HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/06/1972 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission November 6, 1972 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners John Longley, Tom Chaney and Ed Miller; Council Liaison Don Dale; City Planner George Eby and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners George Boyett, Bill Cooley, and James Wallace VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the October 2, 1972 meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. and on motion by Commissioner Chaney, seconded by Commissioner Longley, the minutes of the October 2, 1972 meeting were unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 - P&Z Case No. 36-72 - A continuation of a public hearing concerning a request for rezoning Lots 4 and 5, Block C, College Heights Subdivision from District 41) R-2, Duplex Residential District, to District C-1, General Commercial District. Mrs. M. V. Hughes, daughter of Mr. R. F. Richards, owner of the property, was present at the meeting and stated that all she knew about the request was that her father wanted the property to go commercial. Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold, owner of 306 and 308 Poplar, inquired what would happen to the property adjoining this property if it is rezoned. Chairman Calliham stated that no other property would be rezoned until the owners requested a zone change. This request was for one parcel of property only and no others would be rezoned by it. Mr. Clinton Smith, owner of 307 and 304 Poplar, stated that he had heard that this change would include only one side of the street aid wanted to know if this was true. Chairman Calliham informed Mr. Smith that this zone change request (if it is approved), will only change the property described in the rezoning application and no other property. Chairman Calliham then closed the public hearing and on motion by Commissioner Longley, seconded by Commissioner Miller, the following votes were cast: Commissioner Chaney - no; Commissioner Miller - yes; Commissioner Longley - yes. As it takes at least four votes of approval for a recommendation to pass, this request was neither approved nor disapproved. Commissioner Chaney stated that he felt that this tract of land did not have enough depth to cope with the in-out traffic of a business. Chairman Calliham suggested that Mr. Richards present a re-application, along with adjoining property owners in L410 order that a larger parcel of property can be rezoned. Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission November 6, 1972 Page 2 Agenda Item No. 3 - Review and recommendation to the City Council on a proposed system for formulating a Citizens Advisory Committee for use in the "701" Plan; and Agenda Item No. 4 - Review and recommendations to the City Council on a map, showing proposed Community Planning Districts, for use in the "701" Plan. City Planner George Eby presented a system and map which the City Staff had developed for this purpose. (A copy is attached as a part of these minutes). After some discussion, it was decided to postpone any action on these two items until the Commissioners had more time to study and review the system and map. Agenda Item No. 5 - Initial discussion of a federal flood plain insurance program and its relationship to land use controls and existing city ordinances. Mr. Paul T. Gillette, Chief of the Flood Plain Management Branch of the Texas Water Development Board, was present and discussed the flood plain insurance program for the benefit of the Commissioners and the audience. Mr. Gillette stated that Lyndon Johnson made the people aware of damages and losses from floods which have been steadily going up. In 1968 Mr. Johnson recommended that more efforts be turned toward flood plains and Congress enacted Title XIII in 1968 which was to be used by all federal agencies which established definite regulations and which made the program available to more areas. Mr. Gillette stated the purpose of the Texas Water Development Board was to be a coordinator for the local governments. The executive agencies at the state level were required by Executive Order 11296 to give full attention to the flood plains in regard to any construction that they anticipated and any funds that they distributed including "701" planning funds. The United States Water Develop- ment Council was established to prepare a study of elevation guidelines which put into effect Executive Order 11296. After considerable discussion and commentary, Mr. Gillette stated that with the regulative ordinances and information the City of College Station already has relative to flood plains, the flood plain insurance program could possibly be available very quickly and easily. The City would, of course, have to add the new information as they receive it from the U. S. Corps of Engineers' study on flood plains. The insurance program would put a very high priority on the establishment of a comprehensive flood plain study by the Corps of Engineers. Agenda Item No. 6 - Report from Commissioners Tom Chaney and Ed Miller on the Planning and Zoning Short Course in Ft. Worth. Commissioners Chaney and Miller dis- cussed some of the information which had been presented at the Short Course for Plan- ning Commissioners. They both felt it was a very valuable experience and felt that it would be well worth while for every Commissioner to attend such a meeting next year. Agenda Item No. 7 - Discussion of the City Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 850) and presentation of the new zoning map. A short discussion was held about the changes which had been made in the zoning ordinance since the Commission's recommendation to the City Council. • Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission November 6, 1972 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 8 - Other Business. The Planning and Zoning Commission decided to hold zoning hearings on the first Monday of the month and devote the third Monday to Planning. Agenda Item No. 9 - Hear Visitors. None. Agenda Item No. 10. - Adjourn. As there was no other business to discuss, Chairman Calliham declared the meeting adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: C airman ATTEST: r Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission November 6, 1972 7:00 P.M. 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