HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/1973 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission August 6 , 1973 7 :00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham, Commissioners George Boyett, Tom Chaney, Ed Miller, C. C. Mathewson, John B. Longley, and James Wallace; City Engineer George Ford; and Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT: Council Liaison Don R. Dale. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Calliham at 7 :00 P.M. , on August 6 , 1973 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the July 16 , meeting. Chairman Calliham asked for approval of the minutes of the previous meeting of July 16. Commissioner Mathewson requested a change be made under Agenda Item No. 2 ; that of inserting the sentence "The public hearing was opened" and "There was no response and the public hearing was closed. " On motion of Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Chaney, the minutes of the July 16 , meeting were approved with correc- tions. The vote for the motion was unanimous. Agenda Item No. 2 - Whitley Subdivision Plats (preliminary and final) . 111 Chairman Calliham called on City Engineer George Ford to brief the Commission regarding the Whitley Subdivision Plats. City Engineer Ford described this property and stated that the plats were brought forward for approval rather than the metes and bounds. Commissioner Boyett suggested that the preliminiary and final plats for the Whitley Subdivision be acted on jointly. Chairman Calliham asked for any other comments before a motion was made. Commissioner Miller requested clarification of Welsh Street. He stated that in one place it was spelled "Welch" and other places "Welsh" . City Engineer Ford advised that it should be "Welsh" , as this is a breed ,of bovine and the other streets in the vicinity carry names of bovine also. As there were no other comments made, Commissioner Boyett moved that both the preliminary and the final plats be approved for the Whitley Subdivision; and seconded by Commissioner Mathewson, the motion unanimously carried. Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of Woodson Village, Part 5 , Section 2 , final plat. Chairman Calliham called on City Engineer Ford to comment on the Woodson Village plat. City Engineer Ford described this plat and stated that some time ago, the Commission suggested that Thomas Street would be brought out to its existing end and that this plat would confirm this suggestion and Thomas Street would be completed. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, and seconded by Commissioner Wallace, the final plat for Woodson Village, Part 5 , Section 2 , was approved. Agenda Item No. 4 - Clarification of recommendations for Munson Street 411, extension and improvement. Chairman Calliham clarified that rumors concerning condemnation of several homes on Munson Street, widening MINUTES, P&Z Meeting, August 6 , 1973 Page 2 of Munson Street, and destruction of trees, fences, etc. on property on Munson Street were not true. He also advised that the only 410 reason this item was put on the agenda, was to clarify what was discussed in the workshop meeting that was held on Monday, July 23 , 1973. Chairman Calliham informed the citizens that the area transpor- tation plan did not show a specific width of a street, but that there would be a connection through 29th Street and Highway 30. Commissioner Boyett explained to the citizens that the Planning and Zoning Commission is only able to make recommendations to the council, but does not take final action regarding these recommendations. Chairman Calliham stated very strongly that no recommendation of any sort has been made to the City Council concering any specific width of Munson street. He also said that the commission is existing in order to prevent situations like the Munson Street case, and others similar to it. The question was raised by a citizen why the Commission did not go on record as opposing the widening of Munson Street. After considerable discussion among the citizens and the Commission, Chairman Calliham once again emphasized that no recommendation of any other such statements contradicting this, are false. Commissioner Boyett pointed out to the audience, that bound copies of the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinances are available and would explain what property owners can and cannot do. Agenda Item No. 5 - Committee appointments. Chairman Calliham deferred this item as the information that was needed, was not available and it would be brought up again in the future meetings. Agenda Item No. 6 - Hear visitors . The question was raised relative 411 to the flow of traffic during the hours of 8 : 00 A.M. , 12 :00 P.M. , 1: 00 P.M. , and 5 : 00 P.M. Chairman Calliham advised that the Commission has no authoirty to take action on this matter. Agenda Item No. 7 - Other business. Chairman Calliham advised the Commission members that a work session would be held immediately after the meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall. As there was no other business, on motion by Commissioner Longley, and seconded by Commissioner Boyett, the meeting was adjourned at 8 :55 P.M. APPROVED: Chairman ATTES cretary -.1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING August 6 , 1973 7 :00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: r,A tf16,0 4-9„4:Q0 2 . "/rG G e c .,,�Q,z 3 . /C /7; 4_33 4 . 4, 5. 7 . 8 . f 26) Xe.r ��j .9 Gke 12/ � 10 . -511i, oCJ 11. !2- ;g/c/y,„_:_r_a„‘. 12 . 1,/,& �'` / `� • 13. /vvt4 P /4 • 14 . i` .26-X(-tC2";' 1iG�/ 16 . h `, e`t, 17. 18 . 19 . �G/cj t�-�-�A-LA/ 20 21. ' 22 . 23 . 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