HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1973 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES 411 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting November 19, 1973 7 : 00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Calliham; Commissioners John Longley, George Boyett, Chris Mathewson, Tom Chaney, Ed Miller, James Wallace; Council Liaison Don Dale; City Engineer George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. VISITORS PRESENT : See Guest Register. The official called meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station was held in the Council Room at 7 : 00 P.M. , November 19. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Calliham. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of November 5 meeting. On motion by Commissioner Mathewson seconded by Commissioner Miller, the minutes of the November 5 meeting were approved as read. Agenda Item No. 2 - P&Z Case No. 36-73 . A request from Harry 410 Seaback for rezoning a 19 .411 acre tract of land at the Intersection of State Highway 30 and Rhett Butler Drive from Single Family Residential District, District R-1 to Apartment Building District, District R-3. Chairman Calliham began the discussion by calling on City Planner, Bill Koehler to point out the exact location of the area in question and the adjacent properties. The Commission members had no comments and Chairman Calliham asked Mr. Seaback, owner of the property in question, to make any comments he might like to. Mr. Seaback stated that he had requested this change four years ago and was turned down by the commission. He also pointed out that there were apartments all the way from Highway 6 to the East By-Pass all around his property. According to a sketch which City Planner Bill Koehler had out for the citizens and the commission to review, Mr. Seaback has left a buffer of 280 feet between Dominik Street and his 19 .411 acre tract. Mr. Seaback advised the commission that he had done everything he set out to do as far as the city was concerned. He then advised those present that he had built 12 houses in this area and has sold all except four. Chairman Calliham asked if there were any other comments from Mr. Seaback or the commission before the public hearing was opened. There were no comments and the public hearing was opened. Mr. William Perkins of A-4B College View, asked what relation the flood plain had to the property. He also asked what type of vege- tation was growing on the property, particularly if there was any forestry. Mr. Perkins was informed by the commission that the flood plain was not involved and as far as vegetation goes, they were not sure whether any forestry was involved or not. r MINUTES, P&Z Commission Meeting November 19, 1973 Page 2 Dr. Don Clark of 1014 Dominik, questioned the desireable living 411 conditions of the area if more apartments were to be built on this property. He also questioned Mr. Seaback' s motives, saying Mr . Seaback was more interested in the money he would make, rather than the interests of the citizens. Mr. Clark closed by saying that if Mr. Seaback could not sell the houses, he should either let the land sit or let someone build houses that would sell. Art Sherwood of 1400 Dominik asked how many apartments are already in this area and if they were actually being used. Mr. Seaback advised that approximately 97-1/2% of these apartments are occupied. Commissioner Boyett stated that apartment needs near the shuttle bus routes cannot be met and that Bryan has apartment vacancies due to persons wanting to live near the shuttle bus routes. Ms. Shirley Plapp of 1003 Glade, wanted to know how this zoning request fit in with the land use plan. Also she questioned the density of the proposed development and transportation and the prob- lems it could cause. Chairman Calliham advised that it does conform to the land use plan. Commissioner Mathewson informed Ms. Plapp that the average density would be about 22 . 5 dwelling units per acre. Chairman Calliham answered Ms. Plapp' s question regarding transportation by stating that if the need arises for the city to supply a transpor- tation system of its own, the problem would be taken care of through the proper channels. 411 Mrs. Ann Hazen, observer to the City Council for the League of Women Voters, read to the council a request to make the citizens more aware of the proposed zoning request changes, zoning ordinances, etc. The League of Women Voters also requested that the public hearing held at this time be postponed until all citizens were aware of this zone change request. Commissioner Wallace pointed out that the proposed development of this area is an excellent location for transportation to the Univer- sity. Commissioner Boyett read the section of the zoning ordinance stating there must be notice published 15 days prior to public hearing and that owners of property within 200 feet of the proposed development must be notified. The meeting was set for December 17 , in order to allow fifteen days before the public hearing. Mrs. Kozik of Dominik Street, stated she would like some research done to determine whether the 280 feet buffer would remain as such or if at a later date, Mr. Seaback would request a zone change request on this property for development. She also stated that this was a prime location and that Mr. Seaback was very aware of this. Mrs. Wayne Etter of 1200 Munson Drive, asked if the commission was planning for students who possibly would not be here from 1-8 years or were they planning for permanent residents. Chairman Calliham advised Mrs. Etter that the commission was doing their best to try to please everyone, including the students who must have housing one way or another. No particular group is meant to be excluded in housing developments. 4A PPP— .149 MINUTES, P&Z Commission Meeting November 19, 1973 Page 3 The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Wallace suggested that the called meeting be on December 10, a week before the usual scheduled meeting . This would meet the 15 day regulation and get this item on the agenda sooner. This suggestion was in favor with all commission members . Agenda Item No. 3 - A review of proposed portions of the General Development Plan for the City of College Station by Dr. Charles Pinnell of Pinnell-Anderson-Wilshire and Associates, Inc . This report was presented by Dr. Roger Powell, who gave a very commendable and detailed report regarding the 701 Comprehensive Plan. He answered various questions which citizens brought forth. He also advised that Phase II would be completed sometime between now and the last day of March. The basic standpoint of this study stands for quality rather than quantity of growth, Dr. Powell informed everyone present. Dr. Powell stated that approximately 50% of the Plan is complete. He advised that the estimated population for the year 1990 would be about 46, 500 including the students on campus . The remainder of the plan will include a study of the thoroughfares and parks . The question was raised several times if the city was working with the University and the Texas Highway Department, regarding streets, apartments, expansion, etc. Councilman Dale explained that the city keeps in close contact with both the University and the Texas Highway Department. Relocating of the railroad was discussed at length, primarily because of safety reasons which is a necessity. Dr. Powell advised that the primary reasons for the flood plain would be to protect life and property and to provide for permanent open spaces. Other business. Commissioner Mathewson brought before the commission a proposed amendment to the existing zoning ordinance to update the flood plains. He asked that this be taken into consideration for discussion. This amendment is to be made a part of the official minutes. As there was no other business, Commissioner Boyett made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 10: 00 P.M. APPROVED /,414(;4----- Chairman ATTEST 411 Se ary J low PROPOSED AMENDMENT • to the Zoning Ordinance for the • City of College Station, Texas Ordinance No. 850 STATEMENT OF INTENT This proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for the City of College Station, Texas, (Ordinance No. 850) , is submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration to: 1. Improve flood protection for the citizens of the City of College Station, 2. Establish a flood hazard zone with specific permitted and con- ditional uses that comply with the intent of Section 6, subsection N of Ordinance 850. 3. Establish a flexible flood hazard control system that: • a. will allow for the safe growth of the City of College Station, b. minimize the losses of life and/or property caused by flooding, c. avoid expensive "after-the-fact" flood control structures, d. recognize the intermittent nature of flooding, e. maintain the natural hydrologic balance that exists, f. provide an adequate drainage system for surface runoff through- out the City, g. provide adequate drainage space for flood waters derived from outside the City limits. SECTION 1-A: Add; District F.H. SECTION 1-D.33. DEFINITION FLOOD PLAIN: That land that lies within a natural stream valley or drainage system below the elevation of the 100 year flood (or below the 1% risk annual flood elevation) as it is designated by a registered professional • engineer, licensed under the provisions of the Texas Engineering Registration Act. The City shall provide a general or approximate flood hazard map for guidance only. This land area includes the stream channel or channels and that 2. • area along both sides of the channel or channels that is required by the stream or drainage system to carry the quantity of water generated by a rain- storm having a statistical chance of occuring once in a 100 year period or having a 1% chance of occuring in any single year. SECTION 5. SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS New Subsection 5-P 5-P District F-H: FLOOD HAZARD • 5-P.1. PURPOSE: This district includes all land areas subject to flooding or flood hazard more frequently than once in 100 years. This includes the stream channel or channels and that land area along both sides of the channel or channels that is required by the stream or drainage system to carry the quantity of water generated by a rainstorm having a statistical chance of occuring once in 100 year period or having a 1% chance of occuring in any single year. This district is designed to protect the citizens of the City • of College Station from undo losses of life and/or property due to flooding, maintain upstream flood plain characteristics, and to insure continued adequate drainage. 5-P.2. DELINEATION OF DISTRICT F-H: Since a flood plain is generated and formed by the natural processes of stream erosion, sedimentation or silting, and flooding this district cannot be easily or accurately delineated. This fact alone requires that the 100 year flood elevation be delienated by a registered professional engineer, licensed under the provisions of the Texas Engineering Registration Act, and shown on all preliminary and final plats submitted for approval. The flood hazard map and zoning map shall therefore be accepted as a guide and not as the exact limits of the F-H district. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers' study shall be recognized as an improved and more accurate flood hazard map, but shall not remove the requirement that the F-H district shall be shown on all preliminary and final plats submitted for approval. 5-P.3 PERMITTED USES: Golf Course Tennis Courts Riding Trails (horse, bike, motorcycle) Pasturage • ' 3. Crop Lands • Truck Garden (not including structures) Playgrounds (see Section 5-P.4) Parking Lots Equipment Storage (see Section 5-P.4) Barn, Stable (see Section 5-P.4) Parks, Open Spaces 5-P.4. CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: No dwelling, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other building or structure shall be permitted in the F-H district unless it is so designed and constructed to allow the free passage of the 100 year flood waters without (1) creating flood water block- age upstream, or (2) contributing to the downstream drainage structures. The specific conditional use allowed in this district shall comply with the permitted use of the adjoining district; this use however shall not change the limits of the F-H district. 5-P.5. NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES: All existing buildings or structures found to lie within the F-H district shall be permitted to exist, expand • improve, or rebuild in compliance with the existing district regulations. Efforts shall be made to protect these buildings and structures from increased flood hazards through upstream compliance with the F-H district regulations. • PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING November 19, 1973 7:00 P.M. 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