HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1973 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission November 5, 1973 7 : 00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Calliham, Commissioners John B. Longley, George Boyett, Chris Mathewson, Tom Chaney, Ed Miller, and James Wallace; City Engineer George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler; Director of Parks and Recreation Paul Wojciechowski; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT: Don R. Dale, Council Liaison. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. The regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Calliham on Monday, November 5, 1973 at 7 : 00 P.M, at the City Hall in the Council Chambers. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of October 15. On motion by Commissioner Mathewson and seconded by Commissioner Miller, the minutes of theprevious meeting unanimously approved. - Agenda Item No. 2 P&Z Case No. 39-73 . 73 . A request from McCrory Hallbeck Properties, Inc. , for rezoning part of Block 4 , University Oaks, Section II from Apartment Building District, R-3 to General Commercial District, C-1. Chairman Calliham stated that this request had been brought before the Commission sometime ago for rezoning of property in the same general area, but a different size and location. The Commission did not approve the request at that time. The McCrory-Hallbeck Properties returned to the October 15 workshop meeting inquiring why their initial rezoning request was not looked upon with favor. The Commission advised what the problems were regarding the shape of the tract and the McCrory- Hallbeck Properties advised they would try to reshape it to bring back to the Commission to fit the situation at the upcoming meeting. This is why the public hearing was called for. Part of this property which was originally requested, was included in the present request. Chairman Calliham asked City Planner Koehler if he had any additional comments. Mr. Koehler stated that to the best of his knowledge, the present zone change request was in confor- mity with the Commission' s desires. Chairman Calliham asked City Engineer Ford if he had any further comments . When he did not, Mr. McCrory came before the Commission with the new configuration of the tract, and described the property, explaining that since their Association was from Houston, D. R. Cain Real Estate was their local agent. After Mr. McCrory presented the plat, Chairman 411 Calliham read a letter of mild objection of the rezoning request from Mr. Bardin Nelson, Chairman of the Mission Committee of the MINUTES, P&Z Commission November 5, 1973 Page 2 First Baptist Church of College Station. Mr. Nelson stated that 410 the church wishes to go on record that they could at a later date decide that another site would better serve the needs of their church and the community. They would then dispose of the property now owned by the church, and purchase a new location. The public hearing was then opened. Mr. Jim Gardner of 1214 S. Ridgefield Street, asked if this tract fit in with the original land use plan and questioned the actual need of the rezoning as commercial. Chairman Calliham answered that specifically it was not in conformity but that the principles are in conformity and the need could be debatable. Mrs. T. J. Kozik of 1010 Dominik Drive, questioned Mr. McCrory the intended use of this tract if the zoning request was granted. Mr. McCrory stated that the present plans were to build a shopping center with several stores and shops, including a drugstore and grocery store. Mrs. Kozik then directed her attention to the Commission stating that Redmond Terrace Shopping Center should be adequate for this area. Mrs. Kozik also discussed with the Commis- sion the traffic which would then be directed on Munson and other joining streets. Chairman Calliham asked Mr. Nelson if he had any further comments regarding the First Baptist Church property before the public hearing was closed. Mr. Nelson answered only that he personally felt, along with the Southern Baptist Association, which has investigated the situation, that there should not be a church at this site regardless of what the Commission' s decision was regarding the zone change request. Commissioners Boyett and Chaney, and Chairman Calliham all expressed that this would be an ideal location for the church and that there was a definite need for a church in this area. Ms. Mary Cunningham, a student at TAMU, asked whether or not there has ever been a poll taken in this area to learn the opinions of the people regarding the zone request change. Chairman Calliham advised that to his knowledge, one had not been conducted, as this was not the custom. As there were no other comments, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Mathewson requested that in the final plat presentation, the property be divided into lots and blocks rather than metes and bounds. Mr. McCrory advised that this was the association' s intentions. Commissioner Boyett moved that this zoning request be approved for recommendation to the City Council . Commissioner Chaney seconded the motion and vote was called for. The motion carried with Commissioners Miller and Mathewson voting "no" and Commissioner 41! Wallace abstaining from voting as he stated he has a personal interest in the church involved. Fr- MINUTES, P&Z Commission November 5, 1973 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 3 - A report by Dr. Roger Powell of Pinnell-Anderson 411 -Wilshire & Association, Inc. , on the progress of Phase II of the Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of College Station. Dr. Powell presented the Commission and those present a report regarding the 701 Plan Development Plan. He discussed Phases I and II and informed the Commission that Dr. Charles Pinnell would be present at the workshop session of the Planning & Zoning Commission on November 19 and give a detailed report of the Development Plan. Agenda Item No. 4 - Other business. Chairman Calliham advised all concerned that the November 19 meeting would be a called official meeting rather than a workshop session in order that interested citizens and parties who would not normally attend a workshop session could possibly attend the meeting. Chairman Calliham then asked Mr. Bobby Templeton of the Eagle who is replacing Ms. Connie Greenwell as reporter, for newspaper coverage for this meeting. Mr. Templeton informed the Commission that this would be done. After the discussion regarding Ms . Greenwell ' s leaving, Commissioner Boyett moved and Commissioner Longley seconded that a resolution be drawn up expressing appreciation of all assistance and coverage Ms. Greenwell has given the Commission. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Miller stated there should be a correction in the minutes regarding agenda item no. 2, of the October 15 minutes. P&Z Case number should be "13-73" rather than "13-78" as stated. Chairman 411 Calliham requested this correction be made. Commissioner Wallace asked the status of the Wolfpen Creek Develop- ment by PUD. Commissioner Boyett advised that part of the property had changed hands and the situation is beyond the Commission's control. Commissioner Chaney suggested that each Commission member personally go to the Development and view the situation. Chairman Calliham asked the Zoning Committee members to study the PUD Development and bring forth a full report. As there was no other business, Commissioner Longley made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8 :35 P.M. APPROVED Chairman ATTEST Secretary' I � 0 4 MALCOLM BANE, Pastor + �1 !— " " '..a ,t� I_ e ;; _- _ DAVID R. ROWLAND � I I Associate Pastor ,�. I 1 1 "7TYA/E113ggWYW��44(�� f� � v�>_J� ,. ,� ' Its. DAVID RIDDLE % �r��,y� r. I I I a ,� Minister of Music )j: Phone: (713) 846-6632 "The University Church" Drawer EN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 October 31, 1973 • Dr. M. R. Calliham Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission 204 Redmond Dr. College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Sir: As an appointed committee of the First Baptist Church of College Station, we of the Missions Committee voted unanimously to make the following 4111 report regarding this zone change request: Our church purchased its property immediately east across Munson when the entire area was zoned single family residential. Our plan was to establish another church to serve this area as it developed. Since that time many zone changes have been made. As you know, our church opposed some of these requests. At present most of the area is zoned for high density housing as it probably should be due to its proximity to the University Campus. This allows minimum distance of travel for residents who are employed on Campus or attend the University. Also travel to the East By-Pass for trips out of town is convenient with minimum traffic congestion. With this zone change request, the outlook for the area changes still farther. If this request is approved it is our opinion that the need for or the desireability of a church on our property will be minimized. It is not our intent to oppose this request if this Commission and the City Council feel it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the community. Our only purpose is to go on record that our church may decide at a later date that another site would better serve the needs of our church and the community. If this comes to pass, it will be only natural that we dispose of the • property we now own and purchase at a new and more attractive location. Se vtng Civet to tie texas L4gJu Q,tniventty Community -2- • You can readily see if this happens, we would then be compelled to face this commission with a zone change request of our own. We appreciate this and every opportunity that has been made available to us to make our position known. We extend our thanks to you for the time you devote to our city in aiding its orderly and planned growth. Sincerely, 40/2.-a-4:44.42-41-1' Bardin Nelson Chairman, Mission Committee BN/cs • PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING 7: 00 P.M. November 5, 1973 410 PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 1. af4A/ e_ 16 . ��= '%'i 2. ` 17 . 3. / // 18 . 4 . cilL.---119 19. 5. ✓%/-z.�y 20. 6 . Ayiee,y_ � �c 21. 7 . 22. 8. 23 . 411 9. 24 . 10. 25 . 11. 26 . 12. 27 . 13 . 28. 14 . 29. 15. 30. S