HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1973 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission r- —4111 MINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission October 1, 1973 411 7 :00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham, Commissioners John Longley, C. C. Mathewson, Tom Chaney, Ed Miller, James Wallace, and Council Liaison Don Dale; City Engineer George Ford; Engineer Aid and Acting City Planner Willie Koehler; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner George Boyett. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman M. R. Calliham on Monday, October 1, 1973 at 7: 00 P.M. at the City Hall in the Council Chambers. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of September 3 and September 17 meetings. Chairman Calliham asked if there were any corrections in the minutes of these previous meetings . Commissioner Miller pointed out that in agenda Item No. 4 of the September 3 minutes, the words "East By-Pass" should be inserted after Highway 6 in order to prevent future confusion. On motion by Commissioner Wallace and seconded by Commissioner Miller, the minutes of the previous meetings were approved with the said correction. Agenda Item Nos. 2 through 12 - Medina Enterprises zoning requests. Chairman Calliham stated to the Commission and the citizens that the preliminary plat had been approved and the zoning requests were now to be acted upon. He also stated that it had been called to his attention that the association in question, Medina Enterprises, did not own all of the land involved, so the first order of business was calling on Mr. Jim Smith, present owner of the property. Mr. Smith stood before the commission to encourage the members to assist the developers with the zoning requests and stated that by the time the final plat was submitted to the City Council, Medina Eneterprises would be owner of record. A brief discussion was brought up regarding fixation of the streets as shown on the preliminary plat. City Engineer Ford stated that the final plat had been submitted to him as of 7 : 00 P.M. , October 1, 1973. Commissioner Mathewson pointed out a typographical error in the agenda, on Item No. 2, which should state the zoning requested be that of R-3 , (Apartments) , rather than C-1 (General Commercial) . 167 Chairman Calliham read each agenda item (2 through 12) , aloud while City Engineer Ford pointed out the locations and various acreage on the plat. Mr. Jim Gardner stood before the commission in regards to agenda Item No. 8, a request from Medina Enterprise for rezoning Block 5, MINUTES, P&Z Commission October 1, 1973 Page 2 410 Lake Village Place from R-1A, Residential, to C-1, General Commercial. Commissioner Mathewson suggested that this block be zoned Neighbor- hood Business (C-N) , rather than Commercial. Mr. Colson, engineer for the Medina Enterprises, informed the commission that he and his associates would prefer that it remain as requested, but if the commission decided it would be to everyone' s best interests to zone it as Neighborhood Business (C-N) , the association would certainly go along with the decision. A brief discussion regarding the energy crises was brought up. Also, the question was asked, how many units would be on this develop- ment. Commissioner Chaney stated roughly, he would guess there would be about 700 dwelling units involved on this acreage. As there were no other comments, a motion was made by Commissioner Longley that the zoning requests be approved with the stipulation that Block 5, of the Lake Village Place, be zoned Neighborhood Business (C-N) , rather than C-1, General Commercial. Also in the motion reference was made that the owner of record of the property would be the one to submit the final plat to the City Council and that agenda Item No. 2 would be corrected as zoned from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to R-3 (Apartments) . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chaney and was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 13 - Other business. Commissioner Chaney pointed out that in the minutes of the meeting of September 17 , one of the 410 appointed committees was left off. Chairman Calliham stated he would call in this committee to the secretary the next morning in order to insert this into the minutes for correction. Agenda Item No. 14 - Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 15 - Adjourn. On motion by Commissioner Longley and seconded by Commissioner Miller, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED Chairman ATTEST -/Ue/r4L) Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting October 1, 1973 7 : 00 P.M. 411 PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 1. 04,13:/- J"""�' W65 a19. 2. � 20. 3. 421. 4. 22 . 5. 23 . 6 . t(11) 24. 7. 25. 8. 26 . 410 9. RAr- 27 . 10. 28 . 29. 12 . 30. 13 . 31. 14. 32 . 15. 33 . 16 . 34 . 17. 35. • 18. 36.