HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting September 16, 1974 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman John Longley; Commissioners Ed Miller, George Boyett, Barney Stevenson, M. R. Calliham; Council Liaison Don Dale; Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Tom Chaney; James Wallace. VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the meeting of August 19, 1974. Commissioner Miller moved that the minutes be approved. Commissioner Stevenson seconded the motion which was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2 - Approval of the minutes of the joint public hearing of the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission of August 26, 1974. Commissioner Boyett moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. . Agenda Item No. 3 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of a preliminary plat of Brentwood, Section One. The City Planner showed the location of the subdivision and exlained that it was a commercial development in an existing commercial zone. The Planner and the Engineering Department had checked the plat for compliance with ordinances and for utility connections. Commissioner Boyett asked about the depth of commercial zone. The City Planner said that the commercial zone ended at the last lot line. Discussion of the temporary turn-around at the end of Brentwood Drive pointed out that a temporary access easement was proposed which would automatically revert to the owner upon future extension of the street. Commissioner Boyett moved that the preliminary plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a recommendation to the City Council of areas to be included in the Federal Aid Urban System. Mr. D. D. Williamson explained the Federal Aid Urban System and asked that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council those streets to be included in this system. The City Planner showed a map of tentative locations for the Commission's consideration. Commissioner Boyett questioned the commission of several routes. Discussion followed which resulted in the general opinion that all of the streets shown on the Urban Transportation Study map should be recommended. Commissioner Calliham moved that the Commission recommend inclusion of all of the streets shown as federal aid projects and all of the streets shown as arterials or 411/ collectors on the map of the Urban Transportation Study from the 1974 Annual Report, with the exception of those streets on the University Campus and those streets south MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 September 16, 1974 of FM 2154 and FM 2347. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson 4110 and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a zone change request from BEMA, Inc. The City Planner showed the location and proposed rezoning of the tract. Chairman Longley asked the depth of the requested Neighborhood Business zone. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioners Stevenson and Calliham questioned the adequacy of the 150 feet depth of C-N zoned requested. Mr. Martin Anding of BEMA, Inc. said that 150 feet was all that he felt that they could use. Commissioner Stevenson moved that the Commission recommend a 200 feet depth of Neighborhood Business zone rather than the 150 feet requested, and recommend that the balance of the tract upon which rezoning had been requested be rezoned to Apartment Building District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a zone change request from E. L. Putz. The City Planner showed the location of the tract and Mr. Putz stated that he intended to construct a building himself. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission recommend that the tract be rezoned 1111 to General Commercial District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a zone change request from Harold Redmond. The City Planner showed the location of the lots and said that the purpose of the request was to allow the land to be used for parking. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Mr. Travis Englebrecht spoke in favor of the proposal and said that the Aggieland Inn intended to purchase the property and construct additional parking facilities. Mr. Driscoll, who resides directly across Redmond Drive, spoke against the proposal and pointed out the increased traffic which would be created on a residential street. Chairman Longley closed the public hearing. Commissioner Calliham pointed out that parking was not compatible with single family residential use. Commissioner Boyett suggested rezoning to General Commercial and requiring screening fences. Discussion followed concerning traffic flow and the effect of creating blind spots at the intersection by screening fences. Commissioner Calliham moved that the Commission recommend denial of the zone change request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideration of a zone change request from Tommy Arhopulos. The City Planner showed the location of the property. Mr. Chalon Jones, Mr. Pat Cooper and Mr. Tony Caporina gave a brief statement of the proposed intended 110 use of the property. The Commission agreed to consider this item along with Agenda Item No. 10 -- Consideration of a zone change from Building Consultants, Inc. L MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 September 16, 1974 Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing 4111 was closed. Commissioner Boyett stated that Mr. Rosprim, an adjoining owner who was unable to attend the meeting, had expressed to him his approval of the proposed change. Commissioner Calliham moved that the Commission recommend approval of the zone changes requested. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Other business. There was no other business. Agenda Item No. 12 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Boyett moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and unanimously approved. AP'ROVED 4:001,,,„e7 /Chairman ATTEST Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING September 16, 1974 PLEASE SIGN BELOW 1. i e 19. 20. / / 21. 4. CjaT'�' 22. 5. 61,Taa 23. 6. 24. 7. 25. 8. 26. 9. 27. • 10. 28. 11. 29. 12. 30. 13. 31. 14. 32. 15. 33. 16. 34. 17. 35. 18. 36.