HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting August 19? 1974 7:00 P.M. 1111 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman John Longley; Commissioners Ed Miller, James Wallace, Tom Chaney, George Boyett, Barney Stevenson, M. R. Calliham Council Liaison Don Dale; Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of the minutes of the meeting of August 5, 1974. Commissioner Chaney made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 5 meeting. Commissioner Miller seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of a zone change request for a 0.202 acre tract in the Plantation Oaks Apartment Project. The City Planner showed the location of the property and explained that the change was desired in order to match the zoning to an existing use. He explained that the existing operation had demonstrated that parking was no problem. In reply to a question by Commissioner Chaney, he explained why a use permit could not be issued in this case. Commissioner Chaney questioned whether this would be illegal "spot zoning". Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Mr. Seaback spoke in favor of the change. In answer to a question by Commissioner Wallace, Mr. Seaback said that a typical problem presented by the present unclear status of the zoning would be the approval of a renewal of liquor license should the management of the establishment change. No one spoke against the proposal. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission recommend approval of a zone change of this tract from Apartment Building District to General Commercial District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously approved with Commissioner Chaney abstaining. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of a zone change request for three tracts near the intersection of Munson Avenue and State Highway 30. The City Planner showed the location of these three tracts and displayed a sketch of the area which is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. Commissioner Calliham asked how this request differed from that previously considered by the Commission. Mr. Seaback said that in this request, that portion of the land adjacent to Carter's Grove Subdivision would remain Single Family Residential and that a tier of proposed lots would be zoned Duplex Residential adjacent to the requested Apartment Building District. Commissioner Chaney asked about the sufficiency of the previous park land dedication for this additional Apartment District. Mr. Seaback replied that the previous dedication had. anticipated use of additional land for apartments. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Mr. Seaback spoke for the change and stated that this tract was the only one available to him to continue construction of apartments. Mr. Don Clark spoke against the change. Commissioner Calliham stated that he would not object to the change in tracts I and III, but tract II would be objectionable in that there would be no buffer between Single Family and Apartment land. He asked r MINUTES, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting August 19, 1974 Page 2 Mr. Clark how he thought the Dominik residents would feel about this. Mr. Clark 1110 expressed his appreciation of the buffer zone philosophy, but said that nevertheless he was opposed to the entire proposal. Mr. Lane Stevenson spoke against the change. Mrs. Phyllis Hobson spoke for the proposed change provided that land uses were graduated or buffered as shown on the attached sketch, or by a similar layout. Mr. Mike Warren stated that a need existed within the community for apartments and that the President of Texas A&M University had stated publicly that the University was depending on the private sector to furnish necessary housing for the expected University growth. Commissioner Chaney moved to consider each of the three tracts separately. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved. Commissioner Chaney moved that the Commission recommend approval of rezoning tract I from Single Family Residential District to Apartment Building District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and unanimously approved with Commissioner Wallace abstaining. Commissioner Calliham moved that the Commission recommend disapproval of rezoning tract II from Single Family Residential. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and was approved unanimously. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission recommend approval of rezoning tract III from Single Family Residential District to Duplex Residential District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wallace and unanimously approved. 411 Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a zone change request for a 1.74 acre tract at the intersection of Holleman Drive and Anderson Street. The City Planner showed the location of the tract. Commissioner Calliham asked about the status of the lots immediately adjoining the tract in the Dobrovolny Subdivision. The City Planner said that some residences were under construction on these lots. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. Mr. Taylor Riedel of the A&M Consolidated School District spoke for the proposal. Mr. Bill Wasson spoke against the change. Mr. Stevenson asked about the School Board's plans for the 10 acres across Holleman from this tract. Mr. Riedel replied that the Board was considering that tract for possible use as an elementary school site. Mr. Sam Henry and Mr. Harley Powell spoke against the change. The general feeling of those opposed was that Anderson Street furnished a reasonable barrier between residential and commercial land use. Mr. Mark Chittendon and Mr. Walter Griffin spoke against the proposal. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Commission recommend rezoning this tract from Single Family Residential District to Townhouse-Rowhouse District. There was no second to this motion. Commissioner Wallace moved that the Commission recommend that this tract not be rezoned from Single Family Residential District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and the motion was approved as follows: 4110 Yes: Wallace, Miller, Chaney, Stevenson, Calliham No: Boyett MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting August 19, 1974 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a zone change request for a 12.58 acre tract north of the intersection of Southwest Parkway and State Highway 6. The City 1111111 Planner showed the location of the tract. Mr. Richard Smith of Brentwood, Inc. stated that this property presently had a 300 foot deep strip adjoining Hwy 6 zoned General Commercial and that this request would have the effect of increasing that depth to a total of 775 feet. Chairman Longley opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Commissioner Wallace moved and Commissioner Stevenson seconded a motion that the Commission recommend approval of the request. The motion was approved unanimously with Commissioner Chaney abstaining. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Other business. Commissioner Boyett suggested that agenda packets concerning the flood hazard ordinance for the August 26 joint meeting be sent to the Commission members as soon as possible. Commissioner Miller moved that the September 2, 1974 meeting be cancelled in view of the special meeting August 26 and a lack of scheduled business for the September 2 meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Adjourn. Commissioner Chaney moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and was unanimously approved. ROVED ' Chairman ATTEST Secretary S P'• I r , ,^ -igi verszty c,,f-if&-, „y 2,.....,.....„"....t t ..- 1' 8/4)Cle ,. _____ i — —1 MON SON AVE i . — I I .. _._. _______I L_ _ Plkl r.„ k, 1 ___-1 ' _ _ - . ' \---, 1-... iii i i ......... _ _______ r_.,__ __ 1-••• —— —....a --''- v .."1 '. ' '\ •-•,,l C3 ___ • -1..__ --.... ..,‘,..,........,..,,.. I I \ 1 . 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