HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/15/1973 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Business-Workshop Meeting October 15, 1973 7 : 00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners John B. Longley, George Boyett, C. C. Mathewson, Tom Chaney, Ed Miller, James Wallace, and Council Lifson Don R. Dale; City Engineer George Ford; and City Planner W. F. Koehler. MEMBERS ABSENT: None VISITORS PRESENT: S. E. McCrory; Robert Cornish The called business meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dr. Calliham on Monday, October 15, 1973 at 7 : 15 P.M. at the City Hall in the conference room. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of October 1. On motion by Commissioner Wallace and seconded by Commissioner Miller, the minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 - P&Z Case No. 13-73 - Reconsideration of 411 McCrory - Hallbeck Zoning request. Mr. S. E. McCrory stated that the buyer for the site to whom he had referred at the May 7 meeting, had changed his plans and that the site plan shown to the commission was preliminary only. He requested of the commission that the commission suggest to him ways to make his proposal acceptable to the commission. The following is a summary of commentary regarding this request: Chairman Calliham stated his objections to the proposed configuration which are the possibility of curb cuts, adequacy of parking, diffi- culty of providing fire protection, and the "strip" nature of the development in light of public reaction expressed by the Citizens Advisory Committees. There would be no control of the appearance and nature of the development except for approval of a final plat if the tract was to be subdivided. There does exist a need for commercial facilities more than that allowed in neighborhood busi- ness districts but less than that normally found in regional type centers. Any action to rezone should be considered with a view of serving a community need. An increased depth of the site would allow a greater flexibility of design of the project. The developer has two alternatives: (1) design site with "adequate" depth, or (2) forward request to the council as it presently is described. Commissioner Chaney said that the Citizens Advisory Committees have 411 expressed desire for larger centers and dislike strip commercial sites. To recommend this zoning would leave no justification for refusing other similar zoning. A more nearly square site would be more acceptable. MINUTES, P&Z Commission October 15, 1973 Page 2 Commissioner Boyett added that the Commission should recognize the right of a property owner to make highest and best use of his land when not in conflict with public interest. The question of whether commercial zoning is needed in this area must be answered. The configuration is objectionable and should be made more nearly square. Commissioner Mathewson said that the site should be proportioned to provide more depth. Commissioner Wallace stated that the site should provide more depth. Commissioner Miller gave his opinion from a business standpoint, that a shallow site may not be objectionable in that such centers have been successful. Commissioner Longley stated that the Citizens Advisory groups have made it clear that citizens do not want strip commercial sites. Mr. McCrory stated that it would be necessary that his proposal be economically sound and meet public demand. He said also that he should maintain maximum exposure to traffic. He agreed that it would be possible for him to reconsider the dimensions of his site and to offer a new proposal of approximately 500 ft. x 900 ft. dimensions. 410 Commissioner Matthewson moved that an amended request be considered by the Commission at the meeting of November 5 or November 19 . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chaney and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 3 - P&Z Case No. 36-73 - Resubdivision Plat of Part of Lot 7, College Hills Woodland Estates. Upon request of the Chairman, City Engineer Ford presented the plat and pointed out that no preliminary had been presented and that this plat was intended to be considered as both a preliminary plat and a final plat. City Engineer Ford suggested that, as the plat represented a simple division of a single lot, involved no adjustment of utili- ties, and was an attempt by the owner to clarify public record, any further requirements of procedure be waived and that the plat be accepted and approved for filing. On motion by Commissioner Longley, seconded by Commissioner Chaney, the plat was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 - Other business. After a brief discussion concerning the undesirable features of conveying platted land by metes and bounds descriptions and the impracticability of normal platting procedure being applied to simple transactions, the City Planner was instructed to meet with the zoning committee to draft a proposed amendment to the Subdivision Control Ordinance allowing a simplified procedure in platting such transactions. The City Planner informed the Commission of the request of Dr. Pinnell of Pinnell, Anderson, Wilshire and Associates to arrange a time to meet with the Commission to submit a report on the progress of Phase I:I MINUTES, P&Z Commission October 15, 1973 Page 3 of the preparation of the Comprehensive Development Plan. The City Planner was advised that the scheduled meetings of November 5 411 or. November 19 would be satisfactory and that if these dates were unacceptable the Chairman would arrange alternates. Agenda Item No. 5 - Hear Visitors. Councilnan Dale commended the Planning and Zoning Commission for their adept and thoughtful handling and consideration of the cases brought before them. Agenda Item No. 6 - Adjourn. On motion of Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Boyett, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED 4aea Chairman APPROVED