HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning COMMi,ssi,on Meeting May 6, 1974 S7: 00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman John Longley; Commissioners James Wallace, Ed Miller, Tom Chaney, George Boyett, M. R. Calliham, Barney Stevenson; City Planner Bill Koehler; Engineer- ing Aide Jimmie Wenzel. MEMBERS ABSENT: Council Liaison Don Dale. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. The regular meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Longley at 7 : 00 P.M. , May 6, 1974 at the City Hall in the Council Room. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of April 15 meeting. Commissioner Calliham noted that the signature title of the minutes should be changed to read "Chairman" rather than "Mayor" . A motion by Commissioner Calliham seconded by Commissioner Wallace to approve the minutes subject to this correction was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 - Hear Visitors. Mr. Richard Smith asked if the City intended to change the Zoning Ordinance to allow a building in the Flood Plain, and if so, at what time would the amendment be completed. Commissioner Boyett stated that this subcommittee of the Planning 411 and Zoning Commission has prepared a recommended change and that a draft was under review by city administrative departments. The City Planner stated that the City Attorney felt that some changes were necessary. The proposed change would allow construction when the owner or his consultants could define the limits of the flood plain and design their structure to avoid damage to the structure or to upstream or downstream owners. Under the present ordinance provisions no building permit may be granted in the flood plain without a variance. Commissioner Calliham questioned the need of the variance procedure for each building permit in such areas. Chairman Longley said that he expected the Commission to consider the proposed amendment at the nextmeeting. Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of a zone change request for a two acre tract (Shiloh Club) . The City Planner showed the location of the tract and pointed out that an adjacent tract was zoned C-1 and the adjoining land on the other side of this two acre tract was the College Station Cemetery. Mr. Gerald Ferrar, the spokesman for the Shiloh Club explained that the club wished to sell this land in order to move out of the city limits. Activities of the club such as turkey shoots could no longer be conducted at the present location. The club had a contract of sale which was contingent on the property being rezoned. 410 Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. No one spoke in opposition. MINUTES, Planning & Zoning Commission May 6, 1974 Page 2 Commissioner Chaney asked if the Cemetery Committee had been informed of the hearing and City Planner Koehler said that they had. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission recommend approval of the zone change. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and approved unanimously with Commissioner Calliham abstaining. Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of a zone change request for a 4 .32 acre tract and a 17 .90 acre tract of F.M. 60. The City Planner showed the location of the tracts and pointed out that the tracts were a part of an old subdivision in which the streets and utilities had not been constructed. He stated that the developers intended to vacate the old plat and re-plat the entire area. Commissioner Wallace questioned the proximity of the approach zone of Easterwood Airport. Commissioner Chaney questioned the feasibility of providing sewer for the area. The City Planner stated that the runway centerline was not near enough to this tract to present a problem and that arrangements had been made with Texas A&M University to handle the sanitary sewage treatment for this area. Commissioner Boyett asked Mrs. Overstreet, one of the owners of adjacent property, whether she had been contacted by the applicants concerning the proposed change. She stated that the only notice she had received had been from the City. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. 411 Mr. Frnak Steelman, attorney for Mrs. Martha Blazek, an owner of adjacent property, stated that he felt Mrs. Blazek had not been given adequate notice of the zone change. He stated that this client had no desire to have commercial property near her properties since the land had always been in residential use. Commissioner Chaney asked whether or not there were any deed restrictions against Commercial uses. Mr. Steelman said that he had not had time to investigate that possibility. Commissioner Wallace questioned the volume of traffic which might be generated by the apartment areas and would have to move through the relatively narrow frontage. Commissioner Chaney moved that the Commission recommend that the request for zone change be denied because of the effect of creating isolated residential lots within a commercial zone. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wallace and passed by the following vote: FOR - Commissioners Chaney, Wallace, Calliham, Stevenson, Miller, Chairman Longley. NO - Commissioner Boyett. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of a final plat of Anderson Ridge Subdivision, Section Two. The City Planner presented the plat and pointed out that most of the utilities and all of the streets shown on the plat had been constructed. He also said that the area marked "future" on the plat included land which the City might consider purchasing. Commissioner Chaney questioned the need for Scandia Drive. Mr. Koehler stated that this was a part of the area marked "future" and was not necessary to MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 May 6, 1974 the development of this subdivision. The necessity for the street 411 would depend on what land, if any, the city purchased. Commissioner Chaney asked whether the park requirement had been met. Mr. Koehler said that a tract of park land had been dedicated with the Dobrovolny Addition out of this tract. The earlier dedication does not apply to this tract, and the park land require- ment has not yet been met. Commissioner Calliham asked whether this plat would preclude the possibility of Scandia Drive connecting Park Place and Holleman Drive. Mr. Koehler said that it would not. Comment was made concerning the fact that some tracts presently being platted had been sold without platting. Commissioner Boyett pointed out certain typographic errors on the plat. Commissioner Wallace moved that the plat be approved and that the corrections be made prior the filing the plat in the Deed Records. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chaney and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 - Other Business. Chairman Longley asked whether the report on Interim Report II, Phase 2 of the Comprehensive Plan was to be presented at this time. The City Planner said that arrangements were being made to have a joint meeting of the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission for this presentation and that the Commission members would be notified by mail as soon as the date was known. APPROVED Chairman ATTEST Secretary rREGULAR PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING May 6, 1974 7 :00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN/ BELOW: • 1. lda 16. .ierg , IMCreDL'' 2. 17 . i2,c��%���" 3 . 6,4 Ctic 18. 0_ 21,/ ax;(41 ,4- , (--,v0„3 4. A40 �,���/- , �19 5. 20 . Aff#-L . P- - -""`L___ 6. 19d--eretle'lf-c' A6e-J2j.. 7. &04,4 22 6,___L/ 0 8. tr 23. leeirel,d ar,,L2,,,,,2 9 I)-e ------/ 24 . 016144)//4/4 10. '2 cC� 7V •‘ 25. cs�c-_, �A,-/L' tr 11. 26. 12 -dijitA IA)' 4eAAAj'hA AM/ N.;z:t 27. 1 ..—P-'--,Y)4( 2 8 /�.2.z, ?<(-- .<_fi___4,1_,c,t,t."__ 410 ��� v`Y" 14. z ?�9. 15. C-,---- n 30 . ��lw