HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 410 October 7, 1974 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman John Longley; Commissioners James Wallace, Ed Miller, Tom Chaney, Barney Stevenson, George Boyett; Council Liaison Don Dale; Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner M. R. Calliham. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. Chairman Longley called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of the minutes of the meeting of September 16, 1974. Commissioner Miller moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wallace and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consideration of a zone change request for Lot 1, Block 18, College Hills Estates. The City Planner showed the location of the lot in question and stated that the proposed use was to be a retail gift shop. Commissioner Miller asked about the location of drive openings. Mr. Koehler said that this would be determined by the City Engineer at the time that a building permit was applied for. Commissioner Miller asked Mr. Ford about plans to tie Kyle Street into Dominik Drive. Mr. Ford said that this had been considered in long range planning. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Mr. Glenn Thomas, the applicant and prospective buyer explained his plans for renovation of the building, provisions for parking and nature of his business to be conducted. Mr. C. A. Greer spoke against the proposal, stating that the City had in the past supported deed restrictions by zoning and building permit policies. A discussion followed concerning provisions of Ordinance No. 261 and Ordinance No. 850 concerning building permits and zone change requests. The points were made that Ordinance No. 261 required that the Building Official not issue a building permit in conflict with deed restrictions; that Ordinance No. 850 repealed this provision and required the Building Official to issue permits without regard to deed restrictions; that a zone change request was a petition to the City Council and must be forwarded to the Council; and that zoning and deed restrictions were independent functions, one public and the other private, and neither activity influenced the other. Mr. Ken Menefee spoke against the proposal stating that the two blocks between Kyle and Gilchrist were the only two along Texas Avenue not zoned for commercial use and that he felt that they should remain that way. Mrs. Elsie Lynch spoke against the proposal and said that nearby commercial areas were objectionable to her and she did not want to see them increased. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 October 7, 1974 Dr. A. D. Folweiler spoke against the proposal and expressed the feeling that this 4111 change could set a precedent and result in a piecemeal enlargement of commercial zoning. Cid Cox spoke against, saying that he felt the change would be detrimental to the value of his property in the area. Mr. Warlick, Helen Bowman, Cecil Ryan, A. C. Vinzant and Auth Bright also spoke against the proposal. Chairman Longley closed the public hearing. Commissioner Wallace moved that the Commission recommend that the zone change request be denied. He further stated that his motion had nothing to do with deed restrictions, but was in consideration of the effect on nearby owners. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of a zone change request for the Felix Kapchinskie 20 acre tract. The Commission agreed to consider this item along with Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat of the Felix Kapchinskie Addition. The City Planner showed the location of the tract and pointed out that the plat should bear the notation "Preliminary Plat" and that a 40 foot access easement should either be made a private easement or should conform to the require- ments for a dedicated street right-of-way. Jim Behling, representing Mr. Kapchinskie, spoke for the proposed zone change and pointed out the suitability of the land for apartment use due to the proximity 4111 to the campus and the ease of service by the shuttle bus system. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The hearing was closed. Commissioner Stevenson moved that the Commission recommend approval of the zone change. Commissioner Wallace seconded the motion which was approved unanimously with Commissioner Chaney abstaining. Chairman Longley asked if the access easement shown was a part of the land to be subdivided. Mr. Chaney said that the easement was private and not meant for public use. Commissioner Wallace moved that the plat be tabled until the commission had considered Agenda Item No. 5 and No. 7. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and unanimously adopted. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a zone change request for five tracts out of the Brazosland Properties 78.76 acre tract. The Commission agreed to consider this item along with Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat of Parkway Plaza Addition. The City Planner showed the location of the plat and discussed the portion of Anderson Street not included in this plat and the conflict of street names between Brentwood Drive and Parkway Plaza Drive. Mr. James C. Smith and Mr. Sam Liste presented a conceptual development plan for the development. 1111 Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Ms. Gloria Martinson spoke about a drainage problem on the F.B. Clark tract. Mr. Bishop explained how the drainage could be handled from this tract. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 October 7, 1974 Chairman Longley closed the public hearing. 4110 Commissioner Chaney moved that the Commission recommend approval of the zone changes requested. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. The Commission consented to take up the plat of the Kapchinskie Addition and to consider it along with the plat of Parkway Plaza. Commissioner Wallace asked about the ownership of the property west of the proposed plat. Mr. Smith said that the property belonged to the Anderson Ridge Corporation and discussed possible street routings. Commissioner Wallace moved that the plat of Parkway Plaza be accepted. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Commissioner Wallace moved that the preliminary plat of the Kapchinskie Addition be approved and that the owners of the Kapchinskie and Parkway Plaza plat arrange additional street locations with the Assistant Director of Public Works prior to submission of a final plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and unanimously approved with Commissioner Chaney abstaining. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a vacating plat of Polo Park Place. The City Planner showed the plat and explained the location. He said that this plat would abandon those easements and right-of-ways shown on the vacating plat which were not in use and that all owners of any parts of the original subdivision had signed the plat. ill/ Commissioner Boyett moved that the vacating plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wallace and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Other business. There was no other business. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Chaney moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wallace and unanimously approved. APPROVED hairman ATTEST Cealer-4eklitd-4) 4(Xf rx-/-7 Secretary 116-4110 r -1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING October 7, 1974 7;00 pA PLEASE SIGN BELOW: ,,, 110 1. 20.��� I91 3. ,„(,(exii- lam() • 22. .-0./s-yt•cv•- 4. b 23. h, C lI/J P2^"-7- 5. . , - -6 24.a)w, \-t- \ owiaS Q qx, ,61Let..4_0--, 6. 25 rh„,(2,,,,f,-- , 7. 26. ,0 g ?74C-/L� 8. 00 c/1- o� � 27. U'`f -e-C-64 `�m..9J 9. 77 28. /Li - /e/6 • 7�,, , TQ• - 29. vim" 10. ,//vl/�. l-ii 11. W . ��: �17-G(4_ V i:yl 12. ( 31. ,-%n'! 4 13. /4 u 32. .14- e/ azz2Z2-22./.---/ 14. 7 33. ,1�,/ (I, L, 15. L,J, • ( 34. t,,-7 ✓ • , 1'1'2 / jil-i-'2-eA/ jr:d-- 16. • ' 35. • 17. \ 1W /4 ` 1 NScSv"" 36. 0,A1 1 6-vy. III 18. ,4--e--0 1-+ (a/---(74- -/- . i (1\----- - ,,,_____ ___, 19. 7 /.(Z--- 38. r /)/iA 0 39. 55. 56. 40.a 57. 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