HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1975 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting November 17, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Longley; Commissioners Miller, Stover, Stevenson, Mathewson, Burke, Boyett; City Planner Mayo; Council Liaison Adams; City Engineer Ash; Planning Assistant Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: None VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meeting of November 3, 1975. Commissioner Mathewson moved to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Stevenson seconded. The motion was passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat of the Pecan Tree Estates Subdivision. City Planner Mayo pointed out the memo from the Parks and Recreation Committee recommending that the parkland dedication for this subdivision be met with money instead of the land indicated on the plat. Chairman Longley asked City Planner Mayo what the dollar amount of the park dedication in the case of this subdivision would be. Mr. Mayo replied that this amount would be $10,200.00, but due to the cost of the land to the developer, this amount could be appealed to the City Council. Mr. Mayo pointed out the possible location of the park associated with the apartment development on Southwest Parkway. Commissioner Stevenson stated that due to the fact that neither Lincoln Center Park or the proposed park on Southwest Parkway were definitely planned and that children from this subdivision would have to cross a major street to get to either park, he felt the 3/4 acre park as shown on the plat would be in a good location. Commissioner Stover pointed out that the small Parkway Park on Marsteller Avenue had recently been improved and was now being heavily used by the area children. Commissioner Mathewson discussed the termination of Hervey St. asking Mr. McCrory if he had planned for the street to be a cul-de-sac or if it was to turn and connect with Nevada Street. Mr. McCrory stated that he thought it would be a good idea to tie Hervey Street into Southland Street and that he had been told the city would probably require this. Commissioner Boyett observed that to take traffic off of Hervey St. and put it onto Nevada Street would be a redundancy. Commissioner Boyett asked Mr. Jerry Bishop, engineer for Mr. McCrory what size of drainage structure would be required to extend Southland Street to Hervey Street. /IP Mr. Bishop stated that in his opinion, two 48" diameter pipes would be required. City Planner Mayo stated that in his opinion, such a structure would never be built due to the general low income nature of the community and since the last two lots in the Southland Addition were located in the creek and would not be developed. Lbw Pr- MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 2 November 17, 1975 Mr. Mayo stated that he felt a better solution would be to stub Hervey Street out to the end of the property in hopes of extending it to Southwest Parkway in 41P the future. Commissioner Boyett asked Mr. McCrory how terminating Hervey St. in this manner would effect this development. Mr. McCrory stated that by leaving the end tract of the property as a reserve, enough flexibility existed to allow this, and that he would be agreeable to this stipulation. Mr. Mayo pointed out that all of the streets in the adjoining McCulloch Addition were to be paved as part of the Community Development Program, and that Southland Street would be paved in 1976. Chairman Longley stated that if Southland Street was to be improved, the creek needed to be crossed, and Southland St. tied into Hervey St. Commissioner Mathewson stated that he felt the Community Development Program should include the required drainage structure and the extension of Southland St. to Hervey St. City Planner Mayo stated that due to the plan to connect Hervey St. to Southwest Parkway, the staff recommended that Hervey St. be increased to a 60' right-of-way with 39' wide paving to serve as a collector street. Mr. McCrory stated that it would be impossible to build a 39' wide street in the 111 available space. Commissioner Boyett asked whether or not the city would bear any of the expense if the developers were required to build the wider street. Mr. Mayo replied that the Subdivision Ordinance required that the city pay for additional rights-of-way only in excess of 60' . Commissioner Stevenson stated that he could not see how Hervey St. could develop as a collector street. Chairman Longley agreed with Commissioner Stevenson since Hervey St. would end at Southwest Parkway and at Holleman Drive. Commissioner Stevenson moved to accept the preliminary plat as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett. Chairman Longley pointed out the requirement in the Subdivision Ordinance that streets not be named for living persons and that this would require the name of Hervey St. to be changed. Commissioner Stevenson amended his motion to include the stipulation that the name of Hervey St. be changed to comply with the ordinance. The motion was approved by unanimous vote. ISOCommissioner Boyett noted that the five affirmative votes necessary to approve the park dedication over the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Committee were obtained. 7._______ MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 3 November 17, 1975 Commissioner Mathewson advised that the flood hazard line should be shown on the final plat if a flood hazard area exists on the property. Ill Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Commission recommend to the City Council that during the improvement of Southland St. under the Community Development Act, the improvements include a drainage structure across the Creek and the extension of Southland St. to Hervey St. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved. P Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat of a rural subdivision in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City. The application being in the name of Don Martell. Mr. Don Martell presented the preliminary plat locating the development and its relationship to the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Mr. Martell then presented his development concepts for the subdivision. Commissioner Mathewson recommended that a minimum building elevation be shown on the final plat. Commissioner Boyett asked City Planner Mayo to detail any problems in sewering the proposed subdivision. Mr. Mayo stated that the developers proposed to construct 60' rights-of-way with 16' utility easements on each side and that this street section would provide adequate space to sewer the development very easily. 110 Commissioner Mathewson moved to accept the preliminary plat as presented with the stipulation that the limits of the 100 year flood plain be shown on the final plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a final plat of Southwood Valley - Section 4-A. Mr. W. D. Fitch spoke, stating that this final plat was a portion of Southwood Valley Section 4 which was approved in the form of a preliminary plat at the Commission meeting of November 3, 1975. Commissioner Boyett moved to approve the final plat as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a final plat of a 30,000.00 sq.ft. tract on the southwest corner of the intersection of Texas Avenue and John Milliff Road. City Planner Mayo pointed out an error that had been made in his memo to the Commission. Mr. Mayo advised that the staff recommendation was for two curb cuts on Milliff Road rather than one as stated in the memo. . Commissioner Boyett asked City Engineer Ash what he would recommend as a safe distance from the Milliff-Texas Avenue intersection to the first curb cut on Texas Avenue. Mr. Ash replied that by Ordinance 608 the minimum allowed distance would be 30' . MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 4 November 17, 1975 Commissioner Stover questioned the need for two curb cuts on Texas Avenue. Mr. Mayo stated that in his opinion the City could not reasonably deny access from tract A to Texas Avenue. Mr. Jim Jett, representative of the property owners spoke stating that the purchaser of the property needed tract A only and planned to sell tract B to a separate owner at a future date. Mr. Jett stated that the owners of tract A would need one curb cut onto Texas Avenue and planned to work out an easement with the owners of tract B for egress onto Milliff Road. Mr. Jett also stated that the owners of tract B would also request one curb opening onto Texas Avenue well in excess of the 30' distance, and would possibly work out an agreement with the owners of tract A to move the opening to a common ingress-egress point on the shared property line in order to move the opening as far from Milliff Road as possible. Mr. Jett explained that the result would be an exit onto Milliff Road to be utilized by both tracts and two entrances off of Texas Avenue. Commissioner Boyett asked City Engineer Ash if the layout of curb openings as presented by Mr. Jett would be acceptable to the City. Mr. Ash stated that when he was approached with this tract, it had been presented to him as a single tract. Mr. Ash stated that at this time he informed the pros- pective owners that they would be allowed two 30' drive openings on Milliff Road and one 24' drive opening on Texas Avenue and further that the opening on Texas Avenue be signed as an exit only. Commissioner Boyett stated that the Commission could not deny the owners the right to subdivide the property, but they might deny a curb opening onto Texas Avenue. City Engineer Ash pointed out that if the common curb opening onto Texas Avenue were built, there would be entrance onto the tract from Texas Avenue. Mr. Ash stated that it was his primary concern, from a safety standpoint to prevent this. Commissioner Boyett suggested that entrance to the tract from Texas Avenue would be allowed only from the south-bound land. Commissioner Mathewson pointed out that, although illegal, left turns from the north-bound lane of Texas Avenue to the Aggieland Inn were often made and the same situation would probably exist in this instance. Commissioner Boyett stated that moving the entrance on Texas Avenue further from Milliff Road would force north-bound traffic to turn onto Milliff and enter the site from the side. Mr. Jett presented the Commission an artist's drawing of the proposed Jack-In-The- Box facility. Commissioner Mathewson pointed out that the tract was described only by metes and bounds and questioned whether or not this was acceptable. Commissioner Boyett stated that the tract would have to be described as lot and block of the Redmond Terrace Subdivision. 411/ Mr. Jett stated that this change would be made and placed on the plat. Commissioner Boyett moved to accept the final plat with the following stipulations: 1. To allow a single curb opening on Milliff Road to begin at a point 18 feet MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 5 November 17, 1975 from the southwest corner, to be no wider than 25 feet. 4110 2. That the first curb opening on Texas Avenue begin at a point 64 feet southeast of the Texas Avenue-Milliff Road intersection for a width of 35 feet along the common property line as described on the plat. That the second curb opening on Texas Avenue begin at the Northeast corner of the tract along the common property line with the Aggieland Inn and 5 feet from that point for a width of 25 feet to be an egress or exit only. 3. That tracts A and B be identified as lots of the original block. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and approved by the following vote: FOR: Commissioners Mathewson, Boyett, Stevenson; Chairman Longley AGAINST: Commissioners Burke, Miller, Stover Agenda Item No. 7 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 2.8 acre tract and a 0.92 acre tract, both tracts being between Texas Avenue, Jane Street, and Cooner Street, both tracts being owned by and adjacent to the Bank of A&M, 411 Texas Avenue. Rezone from Apartment Building District R-3 to General Commercial District C-1. The request being in the name of the Bank of A&M, D. H. Goehring, President. City Planner Mayo pointed out the area and limits of the rezoning request. Mr. D. H. Goehring, President of the Bank of A&M presented a drawing showing the existing bank site and the proposed additions in relation to the rezoning request. 41/0 Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. There were none speaking against the request. Mr. W. D. Fitch and Mr. Garland Brown, an adjoining property owner stated that they were in favor of the request. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Mathewson moved to recommend to the City Council that the requested zone changes be granted and that the indicated C-2 zoned tract be rezoned to C-1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stover and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Fence Ordinance report by City Planner. City Planner Mayo pointed out his report on fence ordinances in other cities and briefly outlined its contents. The Commission recommended that the report be studied by the Commissioners and that the question of a fence ordinance be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Commission. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Other business. Commissioner Miller informed the members that he had been approached by the Highway Department with a request that a name be given to the West By-pass and Highway 30. Commissioner Boyett stated that the Commission had, in the past, discussed the L. J 11 MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 6 November 17, 1975 possibility of naming the West By-pass after the late General Earl Rudder. However, when Mrs. Rudder was approached with the idea, she strongly objected. 410 It was Mr. Boyett's opinion that it was proper for the Commission to initiate action to name the street, but to exercise care in doing so. Commissioner Stover suggested that Highway 30 was an adequate name. Commissioner Miller stated that the main area of confusion was between FM 2818 and FM 2154. Commissioner Boyett moved to identify FM 2818 as the West By-pass. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson. Commissioner Boyett withdrew his motion. Commissioner Burke moved to table the issue until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved. Commissioner Mathewson observed that any naming of the West By-pass should be co- ordinated with the Bryan Planning Department so that the name would be the same through both cities. Chairman Longley advised the Commission of the request by the City Council that the Commission consider changing the Zoning Ordinance to include another multiple family classification bearing a density limit between that of Duplex District, R-2 and Apartment District, R-3. The request having been made in reference to the recent K.F.O. zone change request. 411 Commissioner Mathewson suggested that similar study be given to commercial zones. Commissioner Boyett advised that the Development Controls Review Committee was currently studying commercial development policies. The Commission directed the City Planner to prepare and present to the Commission a proposed change to the zoning ordinance to include a new zone for multi-family residential developments not over four families per unit. Commissioner Mathewson moved to request that north be oriented toward the top of all plats submitted to the Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Commissioner Boyett moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned. APpVED Chairman ATTEST Secretary REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING November 17, 1975 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 1111 1. 4004 19. 20. 3. A a\C333,MCD 21. 4. .���6�-� c.s j !� 22. 5. ��/ HIQr&.Lic) 23. 6. °tC 6� , 24. 7. \, 25. 8. Ci 26. 41111 9. /1,2„..4ac 27. 10. ‘...) ( / 28. 11. / / 29. • gr- 12. 30. 13. 0,1V 31. 14. 2 32. 15. 33. 16. 72 ,--‘...4.7---6,1/434. 91r 1CAili lkj(/ 17. `-- 35. AlIfi 11° 18. �i�' 36,