HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1973 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission January 8, 1973 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners James Wallace, George Boyett, Tom Chaney, John Longley, and Ed Miller; and City Planner George Eby; MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Bill Cooley and Council Liaison Don Dale VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the December 18, 1972 meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Calliham and on motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Longley, the minutes were approved with the following correction. Commissioner Wallace pointed out that he made the motion to adjourn the meeting of December 18, 1972. Agenda Item No. 2 - Recommendationto the City Council concerning a system for the establishment of a Citizens' Advisory Committee for use in the "701" Plan. Dr. Charles Pinnell of Pinnell - Anderson - Wilshire and Associateg the "701" Planning Consultants for College Station, delivered a short presentation concerning a Citizens' Advisory Committee and the needs, goals, and objectives requirement of the "701" Plan. The formal approach recommended by the Consultants was listed in the enclosed Exhibit B which was a part of a memorandum to the Planning and Zoning Commission (Exhibit B and the memorandum are attached as a part of these minutes). Dr. Pinnell then requested that the Planning and Zoning Commission: 1. Review and recommend an overall approach to the needs, goals and objectives program and a formal system for the development of a Citizens' Advisory Committee. 2. Appoint a committee to work with the City Planner and Planning Consultant to recommend the following to the City Council: (a) Develop a list of names for the selection of the district chairmen and committee members; (b) Define procedures for obtaining citizen input to goals formulation process at the district level; (c) Assist with the overall program. Chairman Calliham then called for a motion and on motion by Commissioner Longley, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, the Commission unanimously agreed to recom- mend to the City Council that the Consultant's recommendation for the establishment of a Citizens' Advisory Committee and overall approach to the needs, goals, and objectives program as shown in the enclosed memorandum and Exhibits A and B, be Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission January 8, 1973 Page 2 adopted for use in the on-going "701" Plan. Chairman Calliham then appointed Commissioners Miller, Wallace and Chaney to serve on a committee to work with the city planner and Planning Consultants in the manner suggested above. Agenda Item No. 3 - P&Z Case No. 41-72 - A public hearing concerning a request for rezoning Tract F of the Plantation Oaks Subdivision from District R-1, Single Family Residential District, to District C-N, Neighborhood Business District. City Planner George Eby located the tract of land in questirn for the benefit of the audience and Commission members. Mr. Harry Seaback followed with the commentary that he felt that since Highway 30 is to be a four-lane highway, he felt that the site would be good for a business of some kind. Mr. Jim Austin, representing the pro- posed purchaser of the land, displayed building plans and stated that it would be similar to the "Wee Village" in Bryan. Chairman Calliham read a letter in protest of the proposed zone change from the First Baptist Church (the letter is attached as a part of these minutes). Chairman Calliham called for a public hearing after stating that all persons who wished to speak would speak from the podium and would give their name and address. Commissioner Boyett then asked to separate the pros and cons. A call for all favorable comments was issued and when no one spoke in favor of the request, a call for adverse comments was issued. The following is a brief summary of speakers and their commentary. Kenneth Wolf - a representative of the Board of Deacons of Baptist Church delivered a letter in protest to Chairman Calliham (the letter is attached as a part of these minutes). Mr. Wolf stated that a small business such as a convenience store in close proximity to a church would be incompatible with Sunday worship services and would create problems. Leslie Bagnell - continuous changes in property and zoning of that property creates a worry for community and loss of planning effectiveness. Mr. Bagnell wanted the Commission to require that developers stick with their plans. Dr. H. O. Hartley - agreed with Mr. Bagnell - City needs continuity and needs to avoid arbitrary rezoning, rezone only when absolutely necessary, recommended attitude of reasonableness and avoid atmosphere of, "Well, it's zoned this way today, but who knows about tomorrow?" Dr. Hartley also stated that the Commission should consider the possible loss of confidence of the homer owners. • Ed Powell - if made into a retail area, they could sell beer, whiskey. . . could be a saloon. (Note: C-N allows alcoholic beverage sales with no on-premise consumption). Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission January 8, 1973 Page 3 A. D. Folweiler believed that open spaces were vital to high density areas and was dismayed to find that the park had been converted. Bo Jackson - stated that he lives in the apartment complex and that it was only a two-minute drive to existing stores, and he saw no real economic value of a store there. Mr. Jackson felt that there was a greater need for a park than a store at the site. Dr. Thomas Kozik - indicated that a lack of confidence could result from changes in plans. . . from satisfying one and dissatisfying another. Dr. Kozik felt that only extraordinary reasons should cause change in zoning. Art Sherwood - felt the Commission should be hard-nosed about zone changes. Mrs. Frieda Kozak - asked the Commission to consider three things: 1. Is it wise? 2. Is it necessary? 3. Is it in the best interest of the community? J. W. Wood - discussed P-U-D concept of mix. He encouraged total planned units - avoids serious debates such as this. Tay Bond - owner of 75 acres across Highway 30,spoke for the change in that "developers set out what he feels is best use of the land at the time - but conditions change - developers have best interest of City at hand - be willing to consider change in overall plan. Dr. H. O. Hartley - quick change through use of the zoning instrument destroys confidence of residents of City with City government. Betty Foster - What will happen to adjacent land to the rear? It would not be deemed suitable for residences then. Would only receive a future request for more rezoning. Unidentified woman - All the protesters here are property owners and churchmen. Where are all the students? How about their interests? The public hearing was then closed and Chairman Calliham stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission was a recommending body only and that the developer could take his request to another public hearing of the City Council. Chairman Calliham called for a motion and on motion by Commissioner Chaney, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, the Commission unanimously agreed not to recommend ip, approval of this zone change request to the City Council. Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission January 8, 1973 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation of a historical map of the Carter Creek Flood Plain as shown by the Soil Conservation Services Soil Survey of Brazos County as the Gowan and Occlockonee Soil Series with other engineering flood plain data included. City Planner George Eby gave a brief presentation of the map and stated that it was a map consisting of all available public knowledge of the Creek and its tributaries such as Bee Creek, Wolf Pen Creek, Burton Creek and Briarcrest Creek. There were twenty- four calculated data points which were tied together by the use of the Soil Conservation Service maps of the Gowan and Ohclockonee Soil Series which are alluvial, flood plain soils. Dr. Wayne Williams, a soil expert employed by the Bryan office of the Soil Conservation Service, explained why the soils could define a historical flood plain. He cautioned that the future flood plain would be greater than the historical flood plain due to rapid urbani- zation and an increased run-off. Additional increases in elevation can be expected when Millican Lake is installed. First stage conservation pool is to be 218 feet above sea level. When the Navasota Lake is built; flood protection capability would be shifted to the Navasota Lake and the conservation pool of Millican would be raised to 228. Consequently, an increased back water curve would occur and an increase in the flood S` plain level should be expected. After a review of the flood plain map, the Commission decided to continue with a study of the flood insurance program. Agenda Item No. 5 - Continued review and approval of a PUD Submission Requirement Policy as proposed by the City Planning Department. The Commission reviewed the policy and felt that it was necessary in order to provide equal treatment of all PUD's. After a short discussion, the policy was unanimously approved on motion by Commissioner Boyett and seconded by Commissioner Chaney. Agenda Item No. 6 - Other Business. As there was no items to be discussed at the January 15 meeting, the meeting was cancelled. Agend g d Item No. 7 - Adjourn. On motion by Commissioner Longley, seconded by Commissioner Boyett, the meeting was unanimously adjourned, subject to call. PPROVED: 141 4, Chairman ATTEST: g;11/‘' ri i \ /\_ I, ' i ' ( ' 2 ' ' zi ' 1 i (' ( / /- ' ---:--;•'•-;,,__, V _ .,.._ ,_. , - t--' /-- . - I . , //// 7-4-,.1/' '-- - /' - ) 64 e.,,,,,./4 0, ,_ 9y4,,,az.a4 sL444 ,2 i . 176,0 . T _ Al KS rig_ iv,e,67.2., / ' -,......_._., C it Ac2-TT"7---- X / ,