HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/16/1976 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting December 16, 1976 7:00 P.M. • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mathewson; Commissioners Sweeney, Stover, Bailey, White, Etter, Burke; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Community Development Planner Callaway; Assistant Planner Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: Council Liaison Gardner VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meeting of December 2, 1976 Commissioner Etter moved that the minutes be approved as written. The motion .was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 31 8 acre tract on the east side of Texas Avenue and approximately 1000 feet south of the intersection of Texas Avenue and Sterling Street from Single Famil Residential District R-1 to Medium Density Apartment Building District R-6 The request being in the name of Mr. L. J. Kirkpatrick. City Planner Mayo pointed out the location of the subject tract and its relation- ship to surrounding properties. Mr. Mayo recommended that if the property were to be rezoned to a multi-family use, the R-7 zone would be more appropriate than the requested R-6. City Engineer Ash spoke to the question of sewerage to the tract. Mr. Ash stated that the City would have no problem sewering the tract at R-6 or R-7 density, but that the developer would face the expense of extension of sewer line to City lines. The public hearing was opened. Mr. L.J. Kirkpatrick spoke in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Kirkpatrick stated that he planned to give access to his property by tying on to Cornell Street in the adjoining Brentwood Addition. Mr. Richard Smith, developer of the Brentwood Addition, spoke stating that he did not want Brentwood Drive to serve 30 acres of apartments on Mr. Kirkpatrick's property. Mr. Smith also stated that the remainder of his development would be single family and he did not feel R-6 development would be compatible with his R-1 development. The public hearing was closed. The Commission discussed the development of the K.F.0. tract which adjoins the Kirkpatrick tract to the north. City Planner Mayo stated that the developers had stated the intent to develop MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 December 16, 1976 7:00 P.M. the property at about 13 units per acre. Commissioner Stover suggested that in light of this, the property be rezoned to R-7. Commissioner Stover moved that the K.F.O. tract be rezoned to R-7 at the soonest possible date. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved. In regard to the subject Kirkpatrick tract, Commissioner Stover moved that the portion of the property west of the extension of Dartmouth Street be rezoned to R-2 and that the balance of the tract remain R-1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and approved with Commissioner Sweeney voting against. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.4 acre tract on the south side of Treehouse Trail and approximately 400 feet west of the intersection of Treehouse Trail and Longmire Drive in Southwood Valley Section 8-A from General Commercial .District C-1 to Single Family Residential District R-1. The request being in the name of Southwood Valley, Tnc. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the proposed rezoning. Mr. Mayo stated that the purpose of the rezoning was to align zone lines with development. The public hearing was opened. Mr. John Heyde spoke in favor of the proposal. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend approval of the proposed rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a final plat - Shiloh Hall Addition. Mr.• Ben Franklin spoke in favor of the plat and presented a site plan of a proposed strip commercial development for Lot 2. Commissioner Stover moved that the plat be denied. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Parkway Plaza 4&5. Mr. Mayo pointed out the location of the subject properties and restated the recommendations made in his memo. Mr. Jerry Bishop, engineer for the developers, spoke to explain the proposed development. Chairman Mathewson asked Mr. Spearman if the developers would object to rezoning the lots in the proposed Phase V to R-2. Mr. Spearman stated that he would have no objection. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 December 16, 1976 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend approval of the preliminary plat with the following stipulations: 1. That Pine Ridge Drive be eliminated. 2. That a rezoning of Phase V to R-2 be initiated. 3. That no direct access to Anderson Street be allowed from: Phase IV, Blk. 3, Lots 6,11,12&15 Phase IV, Blk. 4, Lot 1 Phase IV, Blk. 5, Lots 1 thru 5 Phase V, Blk. 1, Lot 12 Phase V, Blk. 2, Lot 14 4. That no direct access to Parkway Plaza Drive be allowed from: Phase IV, Blk. 1, Lot 3 Phase IV, Blk. 3, Lot 3 5. That Anderson Street be constructed 47 feet wide in a 60 foot right-of-way. 6. That the name of Spearman Drive be changed to Pine Ridge Drive. 7. That the developer be encouraged to provide sidewalks on all streets. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and approved with Commissioner Etter abstaining. The Commission discussed with Mr. Bishop and the developers involved a proposed land trade between Anderson Ridge Corporation, Parkway Plaza Inc., and the City of College Station. Mr. Bishop stated that the proposed land trade would provide a greenway-bikepath connection between Anderson Ridge Park and Bee Creek Park. Mr. Mayo pointed out the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Committee that the City purchase additional land from Anderson Ridge Corporation in the proposed Park South Addition to be considered in Agenda Item No. 7. Mr. Mayo pointed out the possible problems involved in attempting to continue the bikeway along the creek and across the adjoining F.B. Clark property. Mr. Mayo recommended that the bikeway be provided as an off-street facility along Greenway Street in the proposed Park South Addition, then connecting to a possible access easement along the Baptist Church Property. Commissioner Bailey moved that the Commission recommend the proposed land trade. The motion was seconded by Commisiioner Burke and unanimously approved. _Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat of Park South Addition, a 14.5 acre tract adiacent to and immediately west of Parkway Plaza 4&5. Chairman Mathewson withdrew from discussion of this item and turned the chair over to Vice-Chairman Stover. The Commission discussed the proposed subdivision with Mr. J. W. Woods, representative of the developer. Commissioner Etter moved that the Commission recommend approval of the preliminary plat . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 December 16, 1976 7:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a final plat - Brentwood Phase IV. Mr. Mayo pointed out that the final plat was identical to the preliminary plat. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the Commission recommend approval of the final plat with the stipulation that only one access to Lot 1 from Texas Avenue be allowed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stover and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Other business. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend to Council an ordinance requiring sidewalks on both sides of all proposed streets unless waived by the Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Burke moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bailey and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED Chairman ATTEST Secretary i• i• REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING December 16, 1976 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: ~ ~ ~j~?~~"~ 19. 1. 2. 20. 4 ~~ ~ 22. 5.~\~ +V 23. 6. 24. 7 . ~~~~~ 2 5 . 8. 26. 9. 10. 11. 12. i ~ __...-~ 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.