HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1973 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 19, 1973 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners James Wallace, Bill Cooley, George Boyett, Tom Chaney, Ed Miller and John Longley; Council Liaison Don Dale; and City Planner George Eby MEMBERS ABSENT: None VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the March 5, 1973 meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Calliham and on motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Miller, the minutes of the March 5, 1973 meeting were unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 - Preliminary review of a master plan of development for a 77- acre tract of land showing a proposed 135-unit mobile home park and other land uses located in the extra territorial jurisdiction of the City of College Station and located at the intersection of FM 2818 and FM 2154 to be developed by Edsel Jones and Associates. Mr. Edsel Jones presented a master plan of development for a 77-acre tract of land located at the FM 2818 - FM 2154 intersection. Several land uses were proposed, which included a 135-unit mobile home park, apartment land, other residential uses and commercial land use. It was indicated that the developers wished to be annexed into the City in a manner that would create a contiguous logical city limits. Water and sewer capability was discussed and it was indicated that sewer would need to be pumped into the City facilities. The Commission, upon hearing the presentation, commented that it appeared to be a suitable plan which would present the residents with another alternative to apartment living or more expensive home ownership. Some commissioners expressed a general dislike of mobile homes but also conceded that if mobile homes are an answer to lower cost housng, this park proposed appeared to offer high standards which was commendable. It was noted that public streets and lot dimensions needed further planning as did several other aspects of the park. Chairman Calliham stressed the need for lower income housing. He also stated that he felt that a first class mobile home park can definitely be a credit to a community in both function and appearance. Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission OPMarch 19, 1973 Page 2 Agenda Item No. 3 - A progress report on the "701" Plan by Pinnell-Anderson-Wilshire and Associates. A progress report was presented by Dr. Pinnell and Dr. Powell. An outline of this report is included as a part of these minutes. (See attached report). Agenda Item No. 4 - Other Business. Mr. Edsel Jones and General O. D. Butler ex- pressed their concern over the result of an apparent "loophole" in the Subdivision Ordinance, which advertantly permitted the denial of access to their property from Welch Street. It was noted that the metes and bounds sale of land between Welch Street and the Edsel Jones - O. D. Butler tract blocked access for a 2,500 foot distance from Southwest Parkway to the West By-pass. It was also noted that access to the West By- pass would be expensive due to a deep creek separating the apartment zoned land and the West By-pass. Mr. Jones and General Butler acknowledged the fact that the staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission were not capable of requiring that access be provided due to the lack of sufficient legislative authority. The Commission expressed concern about the equity of the situation and noted that it was a very difficult problem. The Commission added that they hoped that the developer, Crow Company of Dallas, would see fit not to take advantage of the situation. 41, Chairman Calliham then appointed a committee consisting of Commissioners Longley, Boyett and Miller to work with the city staff to create a proposed general development ordinance that would close certain development "loopholes" and promote improved development activity. The Committee was also assigned the responsibility of reviewing other development related ordinances. Agenda Item No. 4 - Other Business. Addendum: P&Z Case No. 10A-73 - A final plat of Anderson Ridge Subdivision Block 1, Lot 3. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, the Commission unanimously approved this final plat of Anderson Ridge Subdivision. During the discussion of this subdivision it was noted that Park Place Street should be repaved and converted from open-ditch drainage to curb and gutter. It was mentioned that it was necessary to improve streets adjoining new developments near the time of the construction of the developments as opposed to latter improvement. The Commission then suggested that the developers.of the property adjacent to Park Place Street, Don Martell and J. W. Wood, submit a petition paving request for Park Place Street to the City Council at an early date. Agenda Item No. 5 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. lib i Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission March 19, 1973 Pge 3 Ili Agenda Item No. 6 - Adjourn. On motion by Commissioner Chaney, seconded by Commissioner Cooley, the meeting was declared adjourned. øj,v7 Chairman ATTEST: Secretary i` � ,/� 1111 Lib J • • PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING STUDY March 19 , 1973 I. Base Mapping A. Completed and ready for City and State Review II. Goals and Objectives A. Citizens Involvement Program designed and initiated. B. Selected District Chairman for each of ten geographic study districts . C. Conducted initial meeting with District Chairman. D. Meeting scheduled for March 23 with District Chairmen • and study team members . III. Base Studies A. J. R. Bradley and Associates conducting economic base study. B. TAMU analysis nearing completion. C. Population studies in progress to develop existing population plus projected population. . IV. Land Use A. Completed survey of existing land use. B. Completed existing land use maps . C. Completed planning statistical areas map. D. Preliminary land use analysis by planning statistical area. V. Housing Work Program A. Initiated needs and inventory study. 111 • VI. Administrative and Organization A. Organizational study in progress B. Procedures study in progress C. Preliminary personnel study completed VII. Community Facilities A. Schools (a) Conducted meetings with school administration (b) Developed scholastic projections (c) Conducted preliminary needs study B. Parks and Open Space (a) Initiated inventory study C. public Buildings (a) Initiated inventory study S D. Water Supply (a) Completed inventory and mapping of existing system. (b) Study of existing problems near completion E. Sanitary Sewage System (a) Completed inventory and mapping of existing system (b) Study of existing problems near completion F. Drainage and Flood Control (a) Initiated inventory study G. Solid Waste Disposal (a) Completed inventory of equipment and collection procedures . (b) Completed inventory of existing service to residential and commercial activities . 411 (c) Developed preliminary analysis of needs and problems . H. Electrical System w (a) Initiated inventory study. VIII. Preliminary General Development Study A. Developed preliminary land use utilization statement B. Initiated study of growth criteria and development standards. IX. Environmental Considerations A. No Progress. Dependent upon other studies . i /1AAt7 — ( Ti? ; cis j `t 7/( _ ,21,=5.5 /6/1/2.6"&c._-i do_&72_ s/az,L__ -z„ -t() t—: r Lawsj dC,e1/4 11( td-244,t-ei J 1