HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/21/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 21, 1974 1111 7:00 P.M. V MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman John Longley; Commissioners Ed Miller, Tom Chaney, Barney Stevenson, George Boyett, M. R. Calliham; Assistant Director of Public Works George R. Ford; Tax Assessor Collector Dietrich Bengs; City Planner Bill Koehler. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner James Wallace; Council Liaison Don Dale. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. Chairman Longley called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of the minutes of the meeting of October 7, 1974. Commissioner Chaney moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consideration of a final plat of Brentwood, Section One. The City Planner showed the location of the plat and explained that it conformed to the previously approved preliminary plat. Assistant Director of Public Works Ford pointed out that the original plan had been to provide a storm sewer across the property, but that the owners now wished to handle drainage in an open channel. Mr. Ford was concerned about the effect of a storm greater than the required 5 year frequency design 411/ storm on adjoining lots and suggested the following alternative means of insuring relief: 1. Show a minimum finish floor building elevation on the plat. 2. Deliniate the Intermediate Regional Flood boundary on the plat as provided for in the Flood Hazard Ordinance. Commissioner Calliham asked how much drainage area was involved. Mr. Richard Smith stated that a considerable volume of water was involved, although there was at present no clearly defined natural channel. Commissioner Boyett suggested that a minimum building elevation should be shown. Mr. Smith expressed the opinion that the studies required for this could be beyond the means available to a developer. Commissioner Boyett stated that this could be done by a small area study and had been done previously in Southwood Section 21 and Southwood Section 24 to his knowledge. Mr. Smith asked who would bear the responsibility for the correctness of the elevation shown as a safe elevation. Commissioner Boyett stated that the responsibility would be the engineer's, and that this was a part of the normal professional responsibility of a Registered Engineer. Commissioner Calliham stated that the choice was one of providing the buyers of the lots with a reasonable warning of the hazards or following a policy of "Caveat Emptor". Commissioner Chaney stated that the Commission must not impose requirements which were beyond their powers to impose as defined in existing ordinances. Commissioner Boyett asked what the alternative methods of construction would be. Mr. Ford stated that (1) the storm sewer could be installed as originally proposed; (2) a trapezoidal channel with minimum 3:1 side slopes could be built in an easement if sufficient access were provided for maintenance;. or (3) a channel could be constructed without an easement and maintenance would be the responsibility of the owner. 4111 The City Planner stated that in any case, provision must be made for storms that could be expected in excess of the design storm for these structures, and that in his opinion MINUTES, Planning & Zoning Commission October 21, 1974 Page 2 this could most reasonably be done by specifying a minimum building elevation or by defining the flood hazard zone as provided for in the Flood Hazard Ordinance. The designing engineer would be entirely free to exercise his professional judgement and would also be responsible for the adequacy of that judgement. Mr. Smith stated that, as he understood it, a minimum building elevation shown on the plat would be similar to a building line or a deed restriction. Commissioner Boyett stated that this was so and that this had been the case in the Southwood Subdivisions where the minimum elevations had been specified. Commissioner Boyett moved that the plat be approved subject to the following requirements: 1. That a minimum building elevation be shown on the plat. 2. That drainage be handled by one of the following means: a. A drainage easement be provided in Block One and Block Two and a 30" reinforced concrete pipe be installed; b. A drainage easement be provided sufficient to contain a trapezoidal channel with minimum 3:1 side slopes and an additional access ease- ment be provided for maintenance. c. No easement be provided, the owner to provide for drainage to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and the owner to be responsible for maintenance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and unanimously approved. Mr. Smith felt that for the sake of uniformity, the Commission should follow the same policy with respect to minimum building elevations in the future. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Appointment of members to developmental policy review committee. Chairman Longley asked if the Council had adopted the proposal stated in Councilman Gardner's memorandum. The City Planner stated that they had and that they were to appoint members at the next Council meeting. Chairman Longley and Commissioner Boyett stated that they felt the activities proposed for the committee in the memorandum should properly be carried out by the Council, as they had been elected for that purpose. Commissioner Stevenson questioned what the proposed committee would do which was not already the charge of existing city committees. Commissioner Chaney stated that the proposed committee overlapped the responsibilities of all other standing committees and commissions of the city. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission respectfully decline to participate in the proposed committee until the Commission had an opportunity to discuss the ramifications of the committee with the Council in an open meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chaney and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Other business. There was no other business. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Boyett moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chaney and unanimously approved. cm ATTEST APPROVED / i"/I Secretar 1C1ia4llrlar #37, 7.-- PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 21, 1974 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN ELOW: • 1, CD-C2'N O ..,. 20. T -e 'i -r 2. / . . <<,, - (-,! ` r:r,.9'' 21. J 3. 22. 4. 23. 5. 24. 6. 25. 7. 26. 8. 27. 9. 28. 1 411/ 10. 29. 11. 30. 1 12. 31. 13. 32. 14. 33. 15. 34. 16. 35. 17. 36. 4111 18. 37. 19. 38.