HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1975 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting February 17, 1975 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Langley; Commissioners Stevenson, Miller, Wallace, Calliham, Boyett, Chaney; Council Liaison Dale; Assistant Director of Public Works Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler. GUESTS PRESENT: See guest register. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of the minutes of the meeting of February 3, 1975. Commissioner Miller moved that the minutes be accepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wallace and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. Mr. J. W. Wood of the Anderson-Ridge Corporation, proposed a dedication of 2.05 acres of parkland to add to the existing 1.11 acre site on the Dobrovolny Addition, Section 1. Mr. Jerry Bishop showed the location of the land and said that the land was not overflow land. Mr. Wood stated that the plan would satisfy the parkland dedication requirements for the Anderson-Ridge Subdivisions approved to date in addition to a five 410 acre section of the Anderson Ridge development which would be platted in the future. Commissioner Boyett asked if sufficient notice had been given to city departments of the proposed dedication and if any problems existed concerning the adequacy of the park site. He asked if the Parks Committee had an opportunity to review the proposal. Mr. Ford and Mr. Koehler stated that the parkland was satsifactory in their opinion and that the proposal had not gone before the Parks Committee. Mr. Wood stated that the Mar-Cal Construction Company had begun clean-up work on the Anderson-Ridge Section 2 construction site and that the Corporation intended to correct the parking lot run-off problem in Scandia Apartments, Phase II by adding necessary curbing along the property line. Commissioner Chaney asked the status of the petition to have Park Place from Anderson Street to the west line of the Kapchinskie Addition. He asked if the Wolf Pen Village had paid the paving assessment on Anderson Street. Mr. Wood stated that the Wolf Pen Village Corporation is liable for the paving assessment and would pay the assessment when the invoice was presented. Commissioner Boyett asked whether the Wolf Pen Village Corporation was assuming the A&M Consolidated School District share of the assessment. Mr. Wood said that it was. Commissioner Chaney moved that the parkland dedication be accepted. Commissioner Calliham seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 0.643 acre tract northwest of Holleman Drive and northeast of Anderson Street from Apart- ment Building District, District R-3 to General Commercial District, District C-1. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission February 17, 1975 Page 2 Commissioner Chaney pointed out that the Development Controls Review Committee had discussed the possibility of utilizing the conditional use permit procedure to allow such mixed land uses without rezoning. Commissioner 1110 Calliham pointed out that if the land were rezoned to General Commercial, any listed general commercial use could be conducted in that site in the future. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Chaney moved that the Planning Commission recommend denial of the zone change, but recommend favorable consideration of a conditional use permit provided that a conditional use permit is applied for and provided that any building constructed therein would meet the requirements for commercial use and that adequate parking be planned for that use. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning three tracts of land along Southwest Parkway northeast of FM 2154; an 18 acre tract from Single Family Residential District, District R-1C to General Commercial District, District C-1; a 25 acre tract from Single Family Residential District, District R-1C to Agricultural-Open District, District A-0; and a 23 acre tract from Single Family Residential District, District R-1C to Apartment Building District, District R-3. Mr. Koehler showed the location and the present zoning of adjacent tracts. Mr. Paul Wahlberg showed the proposed zoning of the tracts with relation to existing zoning and the proposed land use plan from the proposed Comprehensive Development Plan. Mr. Ford suggested that the boundaries of the general 110 commercial tract be described by metes and bounds so as to produce definable lines. Mr. Wahlberg stated that the group did not have immediate definite plans for the exact use of the general commercial area. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission make the following recommendation to the council: 1. To approve the zone change to apartment building district as requested. 2. To approve the general commercial district generally as requested with the rear boundary straightened and described such that the tract would not exceed 21.0 acres. 3. To rezone the remaining land agricultural-open. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 3.00 acre tract located northeast of the abandoned I & GN RR right-of-way between FM 2347 and Luther Street west from Heavy Industrial District, District M-2 to Apartment Building District, District R-3. Mr. James Jett and Mr. Earl Lynch explained that the rezoning was requested for a proposed 56 unit apartment project in conjunction with the 0.834 acre tract next on the agenda. The question of access to the two tracts was discussed. Commissioner Boyett 1111 pointed out that neither of the tracts presently had access to any public right-of-way. For_ MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission February 17, 1975 Page 3 Mr. Jett stated that all of the owners of the property in the area were in agreement to provide access to this particular tract. IP Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Mr. David Mayo, owner of the adjacent property on which Brazos Concrete Services plant is located, expressed his concern that the proposed adjacent land use would not be compatible with the existing Heavy Industrial use on his property. He pointed out the possibility of future complaints by the tenants of this proposed project concerning noise and dust. Commissioners Chaney and Boyett pointed out that some industrial zoning was necessary within the city and that the Mayo tract was already in use for heavy industrial purposes and that the owners of the plant had substantial investment in the property. Commissioner Wallace pointed out that future tenants should be aware of the fact of the existing adjacent use and should have no grounds for complaints. Mr. Jett stated that he and his architect had considered the adjacent use and had concluded that the site could be developed in such a fashion as to shield against noise and dust. Commissioner Stevenson moved that the Commission recommend approval of the zone change to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wallace and approved unanimously with Commissioner Boyett abstaining for the reason that no access had been provided to public right-of-way. 4110 Agenda Item No. 6 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 0.834 acre tract located northeast of the abandoned I & GN RR right-of-way between FM 2347 and Luther Street west from Heavy Industrial District, District M-2 to Apartment Building District, District R-3. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Mr. Jett pointed out that the considerations for this request were the same as for the previous request in that the tracts were to be developed jointly. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Wallace moved that the Commission recommend approval of the request. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved with Commissioner Boyett abstaining for the reason that no access to public right-of-way had been provided. Agenda Item No. 7 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a part of Lot 8, Lakeview Acres located northeast of Texas Avenue and southeast of Miller's Lane from Single Family Residential District, District R-1C to General Commercial District, District C-l. The City Planner showed the location of the tract and the existing zoning in the area. Michael Davis stated that he had no immediate plans for the use of the land. The public hearing was opened. I J !pp. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission February 17, 1975 Page 4 Mr. Josef Budig, owner of the adjacent property, stated that he would like to see his property rezoned to permit light industry such as a machine 111111 shop or tooling shop. Commissioner Chaney recalled the Commission's action on the Isadore Krenek request at a previous meeting and stated that he would like to see all of the owners in the area come in together and request the changes that would be necessary. He suggested that the Budig tract could be rezoned Commercial Industrial District, District C-2 in conjunction with adjacent General Commercial zoning. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission recommend denial of the request for the same reasons expressed in the denial of the Isadore Krenek request and urgently recommend that all parties in the area who desire a zone change to General Commercial, join in a petition for the entire area. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chaney and approved by the following vote: FOR: Miller, Wallace, Calliham, Boyett, Chaney AGAINST: Stevenson Agenda Item No. 8 -- Other business. Commissioner Chaney stated with regard to the motion concerning the Anderson Ridge Corporation made at the meeting of February 3, that progress had been made toward resolving the obligations of the Anderson Ridge Corporation. The Commission agreed that the previous motion should not be rescinded and should remain in effect until the City Council has had an opportunity to consdier and discuss it. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Chaney moved that meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Calliham and unanimously approved. APPROVED )1(i141: /e> le.& 1 • Chairman ATTEST S- etary 410 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING February 17, 1975 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: II 1. �Z..9�' 5zTi) 19. 2. /L ;/- 20. 7/7)C 3. ce' 21. 6-,,,,_ 4,--,_,,, _, 4./l�/� Oct'',/-- ' 22. 5. C-a"-i. V✓ 23. 6. 24. 7. 25. 8. //p.� 4k26. 9. (del 27. 410 10. j,-1------y-d;i-- -"-- 28. 11. C%� 29. 12. 1/7/(.4 X 4' 30. 13 //`)`'-A 4 --6i" 31. 14. 32. 15. f7AA, 1 AvL- n 33. 16. XLc <-�1 �" 34. V,6A-- 17. 35. 17 18. 36.