner Etter moved that the Commission recommend approval of the plat with the stipulations that a note be placed on the plat denying direct access to Texas Avenue from Lots 1-4, Block 1, and that the current assessment agreement for the construction of Southwest Parkway be continued. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of a Final Plat - Woodstock Section I. Assistant Planner Longley briefed the Commission on Mr. Mayo's recommendations concerning the plat in question. Chairman Mathewson recommended that the location of the flood plain be deliniated on the plat. Mr. J. W. Wood, developer of the tract, spoke stating the flood plain location and the access easements along both sides of Dartmouth Avenue had been omitted from the plat by mistake and that they would be added. Mr. Wood also agreed to change Dartmouth Street (as shown on plat) to Dartmouth Avenue. Commissioner White moved that the Commission recommend approval of the plat with the following provisions: 1. That access easements be replaced along both sides of Dartmouth Avenue. • MINUTES, Regular planning and Zoning Commission December 2, 1976 7:00 P.M. 2. That the flood plain location be shown on the plat. 3. That Dartmouth Street be changed to Dartmouth Avenue. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a Final Plat - Shiloh Hall Addition. Page 2 Mr. Longley pointed out the recommendation of the staff that direct access to Texas Avenue from Lot 2, Block 1 be denied on the plat. Mr. Longley also pointed out that the staff was not aware of any plans by the developers for the use of Lot 2, Block 1. Mr. Don Garrett, representing the developers, spoke stating that the owners indeed had no current plans for-the use of Lot 2. Councilman Gardner pointed out that this could create the possibility of a use on Lot 2 which would be inconsistent with the character of the adjoining City Cemetery. Commissioner Burke moved that the proposed plat be denied. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a Final Plat resubdividing a portion of Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 of the Kapchinski Addition. Assistant Planner Longley pointed out that the plat complied with the recommendations of the Commission. Commissioner Etter moved that the Commission recommend approval of the plat with the provision that a signature space for the secretary of the Commission be affixed to the plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 7 -- A public hearing. on the question of rezoning a 13.6 acre tract on the south side of Holleman Drive, approximately 800 feet east of the intersection of Holleman Drive and Anderson Street, from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Apartment Building District R-3. The request is in the name of Phillip Mennella. Mr. Longley pointed out the recommendations of the City Planner and the City Engineer concerning the inadequacy of sewer service to the site and the traffic load on Anderson Street should any more property in the area be zoned to R-3 density. Mr. Jim Behling spoke stating that the applicants were aware of the sewer limitations and asked that zoning be granted conditional on preparation of site plans and plats and a survey of the sewer situation by the City Engineer. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Behling stated that he went on record as favoring the zone change. Mr. Richard Smith discussed the method of rezoning property. Mrs. Richard Schapery of 1417 Clement Court, College station, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning. Mr. Tom Chaney spoke suggesting that the city should attempt to anticipate future sewer line requirements. MINUTES, Regular Planning. and Zoning Commission Pa e December 2, 1976 g 3 7:00 P.M. l~r. Behling.stated that the developers would be willing to accept conditional zoning as he had previously stated. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Burke moved that consideration of the rezoning be tabled until the City Engineer's sewer capacity survey was completed and some study could be given to traffic generation on Anderson Street. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White. The motion failed by the following vote: VOTING FOR --- Burke, White, Etter VOTING AGAINST --- Sweeney, Bailey, Chairman Mathewson Commissioner Bailey moved that the Commission recommend denial of the rezoning request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and approved by the following vote: VOTING FOR --- Bailey, White, Sweeney, Etter VOTING AGAINST --- Burke, Chairman Mathewson Agenda Item No. 8 -- Reconsideration: A public hearing on the question of amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 850 'to require a conditional use permit for apartment and townhouse projects and to establish a process for consideration of the conditional use proposals. Councilman Gardner went over the revised ordinance provided by David Pugh which reflected the changes recommended by the Commission at their previous meeting. The public hearing was reopened. Dr. Roy Hann spoke to request that this ordinance not be made to apply to presently zoned R-3 land of under 10 acres. Chairman Mathewson stated that, in his opinion, it was the intent of the proposed ordinance that currently zoned R-3 land of under 10 acres would not have to meet the 10 acre minimum lot area requirement, but that projects on these properties would still have to undergo the conditional use process established in the ordinance. Mr. Richard Smith spoke objecting to the proposal to increase parking requirements from 2 spaces per dwelling unit to 1.4 spaces per bedroom. Mr. Ron Cruse spoke to object to the parking ratio increase and suggested that the provision for one attached sign was not adequate for a 10 acre site. The Commission determined that the section of the ordinance dealing with signs be deleted and consideration of signs be added to Section S-F.3.B.4 - The Project Plan. The Commission and several members of the audience discussed the proposed ordinance, the discussion focusing mainly on the parking requirements. MINUTES, Regular Planning and Zoning Commission December 2, 1976 7:00 P.M. Assistant Planner Longley presented results of a parking survey conducted by the Planning Department Staff of various apartment complexes. Page 4 The results of the survey indicated that parking areas constructed at a ratio of 2 spaces per dwelling unit or 1.3 spaces per bedroom were adequate in all cases. Mr. Robert Harvey, representing student government spoke stating that the major problem faced by apartment renters was high rent due to a lack of competition among complexes. Mr. Harvey stated that he was against any action which would discourage apartment development. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Bailey moved thatthe Commission recommend adoption of the proposed ordinance with the following changes: 1. To Section 5-F.3.B.4., on page 5; add - H. Signs 2. That Section 5-F.3.B.4 Parking, should read, "The project plan shall contain one and three-tenths parking.. spaces for each bedroom included in the proposed project, or two (2) parking spaces for each dwelling unit, whichever is less". 3. That a phrase be added to Section 5-F.3.B.5. to exempt already R-3 zoned land of less than 10 acres from the minimum gross lot area requirement. 4. That Section 5-F.3.B.5 - Interior Streets, Drives, Utilities, Drainage and Sidewalks, be made to read, "All interior streets, drives, utilities, drainage facilities and sidewalks shall be designed and constructed in accordance with accepted engineering practices.. 5. That the last paragraph on pages 5 and 6 be corrected to read as submitted in the original draft.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved. Item No. 9 -- Reconsideration: in$ Ordinance No. 850 as it ap public hearing. on the ques s to si~ris (Section 8). of the Z Dr. John Garner presented the proposed ordinance and offered explanatory graphics. Tn response to questions from members of the audience, the Commission pointed out that the proposed ordinance would not require the immediate removal of non- conforming signs, but would require signs to be brought into conformity as they were replaced or extensively altered. Mr. J. W. Wood stated his support for the proposed ordinance. Commissioner White moved that the Commission recommend adoption of the proposed ordinance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Adjourn. Commissioner White moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. • MINUTES, Regular Planning and Zoning Commission December 2, 1976 7:00 P.M.' APPROVED Chairman ATTEST Secretary Page 5 i~ ICJ • REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING December 2, 1976 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 1. ~~-~%!iC~ ~~~~~ s. n ~ ~~ ~ ~~ a , ~ .o. r~ ~ ,. 12. ~ 13 . // A~ r~ V 18. `~ D ~9. /nom. ~,.~,ti~-rP -~~ ~~ u. ~ovh c5- -'~711~XJ~, lJ 2z. 23. ~~'(~Q~"'"~ 24. ~~ i `~`-'"r - 25. t~~ G(•~ 26 . ~ ~- ~,~-~ 27. 28. 29. ~~r~~~~l~ ~~-C,~ ~~ 30. ~~~ G~i~ 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. C~Vu1 ~:~