HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/1975 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 20, 1975 110 MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Longley, Boyett, Miller, Stevenson; Council Liaison Adams; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Planning Assistant Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Mathewson VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meetings of September 22 and September 29, 1975. Commissioner Boyett moved to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Miller seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat of Brentwood, Section 2, 9.612 acres. City Planner Mayo pointed out the two major problem areas concerning this plat; the position of the flood plain on the property and the potential length of Falcon Street. Mr. Richard Smith of Brentwood, Inc. addressed the commission concerning the proposed plat. Mr. Smith stated that there seemed to be a discrepancy between the interpre- tation of flood plain data by his engineer, Mr. Garrett, and the Corps of Engineers flood plain map. Mr. Smith further stated that he would not want to develop a sub- division that would be subject to flooding and that the question of the location of the IIIM flood plain on the property would have to be of primary concern. Concerning the length and location of Falcon Street, Mr. Smith stated that in his opinion the only viable solution to the long street was to locate Teresa Street adjacent to the "Medina" tract as it would integrate his tract to the adjoining land. In response to a question by Commissioner Boyett, City Planner Mayo pointed out the location of the proposed street on the previously platted "Medina" tract. Mr. Mayo statedthata street was platted to run between the lake on the "Medina" tract and the Northwest line of Mr. Smith's property. Mr. Mayo further stated that due to the fact that no lots could be built on such a street, it was not feasible to expect a future developer to build a street in that location. Mr. Smith stated that since the adjoining "Medina" tract was presently in foreclosure, it would be impossible for him to coordinate his planning with the owners of that tract, but that he felt it was necessary to provide a means of relating the two pieces of property, and that a stub street such as Teresa would provide a means of doing this. Mr. Smith suggested that due to the problems faced in the proposed plat he would possibly prefer to re-plat the property into two lots of approximately 4.5 acres each. It was the concensus of the Commission that if proper access were provided, this would be an acceptable solution. 4111 A motion to table the question of this plat was made by Commissioner Boyett and seconded by Commissioner Stevenson. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 0.424 acre tract on the south side of Holleman Drive adjacent to and immediately east of the drive in MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 October 20, 1975 grocery at Holleman and Welch; rezone from General Commercial District, District C-1, to Neighborhood Commercial District, District C-N. This action having been initiated by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Longley related background information giving the reason for the Commission's initiation of this action. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Mr. Chalon Jones, attorney for Mr. Alphonse Holik, owner of the subject property spoke and explained that Mr. Holik really had no intentions of selling his property and leaving his home. Mr. Jones stated that there would be no practical effect if the zoning were changed since Mr. Holik had adequate land presently zoned C-1 to allow him to build any of the types of businesses he had in mind. Mr. Jones read a letter from Mr. Holik to the Commission stating Mr. Holik's reasons for being against the proposed zone change. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Boyett moved to rescind the request for rezoning. Chairman Longley stated that his reason for voting for the original zone change from R-1 to C-1 was to square off the existing commercial property at this location. Commissioner Boyett stated that he shared Chairman Longley's opinion that the commercial property should be squared off, and that the Holik families' giving of land to the 11111 City for right-of-way and utility easements also motivated him to vote for the original request for rezoning. Commissioner Stevenson stated that he also felt that squaring off the commercial property was a sound idea and that he shared Mr. Jones' opinion that nothing would be done with the property. Commissioner Stevenson seconded Commissioner Boyett's motion to rescind the request for rezoning for the stated purpose of squaring off the subject property. The motion was approved by the following vote: FOR --- Commissioners Boyett, Stevenson, Longley, Miller AGAINST ---- Commissioner Stover Agenda Item No. 5 -- Other business. City Planner Mayo advised the Commission of a meeting of a Census Statistical Area Committee on November 12, 1975 for the purpose of reviewing the census tracts, their boundaries, and proposed revisions for the 1980 census. Mr. Mayo requested that the Commission appoint one of its members to attend this meeting. Chairman Longley asked Commissioner Miller to attend. Commissioner Miller agreed to attend the meeting. Commissioner Miller asked City Planner Mayo if he had made any progress in investigation of fence ordinances in other cities. Mr. Mayo stated that he had received replies from a few cities and that he would give a report on these ordinances at the Commissions+' meeting of November 17, 1975. !IF"' MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission f December 2, 1974 Page 2 f i t Commissioner Chaney further stated that the mobile home park district was not suitable as the ultimate use of this land, yet the land was not suitable to rezoning for single family residential. He felt that the rezoning to general commercial would be acceptable if it were submitted as a part of a larger size tract. Mr. Ralph Miller, an adjoining neighbor, stated that he was in favor of rezoning the area to general commercial and he felt that the land was not suitable for single family residential use. Commissioner Chaney's motion was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Other business. Mr. Joe Osaba stated that he had been unable to get a building permit due to a conflict with the subdivision regulations and asked the commission's advice on how he should proceed to satisfy the subdivision regulations. Commissioner Boyett stated that the land had never been platted and that therefore the city was not able to issue a building permit. Commissioner Calliham said that the owner would need to file an official plat with the Planning Commission. He further stated that the building site plan so far presented, was not sufficient for the purposes of a final plat. Commissioner Chaney suggested that the owner should get a registered engineer or a registered surveyor to lay out and plat the subdivision according to the subdivision ordinance and that the Planning and Zoning Commission would then 110 consider the plat presented. Commissioner Boyett stated that the Commission could consider both the preliminary and the final plat at the same meeting. Commissioner Calliham stated that the requirements for the preliminary and for the final plat would be those contained in the subdivision ordinance. Commissioner Boyett said that the Commission could consider a waiver of the 10 day submission date requirement and would consider holding a special meeting if necessary. There was no other business. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Boyett moved that the meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Chaney seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. APPROVED Chairman ", ATTES C4Vait A Secretary Ai r 1 MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 October 20, 1975 Agenda Item No. 6 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Stevenson moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. 11,�,,,,,�.. APPROVED a %` "'‘ Chairman ATTEST 641/6741, Secretary 411/ 111111 7.--- REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING October 20, 1975 7:00 P.M. 1. drk/-11„/Ltill ,19. 2. aelf GEC 20. 3. <.c i'7 21. i 4. .„4„ ts 6.4 3 22. I .5. pt ,, Yie,4 a „1 23. 6. 10.4Le_ 24. Ya.„-si-'---r \ l 7. L ,F ", v'-t-'''`"----\ 25. I. _ 8. 6-614, 26. 9. AA, ,51...-A--- 27. 0 10. Iii hN` C 1 28. 11. e,(t :< 1 VIIt(, 29. 12. 30. 13. 31. 14. 32. 15. 33. 16. 34. 17. 35. • 18. 36. 37.