HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/1976 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting August 19, 1976 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mathewson; Commissioners Stover, Burke, Etter, Sweeney, White; City Planner Mayo; Planning Assistant Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Bailey VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meeting of July 29, 1976. Commissioner Etter moved that the minutes be approved as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing,on rezoning portions of the following subdivisions from Apartment Building District R-3 to Single Family Residential District R-1: Prairie View Heights; L. D. Smith; Lauterstein; Pasler; D. A. Smith; McCulloch; Southland; Ed Hrdlicka. City Planner Mayo briefed the Commission on the background and specific location of the proposed rezoning. Chairman Mathewson opened the public hearing. Mr. Bob Bell, 1006 Madera, College Station, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning. Mr. Bell stated that he opposed the rezoning in three basic areas: 1. Economics -- Mr. Bell stated that higher land and money costs were causing the single family residence to vanish from the American scene and that this rezoning action would only serve to speed this process. 2. Political -- Mr. Bell suggested that the City initiating such a rezoning was too much government. 3. Legality -- Mr. Bell questioned the legality of the proposed rezoning. Mr. Bell also noted the great need for apartment units in the community. Mrs. Rosetta Keaton, 109 Southland, College Station, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mrs. Keaton stated that there was an abundance of land in the City that could be developed into apartments without having so great an impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Mike Calliham spoke representing Mr. Jerry Bishop and Mr. Leonard Millsap, owners of Lots 34-52, Block 7 and Lots 9-26, Block 8 of the McCulloch Addition. Mr. Calliham stated that the property owners were opposed to the proposed rezoning. Mr. Calliham pointed out that little or no new construction had been done in this area and that the land owners had purchased the property with the intention of building duplexes or 4-plexes. Mr. Calliham MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 August 19, 1976 7:00 P.M. asked that if the property were to be rezoned, that it be rezoned to R-2 rather than R-1. Mr. Jerry Bishop, 602 Montclaire, College Station, presented a series of development plans for his property in the McCulloch addition. He indicated that his property was now totally vacant and undeveloped. Mr. Earl Bracken, Waco, Texas, owner of a 9.0 acre tract on Lincoln Street bounded by Pasler and Nimitz (Lots 7,8,9, and 10 - D. A. Smith) spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, Mr. Bracken pointed out that he had purchased the apartment zoned property in October of 1968 and since that time had fully investigated all potential purchasers. Mr. Bracken placed into the record an independent appraisal of-the property showing the highest and best use to be for apartments. Mr. .Bracken stated that if the property were rezoned to R-1 the value of the land would depreciate to below what he had paid for it in 1968. He pointed out that during his ownership, the property had been kept mowed and clean, and that he had cooperated with local groups to install the baseball backstops now on the property. Mr. Bracken stated that the prospective buyers of the property would build a project which would be an asset to the community. He also suggested that rezoning the property to R-1 might depreciate the values of surrounding property. Mr. Tommy Preston, Sr., a resident of Prairie View Heights, College Station, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning. He suggested that some of the signers of the petition did not understand it. Mr. Preston asked that he be permitted to circulate another petition phrased in such a way that the residents could understand it. Mr. Preston also suggested that the rezoning would lower the residents property values. Mrs. Bernice Hill, 819 Ave. B, College Station, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mrs. Hill stated that, with the exception of Mr. Preston, all of those opposed to the rezoning lived outside the areas involved. She stated that the residents had requested the rezoning because these neighborhoods were their homes and they had no intentions of moving. Mrs. Hill also stated that the residents were opposed to having.. apartments built. around them. Mr. Forrest Johnson, Tompson Street, College Station, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mrs. Lucille Young, 605 Preston, College Station, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mr. Roger Whealy, 403 Walton, College Station, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mrs. Pat Grote, 408 Ash, College Station, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning. Mr. Walter Manning, 405 Walton, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mr. Larry Thompson, 612 E, Pierce, College Station, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mr. Cecil Parker, 311 Walton, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mr. W. D. Fitch, Glade Street, College Station, stated that he agreed with the concept of using zoning to maintain neighbor hood integrity. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission August 19, 1976 7:00 P.M. Page 3 Mr. Leonard Millsap, one of the owners of the property in the McCulloch additon pointed out that most of this addition is now largely undeveloped. Mr. Millsap suggested that apartment development in the subject areas would help the neighborhoods in the areas of better streest, improved fire protection and other city services. Mrs. Belle Crowder, 617 Columbus, College Station, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. The public hearing was closed. The Commission determined to consider the subject subdivisions individually as follows: Southland Addition Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend rezoning all of the Southland Addition from Apartment Building District R-3 to Single Family Residential District R-l. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. Ed Hrdlicka Addition Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend rezoning the indicated portion of the Hrdlicka Addition from District R-3 to District R-1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. McCulloch Addition Chairman Mathewson reopened the public hearing. Mrs. Rosetta Keaton, 109 Southland, stated that she was opposed to rezoning any of the property to any zone but R-1. Mr. Boyd Hall spoke against the rezoning of the property to District R-1. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Sweeney moved that the Commission recommend the rezoning of the McCulloch Addition, with the exception of Lots 3452, Block 7 and Lots 9-26, Block 8, from District R~3 to District R-1, and that Lots 34-52, Block 7 and Lots 9-26, Block 8 be rezoned from District R-3 to District R-2. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and approved with Commissioner Stover abstaining. Chairman Mathewson pointed out that this action was taken against the wishes of the residents of the neighborhood and that while the residents wanted all of the property to be rezoned to District R-1, the owners of Lots 34-52, Block 7, and Lots 9-26, Block 8, wished all of their property to remain District R-3. Chairman Mathewson pointed out that Commissioner White had out of town guests and had to leave the meeting at this time. Prairie View Heights, L. D. Smith, Lauterstein Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend the rezoning of the MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 August 19, 1976 7:00 P.M. indicated portions of these additions from District R-3 to District R-1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unaimously approved. Chairman Mathewson pointed out that this action was taken with Mr. Tommy Preston, Sr., a resident of Prairie View Heights objecting. Pasler, D. A. Smith Commissioner Stover moved that the indicated protions of these additions, with the exception of Lots 7,8,9, and 10 of D. A. Smith, be recommended for rezoning from Distirct R-3 to District R-l. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and approved with Commissioner Burke abstaining and Chairman Mathewson voting in favor. Chairman Mathewson pointed out that there was some neighborhood objection to this action. Chairman Mathewson directed City Planner Mayo to arrange a meeting of two or three members of the P&Z and two or three members of City Council to discuss this rezoning prior to Council's consideration. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on rezoning all of Lots 1 thru 64, Block 1 of the Southwood Terrace Subdivision from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Duplex Residential District R-2, the request being in the name of Southwood Valley, Inc. City Planner Mayo pointed out the location of the proposed rezoning. The public hearing was opened. Mr. W. D. Fitch spoke in favor of the rezoning. and stated his reasons for making the request. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend rezoning all of Lots 1-64, Block 1, Southwood Terrace Addition from District R-1 to District R-2. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- A discussion on the Question of rezoning vortions of the Cooner and College Heights Additions, generally bounded by Jane Street, Cooner Street, MacArthur Street and University Drive from Apartment Building District R-3; Duplex Residential District R-2; General Commercial District C-1 and Neighborhood Business District C-N to Administrative Professional District A-P. City Planner Mayo pointed out the location of the rezoning and stated that a public hearing would be held at the September 2, 1976 meeting of the P&Z. Commissioner Stover noted that the rezoning as originally proposed would create a large number of nonconforming uses. Mr. Stover suggested that rezoning might be limited to the more immediate frontage on University Drive. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 August 19, 1976 7:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a final plat of Southwood Valley Section 4-B. Mr. W. D. Fitch related to the Commission his development plans for the property and stated that the final plat was identical to the preliminary. Commissioner Etter moved that the Commission recommend approval of the final plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a final plat of Southwood Valley Section 7-A. City Planner Mayo pointed out the location of the property and stated that the final plat conformed to the preliminary. Commissioner Etter moved that the Commission recommend approval of the plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a final plat of Parkway Plaza III. Chairman Mathewson pointed out that this plat had already been approved by City Council. Mr. Frank Murphy, developer of the property, presented a site development plan to the Commission. Commissioner Stover moved that the final plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. The Commission complimented the developers and their engineer on the site development plan which they presented. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideration of a request to reconsider a final plat resubdividing Lot 14, Block 3 - College Hills Estates. Commissioner Stover briefed the Commission on the background of this plat and related the results of a meeting held between Senator Moore, the owners' representative, City Planner Mayo and himself. Commissioner Stover pointed out that the plat as now submitted left doubt in his mind in three areas: 1. an adequately deminsioned site plan 2. adequate access to garbage collection 3. intended use of the property Commissioner Burke moved that the Commission reconsider the plat at the next regular meeting. -; The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sweeney and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Consideration of a final plat of Southwest Place. Mr. James Jett spoke stating that the final plat was identical to the MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission August 19, 1976 7:00 P.M. preliminary. ~`"~ Chairman Mathewson pointed out that Tract A&M should be identified as lot and block on the final plat. Commissioner Stover moved that the Commission recommend approval of the final plat with the following stipulations: 1. That tracts A&B be redesignated as lots 1&2 of Block 1. Page 6 2. That General Note No. 2 be changed to read, "between Texas Avenue and Lot 1, Block 1." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Other business. Chairman Mathewson called a workshop session for Tuesday, August 31, 1976 to discuss the following topics: 1. Proposed changes in procedure for submission of rezoning requests and plats. 2. Proposed changes in parking standards. 3. Transportation system. ~,, Agenda Item No. 12 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Stover-moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Etter and unanimously approved. APPROVED Mayor ATTEST City Secretary REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING August 19, 1976 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 1.C ~ . ~~ 2. 3 . ~ ~, 4.% 'G''~ ' !A~Q~ ~~ ~~ ~, 19. ~, 20. 21. 22. 23. 6 . ~~~,-~w~ ~~ tel./ 24 . 7. Yrj,t.(y. ~ GI''.~,~~ztJ 25. 8. ~ ~, \ /~ ~1 A ~Q 26 . °~'~ oS . ~~/ ~ 9.'~,~, ~ 27. 10. ~ 28. ~~ 11. 29. 12. 30. 13. ~ ~/y 31. (r\ }~ - ' i 14.~ ~~ ~1~/ W ~l ~} ~ . ul.~/,~Q/V 3 2 . 15. ~ 33. ~P~ ~. , 16. ~ 34. .y v t ~ :, ,. , ' :.. ~ ~, ! ,: {~ j .c i 1. [~ 49. 50. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 59. 40. ._~ r L~'`-~~ ~ 60. 41. ' `~-- 1 ,, ~~`"~~ 2. /~ 5 7 . 38 . ~+~/ q /~ 39 ~~~ ~G 42. 46. ~~~ ~~~ `, 48. ,~, ~~ ~`~ `~. "`1J ~ '"" ~ {r %~y~61. 1'"~ 43. ~., ,4 ~ ~ ~ ~ _..~ 44 . J :, J f~~~'G S / 45 . ~~ ~' S ~~. _ _ ,~' - dl.- 51. ~~d 52 . ~! „7~ 54. _ I 55. 56 . ~~j,~' 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75 . 76. !y~~ v ~ ~, ~~ ~~ N~ ' ~'' - ' ~ ~~ / IJ ~- ~ "---a