HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 20, 1974 7 : 00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Longley; Commissioners Ed Miller, George Boyett, Mr. R. Calliham, Barney Stevenson, Council Liaison Don Dale; Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners James Wallace, Tom Chaney. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. The regular meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Longley at 7: 00 P.M. , May 20, 1974 at the City Hall in the Council Room. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of meeting of May 6, 1974 . Commissioner Miller pointed out that in the consideration of Agenda Item 5, paragraph three, the statement should be added: "The earlier dedication does not apply to this tract, and the park land requirement has not yet been met. " Commissioner Calliham moved that the minutes be approved with correction. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 - Hear visitors. No one spoke. SAgenda Item No. 3 - Reconsideration of a zone change request for a 17 . 90 acre tract and a 4 .32 acre tract on FM 60 South. The City Planner pointed out that this case had been heard at the last meeting, that since that time otherdnformation had been brought forth by the applicants, and that with the Commission' s permission, the case could be reconsidered. He also said that he had received zone change request applications from two other owners of approximately 70 acres of land in the area, and showed the location and the requested zoning of these tracts. Chairman Longley ascertained that all of the adjacent property owners were present, had no objection to the zone change request, and were parties to a mutual agreement between themselves and the applicants concerning the nature of the proposed development. The applicants pointed out that they would not object to the Planning Commission approving 2.9 acres for Neighborhood Business out of the 4 .32 acre General Commercial tract originally requested, and approving the remainder of the 4 .32 acre tract as Apartment Building District. Councilman Dale questioned the agreements concerning sanitary sewer and water service to the tracts. Mr. Martin Riley, Mr. Wayne Smith, and Assistant Director of Public Works Ford stated that negotiations were underway with officials of Texas A&M University to arrange for the necessary services to this area. Commissioner 410 Calliham pointed out that the zoning should be considered on the basis of the suitability of the land for the purpose intended and that provision of utilities should be considered as a separate problem. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 1 May 20, 1974 Commissioner Boyett moved, and Commissioner Calliham seconded that the Commission recommend approval of a zone change of a 2 .9 acre tract to Neighborhood Business and a 19. 41 acre tract to Apartment Building District. The motion was approved by unanimous vote. Agenda Item No. 4 - Review of priorities, Urban Transportation Plan. The City Planner introduced Mr. D. D. Williamson, Planning Engineer, District 17, Texas Highway Department. Mr. Williamson presented a Land Use Growth Map and a draft copy of the annual report on the Urban Transportation Plan. He reviewed the organization and functions of the Policy Advisory Committee, the Steering Committee, the Technical Committee, and the Citizen' s Advisory Committee. He stated that proposed pnajects for Federally assisted funding were arranged in priority groupings and that any project in Priority I could be selected by the District Engineer for immediate funding when the funds were made available. He added that all "TOPICS" projects were in Priority I . Councilman Dale and Commissioner Boyett questioned the operation of this arrangement in the current project on Highway 6 South; what was the effect of the delay of the Highway 6 South project, and what could be done about the constriction in pavement width which would exist between FM 2818 and the intersection of the East Bypass? !II Mr. Williamson replied that the Highway 6 South project had been funded through this program, and as a result, it had been agreed between the two cities that the majority of the next funding would be allocated to a project in Bryan. He stated that, at the time that one Highway 6 South project had been initiated, it was not possible to use urban transportation funds beyond the 1970 city limits--thus the unimpnQved area existed between FM 2818 and Hwy 6 East Bypass . He felt that this portion of Hwy 6 could be improved through other funding, perhaps by maintenance forces of the Highway Department. The present Federal guidelines now allow the city to establish its own urban area boundary for the purposes of the program. In reply to a question by Councilman Dale, Mr, Williamson stated that the Priority I items were not being changed, but were being added to. Projects would be selected for funding from this*. group depending on the sufficiency of funds at any particular time. The Steering Committee had anticipated three projects from currently available funds: extension of Briarcrest Drive to FM 158 , extension of Fountain from the Villa Maria Extension to FM 2154 and F&B Road intersection, and signalization of FM 2154 and FM 2347 intersection. Other funds could be used to complete these projects if necessary. 40 In any case, these recommendations of the Steering Committee must be initiated by the cities and county. Mr. Williamson stated further, that it would be necessary for the city to designate those projects which would be part of the Federal Aid Urban System (FAUS) . While any arterial or collector street would MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 May 20, 1974 be eligible, funding could not be expected to cover all such projects within a city, and some choice should be made. F Mr. Williamson stated that the reason for advancing the Briarcrest Drive project was to assist the county in providing a road which had been a condition of the dedication of the land for a county park. Commissioner Boyett questioned the use of funds for a project for which no present demand existed. Councilman Dale pointed out that both cities have pressing and urgent traffic problems which should be considered before any committment to demands which do not yet exist. Commissioner Boyett pointed out that any recommendation from the Plan- ning Commission should be restricted to priorities within College Station and that priorities in other jurisdictions should be recom- mended by the appropriate bodies of those jurisdictions. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Planning Commission express the view that the priorities within the City of College Station which have already been established have not changed and it is recommended that these priority items not be changed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 - Presentation of committee report on flood hazard amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Boyett presented a draft copy of an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance by establish- ing a flood hazard district. He said that the existing Section 6-N of the Zoning Ordinance forbade all building within the flood plain 410 and was unduly restrictive and would probably not be found to be enforceable. A committee of the Planning Commission consisting of Commissioner Boyett and former Commissioner Mathewson had prepared a first draft of this ordinance which had undergone review by the city staff and the committee in the preparation of the draft presented. Chairman Longley declared a recess of the Commission in order to study the draft presented. Chairman Longley reconvened the meeting for discussion of the draft ordinance. Commissioner Calliham pointed out that the zone being established was not a land use zone and was to be superimposed over existing zoning. Mr. D. D. Williamson pointed out that the ordinance provided that no upstream blockage of flood waters could be permitted and that it was not possible to design a channel modification or structure to accomplish this. He suggested that the provision should be changed to allow a one foot rise in backwater. He stated that reaches of most streams were relatively independent and that effects would not be cumulative. Commissioner Boyett stated that the Commission should be aware that some rise in backwater levels should be anticipated and that the Corps of Engineers study already anticipated development which could be foreseen at the time of the shady. Commissioner Calliham pointed out that the city is concerned with relatively large areas of overflow land with virtually still water in the flood plain. 1 MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 May 20, 1974 Mr. Richard Smith offered the opinion that the draft ordinance was reasonable in that it set forth conditions under which construction could be permitted, that it allowed the city reasonable control, and allowed the exercise of judgement on the part of all parties concerned. Commissioner Calliham added that the Planning Commission had control at the subdivision stage and at the building permit stage of a project involving channelization. Commissioner Boyett commented that a building permit which did not involve channelization was not subject to the construction assurance requirement. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Planning Commission forward the draft ordinance, amended to provide for a one foot increased headwater, to the City Council for their study and that if the Zoning Ordinance is to be so amended, the Council should initiate the amendment. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Council consider initiating an amendment to delete Section 6-N of the Zoning Ordinance as soon as possible. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Calliham and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 - Appointment of a Commission liaison to the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting of May 28 . The City Planner explained that the Parks and Recreation Committee was to begin a study of park land requirements of the city, and that the Planning and Zoning 411 Commission would very likely be asked to consider revisions of our means of obtaining neighborhood park land through the subdivision ordinance. The Parks and Recreation Committee felt that a liaison between their committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission would be of value and suggested that a liaison member be present during their considerations of park requirements. Chairman Longley appointed Commissioner Tom Chaney to serve as liaison to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Agenda Item No. 7 - Other business. Councilman Dale asked whether the Planning Commission had specified screening fencing in their approval of the zone change request for the Shiloh Club two acres adjacent to the cemetery. Commissioner Boyett responded that the Commission had not done so, and had not considered it. He suggested that the Council add this condition when they consider the request if this is desired. The Commission acknowledged receipt of a letter from Mr. H. O. Wahrmund' s thoughtfulness. Agenda Item No. 8 - Adjourn. A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approve APPROVED 411 hairman TEST Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WORKSHOP May 20, 1974 7;00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 1. © 64;4k, 15. 2. ige4,61,ce2/744,4X16. 3. al 0 w-w 17. 4. /42-A-L4V18. 5. 19. 6. 20. 7. /77 21. 1111 8. 22. /Ge-- 9. 23. 10. 24. 11. 25. 12. 26. 13. 27. 14. 28. S