HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 4r 1974 7 : 00 P.M. Aft MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners John Longley, James Wallace, Ed Miller, Chris Mathewson, Tom Chaney, George Boyett; Council Liaison Don Dale, Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest: .Register. The regular meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Calliham at 7 :00 P.M. on March 4 , 1974 at the City Hall in the Council Room. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the meetings of February 18 and February 26, 1974. Commissioner Wallace offered corrections to the minutes of the February 18 meeting and Commissioner Mathewson offered corrections to the minutes of the February 26 meeting. Upon motion by Commissioner Longley seconded by Commissioner Chaney and unanimously adopted, the minutes of the two meetings were approved as corrected. Agenda Item No. 2 - Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of a master preliminary plat of Camelot Addition, Section 3 and 4 . The City Planner showed the plat and its location with respect to surrounding development and pointed out that it was a 0 master preliminary plat intended to cover two installments of the addition. Mr. McCrory stated that the plat was acortinuation of the original two sections of the development and was done in accordance with commission guidelines. Mr. David Mayo, the project engineer, said that the only variance from the subdivision regulations was the excess length of the cul-de-sac on Langford Street. Commissioner Boyett reviewed the steps of the original development and veri- fied that all had been in agreement with the previous commissions ' requests . Chairman Calliham discussed the fact that longstreets were not necessarily suited to cul-de-sac treatment. Mr. Ed Binford asked whether Langford or Guadalupe was to terminate in a cul-de-sac, and questioned the status of the drainage ditch originating in the completed sections. Mr. Mayo pointed out the proposed street layout and explained that the blockage of the ditch was temporary and due to downstream construction and would be corrected. Considerable discussion concerning traffic through the area is summarized as follows: Residents along the completed portion of Guadalupe were concerned that the volume of traffic would increase along Guadalupe. Questions were raised as to the possibility of ending Guadalupe in cul-de-sacs such that there would be no thru connection from Langford to Guadalupe. Residents asked 0 the Commission to consider the possibility of connecting Langford Street to FM 2818 or of bridging Bee Creek to provide access back to FM 2818 . MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 March 4, 1974 It was agreed by the Commission that traffic would increase along the 40 existing portion of Guadalupe. A connection from Langford Street was considered a necessity due to the extreme length of the Langford-King Arthur-Lancelot neighborhood which would otherwise be accessible only from Langford Street. The location of adjacent properties and existing structures on FM 2818 at Bee Creek precluded any safe intersection of Langford with FM 2818. The cost of a structure necessary to bridge Bee Creek would exceed any justifiable expenditure for this type of residential subdivision. Mrs. Regina Freeman asked about the deed restrictions to be placed on the lots. Mr. McCrory replied tha t they would be the same as those on the first two installments. Ms. Ellie Marquist asked about the size of the lots . The lot sizes shown on the plat were reviewed. Mr. Jim Gardner asked about sidewalks in the proposed addition. The response was that walks would not be a general requirement due to the residential chracter of the streets . Commissioner Boyett moved that the plat be accepted and that sidewalks be installed along the norwest side of Guadalupe and the southwest side of Langford provided that petitions were obtained for sidewalks from the limits of the subdivision to Southwest Parkway on the southwest side of Langford and from the limits of the subdivision to Nueces Drive on the northwest side of Guadalupe. 410 Commissioner Wallace asked about a time limit on the developer ' s obligation. Commissioner Boyett rephrased his motion to specify that the developer ' s obligation for sidewalk construction would expire if the said petitions were not received prior to the filing of the final plat of Section 3 . The motion with the addition of the time limit was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 - A Report of the status of Wolfpen Village Planned Unit Development: Mr. J. W. Wood stated that the plat and P.U.D. Zoning was approved for this subdivision 3 years ago. Construction of streets and utilities began 2 years ago. At the present time all of the streets and utilities are complete and 75% of the amenities are complete. Of the structures planned, 11 Townhouses and 42 units of apartments remain to be completed in Phase II, and the common between the apartments and Wolf Run will be landscaped upon completion of construction of the apartments . Single residence lots along Wolf Run are to be custom houses and the restrictions specify that the architecture will be a part of the P.U.D. zoning. Plans are now complete on the townhouses and apartments and have been submitted to the lenders for financing. Construction is expected to be underway by this summer. Of the remaining single residence lots, one is under construction and one has plans completed and submitted to the lenders for approval. Aft Chairman Calliham observed that construction of the housing has overrun the specified time and must be completed in some way. He asked what definite information was available on completion plans. MINUTES, Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 March 4, 1974 Mr. Wood replied that uncertainties of the market and financing in 411 real estate sales made projection of time requirements difficult to follow. The ordinance requires only that streets, utilities and amenities are required to be completed within the time limits, and with the exception of the landscaping mentioned above, this has been done. Completion of the saleable structures depends on the lenders; the developers have completed the work necessary for this. Chairman Calliham said that it was apparent that the ordinance governing Planned Unit Development must be specific in its time requirements. Mr. Wood stated that strict time limitations would require financing to be arranged on the project as a whole and that such financing has proven to be difficult to obtain in this area. Agenda Item No. 6 - Other business. (With the concurrence of the commission and the representatives of Pinnell-Anderson-Wilshire and Associates, this item was considered at this time) . The City Planner presented a plat of Southwest Parkway Street Dedication from Hwy. 6 South to Hwy. 6 East Bypass, showing the location and the adjacent properties. Councilman Dale observed that this property had been in the hands of the Krenek family for over 100 years, that the right-of-way was a much needed asset to the City, and that the owners accepted the responsibility of paving the right-of-way at some future time as 411 well as dedicating the right-of-way to the City. He thanked the owners on behalf of the Council for their action. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission accept the final plat of the street dedication and that the Planning and Zoning Commission send a letter expressing the Commission' s gratitude for this dedication. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longley and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 - Interim Report, Phase II, Comprehensive Development Plan of the City of College Station. Dr . Charles Pinnell presented the Interim Report and discussed the background of the study to date. He discussed the revision of the intial projection of growth rates and reviewed the content of the published report. Dr. Roger Powell discussed the proposed Land Use Plan and said that the Land Use Plan was the last step before the final document. He stated that the Zoning Map, under the Administrative Controls portion of the study should be revised to reflect the Land Use Plan, and that his organi- zation was beginning work on the Transportation Plan which would interact with the Land Use Plan. Commissioner Chaney asked, with respect to the Community Facilities study, what would be the future of the Old City Hall property. Dr. Pinnell said that the use of this property had not yet been decided, but that his firm would develope a recommendation. Commissioner Boyett suggested that the plan should point out the desirability of moving the railroad in the most positive terms. He asked if any consideration was given to the use of the railroad bed Pr- MINUTES, Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 March 4, 1974 as an alternative to the Finfeather Agronomy Road Connection. Chairman Calliham asked what would be done with the existing FM 2154 in the West Gate area. Dr. Pinnell stated that the principle reason for the routing of the Agronomy Road thorofare was to help eliminate the dividing effect of the highway on the campus . He surmised that the existing road would be left as a through road but that the main traffic load would be directed to the Agronomy Road route. He said that the closing of FM 2154 could be a future possibility but that the Agronomy Road route would be needed in any case. Mr. W. D. Fitch asked to what extent the City was to be bound by the Comprehensive Plan. Dr. Pinnell replied that the Comprehensive Plan serves as a guide to future decisions and is subject to a continuing review and updating process . Chairman Calliham stated that the plan is to be flexible and is to be open to interpretation according to the spirit of the plan. Dr. Pinnell discussed the review process adopted by the City Council and explained the organization of the Study Committees which had been formed. Chairman Calliham announced the committee appointments from the Planning and Zoning Commission. (See Appendix) and established the time of the first meeting of the Land Use Plan Committee to be at 7 :00 PM 411 on Monday, March 11, 1974 in the Conference Room of the City Hall. Dr. Roger Powell was invited to be present at this meeting. Commissioner Boyett suggested that the Citizens Advisory Groups, through their chairmen, be invited to comment on this report. The City Planner was directed to make the necessary contacts by telephone to accomplish this . Commissioner Boyett and Chairman Calliham agreed that any publications of the Comprehensive Plan documents should contain a preface to the effect that the plan is presented as a guide and as such is subject to interpretation and updating according to the evolving needs of the community. i Agenda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Commissioner Wallace moved to adjourn and Commissioner Miller seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. iP' •0 D an ATTEST Sec tart' J sZO"ammWarMWW. 'r'i iC x:'F�ki+^"' .sN;�,�?!a. .6:� "�T"�R3C ,; .r.1t'+3:.a.'i..`Fn"F' .'•a1.' :=�44; r Committees For Study of Interim Report Phase II, 701 Plan 411 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Members: Council Members : Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Homer Adams . Fred Brison, J. D. Lindsay, C. A. Bonnen, Don Dale. P&Z Liaison Member: John Longley Staff Memaber: North Bardell, City Manager LAND USE PLAN Members: Planning & Zoning Commission Members: Commission as a body; Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners George Boyett, Tom Chaney; John Longley; James Wallace; Chris Mathewson; Ed Miller . Council Liaison Member: Don Dale Staff Member: City Planner Bill Koehler MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Members : City Manager North Bardell; Chief of Police Marvin Byrd; Fire Chief Douglas Landua; City Secretary Florence Neelley; City 410 Judge Phillip Goode; Utilities Supervisor Dian Jones. Council Liaison Member: Fred Brison P & Z Liaison Member: Tom Chaney MUNICIPAL UTILITIES Members: Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; Parks and Recreation Director Paul Wojciechowski; Street Maintenance Alfred Miller; Water and Sewer Supt. Bennie Leudke. Council Liaison Member: Homer Adams P & Z Liaison Member: James Wallace It is recommended that each group be given responsibility for its organiza- tion and work schedule, and be charged with the return of their report and recommendation in time for inclusion in the final statement, prior to March 29. Mem-bers should be assigned at the earliest opportunity. � II REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING March 4, ( 974 7 :00 P.M. illPLEASE SIGN BELOW: 1. 4056i♦4' -6e-te4/ 16. £2 . V• 2. CR 17 . /.J rM 4412 3. . e 4' i, 18 . g. A. E- 4. JA,(c ve� 20.19 . -Ca\A-VIleij 5. 1<11%--- A Dri -6/ 6. fir. # vi. (tL '' 21. 6)di40 f 7. 22 . a a fl/ 8 . \X�' ( 23 . 1) \) • 9. 071'W 24 . 7/Ltz) .C1. ki • L' `mot . tA-e- z s 72&v ' Ar.,- ii_67/..,j ___2_6 Pzi. i 7),6o 4 1- cE- ,C--7-yt_r,-,--fr:7- 11. t i7 K i ...e./i., k--(- et2.-, 12. qi(i4 2-g . 13. 44 Jae fiq� Gjl liti - G 14 . 4().x �0 /(oinil 15. 60//:, 71' 2-0. 9(641.,--i- , W - 40 (ii,. ea 42,/sr —PL 23 2,./D77/ , • 4t Z - -'4 3 xJ a Pa4A-c