HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/19/1973 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission 1 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 19, 1973 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners James Wallace, Bill Cooley, Tom Chaney, John Longley; Council Liaison Don Dale; City Planner George Eby MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners George Boyett and Ed Miller VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the February 5. 1973 meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Calliham and on motion by Commissioner Chaney, seconded by Commissioner Longley, the minutes of the February 5, 1973 meeting were unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 3 - P&Z Case No. 9-73 - A preliminary plat of Pooh's Park, Section I. Upon request of Chairman Calliham, City Planner George Eby explained the location of the request and the variances requested. Mr. Dale responded to questions concerning the extension of the streets in the subdivision. It was noted that Holleman Drive could be extended to the east and could eventually join another proposed extension of Holleman Drive in the proposed River Oaks Subdivision. After a short discussion concerning the 28-commercial lot subdivision, the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Longley, and seconded by Commissioner Cooley, unanimously approved the preliminary plat of Pooh's Park Section #1. Agenda Item No. 2 - P&Z Case No. 8-73 - A public hearing concerning a request for rezoning a 15-acre tract of land located between the Highway 6 East By-pass and the College Station city limits at Bee Creek from Single Family Residential District, R-1C District, to Planned Industrial District, M-1 District. This tract is further described as being a 500-foot wide strip of land being out of the Dobrovolny Estate. Upon request of the Chairman, the City Planner located the tract in question for the audience and explained that the request was for the construction of the Agency Records Control headquarters and complex. Mr. Robert Bower, Jr. , the Executive Vice President of Agency Records Control, spoke briefly on his company's plans for the construction of several modern office buildings which would house their activities. It was reported that some of the land in the request (but none of the A.R. C. land) is within the 50-year frequency flood plain of Bee Creek. Mr. Don Martell reported that they had no intention of developing the flood plain with industrial activity. After a lengthy discussion of the philosophy of zoning and the public need for valid land use controls, Chairman Calliham called for a public hearing. Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission 0 February 19, 1973 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Dr. Robert Cornish praised the A.R. C. proposal, and addressed himself to the importance of the use of administrative controls in preventing inappropriate land use. He also re- commended that the City Planning and Zoning Commission never recommend zoning to the City Council which would mislead the public by zoning land for which there is no intent on the part of the Commission or the City,through following established administrative controls, to allow construction thereon. Dr. Christopher Mathewson praised the Planning and Zoning Commission for their flood plain control efforts. He also praised the work done on the construction of the Carter's Creek flood plain map. He further recommended that the City use the flood plain map as an interim guide to the flood plain until a Corps of Engineers study could be completed. He also questioned whether the Commission was accepting the 50 or 100-year flood plain elevation as the intermediate flood plain in accordance with our zoning ordinance requirements. No one else spoke and Chairman Calliham closed the public hearing and called for a motion to the questicn of this case and recommended that the Commission decide among the following alternatives: 1. Recommend all of the request including the flood plain to be changed from R-1C a to M-1, or 2. Recommend all of the request except the portion lower than the 247.5 foot flood plain elevation, or 3. Recommend only the portion of the request that the Agency Records Control required (which is completely out of any flood plain), or 4. Deny the request. Commissioner Chaney moved that the Commission recommend rezoning from R-iC to M-1 only that portion of the request that was above the 247.5 foot 50-year frequency flood plain elevation. The motion, seconded by Commissioner Longley, was unanimously passed and approved. Mr. Don Martell stated for the minutes that he would provide the City with a boundary survey of that land within the request that was above the 247. 5 foot elevation for use by the City in defining the tract in a legal manner. Agenda Item No. 4 - Initiation of a Goals and Objectives Study for use in the Goals and Objectives Program of the "701" Plan. The Commission reviewed the goals and objectives material and surveys and agreed to hold a special workshop meeting Tuesday, February 27, 1973 to discuss this element in substantial detail. It was re- quested that the city administrative secretary call the commission members to confirm the possible use of the conference room for this purpose. Agenda Item No. 5 - Other Business. After a discussion of the problems facing the IICity of College Station concerning flood plain control, Commissioner Chaney moved: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the College Station City Council adopt the January 1973 Flood Plain Map Of Carter's Creek which was compiled by the Planning Department from data from the Brazos County Soil Survey, Texas Highway Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1973 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Department, Army Corps of Engineers and other primary sources as an interim guideline for the delineation of the Carter's Creek and tributary flood plain. The motion, seconded by Commissioner Cooley, was unanimously passed and approved. After additional discussion of flood plains and their relation to administrative controls in the Subdivision Ordinance, Commissioner Chaney moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the College Station City Council amend the Sub- division Ordinance (Ordinance No. 690) as follows: Add: Section 8-B second paragraph - fifty-year frequency flood plain elevations shall be determined and shall be noted on the face of both preliminary and final plats. The motion, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, was unanimously passed and approved. Chairman Calliham then appointed Commissioners Wallace, Chaney and Longley to work with the City Planner and city staff to develop a more definitive approach concerning flood plain development policy. Agenda Item No. 6 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. On motion by Commissioner Longley, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, tie meeting was unanimously adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman ATTEST: Secretary - Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1973 7:00 P.M. Please Sign Below: 1. L 2. yr_e_e_ 3. 4. (au 6. /144,/L- 7. 8. J !�-- 9. J G?it 10. te-6E- • 11. 4 44944-1 12. • 13. 14. 4.7( // 15. ,7uG� 16. "� 17. 18. GJ 19. 4�J 20. 21. /00,Ie 5 ::: c 24. L 25. r_...................._____.. . . , • j , . . , . . ofad, • . ..,,. „. _ !‘„,..,,,,N.....,_ !!'"W' ,,;,_*-0. ,4 r.,1 k)14,,,,ti- ig. r e , Gert.-re,,,,,i. 0 tajapoA.0*Ad + ( dt.,,,, .„, t„.t._,42.-"-- -r- .14P : • ' 'LI 0.A. rrAL- cAb-n-ire- c 1::'-...):*•- ...2,,i21,,' Ca-A-A-•4k-11"-o-rt. ed.-0-4-4rvou-o.t. (5--ri. tit enk-e_14:-.."14 ,,- . . 1 pe.... -,(-.),It_i4a „1.s... ,..t.e,__ r :?4,,, 11,, ) .--. ) _, ,. • ,- 1 . . . . _ .4. 1 , . . . . . . , . . . , . . , . . . , . • . . . . . . , L . • „IA