HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/18/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionPF- MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 411 February 18 , 1974 7 : 00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman John Longley; Commissioners James Wallace, Ed Miller, Chris Mathewson, Tom Chaney, George Boyett; Council Liaison Don Dale; Director of Public Works Louie Dulaney; Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register . The regular meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commis- sion was called to order by Acting Chairman Longley at 7 : 00 P.M. , February 18 , 1974 at the City Hall in the Council Room. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of February 4 meeting. On motion by Commissioner Mathewson seconded by Commissioner Miller, the minutes were approved as read. Agenda Item No. 2 - Hear visitors . No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of rezoning request for Lots 15,1i-q)2, 16, 17 and 18 , Block 9 of West Park Subdivision. City Planner Koehler showed the location of the lots in question and explained the surrounding zoning. Mr. L. P. Dulaney and Mr. Jess Coon spoke as the applicants and stated that Neighborhood Business District, District C-N would be acceptable to them. The discussion which followed is summarized: Mr. Ken Austin stated that the Comprehensive Plan shows a larger commercial development in the area and that smaller tract zoning such as this could interfere with the future development. He questioned the type of business which could be operated in C-N District and how much traffic such businesses could generate. He asked whether zoning should be changed to facilitate the sale of property. He stated that he might favor the proposal if he knew what type of business would be constructed. Dr. James Gardner pointed out that the transportation plan called for the upgrading of F.M. 2154 and that additional right-of-way might be needed. He mentioned the provision for the use of a conditional use permit which would allow the zone change and give the Planning and Zoning Commission a chance to review the exact type of business when such was proposed. Commissioner Wallace asked whether strip commercial zoning had increased 410 on F.M. 2154 . Mr. Austin said that he thought that it might occur. Mr. Chaney stated that if anything, it was strip residential zoning at present, and pointed out the undesirability of residential frontage on a major thoroughfare. � I 7 MINUTES, Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 February 18 , 1974 411 Mr. Dulaney pointed out that the types of businesses allowed in C-N District were quiet businesses suited for proximity to residential development. Commissioner Chaney expressed the need for signalization of the inter- section of Jersey Street and F.M. 2154 . He said that this could improve the traffic situation in the area of the requested zone change. He stated that he would favor the zone change if the prospec- tive use were identified. 1 Commissioner Mathewson said that the only means of ingress and egress to the site were dangerously close to the intersection of Jersey Street and F.M. 2154 and that he would favor the change to C-N if a development plan were submitted, or a change to C-1 of a larger tract, possibly including all of Block 9 . He felt that the lots were definately not suited to residential construction. Commissioner Mathewson made the following motion, seconded by Commis- sioner Chaney: To refuse the request, but to recognize that the property was not suited to residential use and to suggest the possibility of favorable consideration at such time as a plan of development was submitted with the request. Commissioners Wallace and Miller emphasized that the minutes should 410 clearly reflect that the request would be approved if presented along with an_acceptable .plan of development. The above motion was adopted by unanimous vote. Agenda Item No. 4 - Other business. Assistant Director of Public Works Ford brought up the subject of the final plat of Post Oak Forest Planned Unit Development, pointing out that the original one year period between approval of zoning and the filing of the final plat would soon expire and that the developer had requested a six month extension of time. He pointed out that the first phase construc- tion was complete but that subsequent phases required a letter of guarantee to be submitted before the plat could be filed. The developer, Mr. Don Reiser, said that the letter of guarantee would be submitted within the week and the plat could be filed. Inspection of City Council minutes revealed that the original period had already expired. Commissioner Boyett pointed out that the one year interval was to allow filing of the plat, and that assurance of construction of streets, utilities and public facilities could be by completion of construction, letter of guarantee, performance bond, ! or any means allowed for a normal subdivision plat. The developer was not bound by this to complete construction and sale of all units of the development within the time period. He further suggested that 410 the requested six month extension be changed to a one year extension in order to bring the development into compliance with the time limit. I MINUTES, Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 February 18 , 1974 410 The following motion was made by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Wallace and unanimously approved: That the extension of time for filing of the final plat of Post Oak Forest Planned Unit Development be granted from May 22, 1973 to May 22, 1974 and that a progress report be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission upon completion of Phase I and the filing of the plat and construction assurance for the remaining phases . The City Planner was directed to present this request and recommendation to the City Council at the earliest opportunity. In response to a question by Mr. Reiser, Commissioner Boyett pointed out that the penalties for non-compliance of Planned Unit Development requirements included reversion of zoning as well as a fine as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. J. W. Wood, developer of Wolf Pen Village Planned Unit Development came forward and pointed out that he had completed all street, utility and public facility construction and had filed the plat. He requested clarification of the status of his project with respect to the time limitation, as his time and extension of time had expired in December. Commissioner Boyett stated that there was no attempt to retract zoning and that the commission did want to know when and how any remaining construction was to be completed. Commissioner Chaney said that the distinction between a Planned Unit Development and a Subdivision was that the Commission has an interest in the completion of the proposed elements of the development plan. He agreed with Mr. Wood that all of the amenities should be installed first and stated further that the ordinance should be made more flexible in time requirements for phased development. Assistant Director of Public Works Ford pointed out that the ordinance presently reads that at any stage of development, the owners must have an approximately equal stake in common facilities. Commissioner Boyett said that the ordinance needs improvement before any other Planned Unit Developments are approved. Mr. Ford suggested that times of completion should be shown for streets, utilities and common amenities on the letter a guarantee. Mr. Wood offered his experience in this type of development to the committee of the Planning Commission which is to consider ordinance revision. Agenda Item No. 5 - Adjourn. Upon motion by Commissioner Wallace seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved, the meeting was adjourned. 410 4AP ED rman ATTEST Se r PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING February 18 , 1974 7 ;00 p,M1 PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 410 1. A/ /� 19. 2. 20. 3. 21. � , 4. �G�6 22 . 5. Pbt 23 . 6. 24 . 7 25. 8. �/�� 1( 26 . 410 9. 27 . 10. 28 . 11. 29 . 12. 30 . 13 . 14 . 15. 16. 17 . 110 18.