HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1972 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission May 1, 1972 7:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners Bill Cooley, George Boyett, Tom Chaney, Ed Miller; Council Liaison Don Dale; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners James Wallace and John Longley GUESTS PRESENT: See Guest Register The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Calliham and on motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Miller, the minutes of the April 3 and April 17, 1972 meetings were unanimously approved. Chairman Calliham welcomed the new members of the Commission and introduced them to the audience. The new Commissioners are: Mr. Ed Miller, Mr. Tom Chaney and Mr. John Longley who was not present at this meeting. P&Z Case No. 14-72 - A request for District No. 4, First Business District from • District No. 3, Apartment House District on Lots 3, 4, 5, and 7 through 16 of the Visoski addition which is located on the east corner of Highway 6 and Highway 60 being that property owned by Frances V. Larey. The public hearing on this zoning request was held at the April 17, 1972 meeting but the Commission had not taken action on this request as Mr. Richard Smith had asked them to delay action until he could be present. Mr. Smith represents the owners of the property in question. Mr. O. B. Clifton, owner of Lot 6 of the Visoski Addition had stated on April 17 that he felt that his lot, which was surrounded by lots within this request should be zoned for the same use as the land in this request. Mr. Smith stated that no specific development had been planned for this area but that it would be developed commercially. Mr. Smith stated that it was not economically feasible to develop an apartment complex on this property because of the off-street parking require- ments which will be required under the new Zoning Ordinance. The property is too small to develop and have two parking spaces per dwelling unit. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Miller, this zoning request was unanimously approved including Mr. Clifton's Lot 6. Commissioner Bill Cooley pointed out that he felt that if this area is rezoned there should be a screen required to protect the residents of Poplar Street. After some discussion it was felt that since the property owners had been notified of the public hearing and had not protested this request that this was not necessary. • Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission May 1, 1972 Page 2 P&Z Case No. 17-72 - A request for District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District on 30 lots on the northwest side of Mint Julip Street within Section 2 of Plantation Oaks Subdivision. This area is further defined as being Block 5 and Reserve B of Section 2 of Plantation Oaks Subdivision as shown on a preliminary plat by Harry Seaback. Chairman Calliham asked the City Planner to explain the request to the audience. Chairman Calliham then asked Mr. Seaback to speak. Mr. Seaback indicated that he felt there was a demand for apartments and that he was following a trend in the area. A public hearing on the request was then held. Mr. E. J. Holleman delivered a petition to Chairman Calliham signed by 26 residents and the First Baptist Church protesting this zoning request and also the P&Z Case No. 18-72 which was discussed jointly. The petition is as follows: ********************************************************************************** Petition To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, City of College Station We, the undersigned, property owners living within 200 feet of the boundary of the thirty lots described in the Petition P&Z Case #17-72, do respectfully request that the Petitions P&Z Case #17-72 and P&Z Case #18-72 be denied. • We believe that granting the two aforementioned petitions would adversely effect our property values and quality of life. ********************************************************************************** Numerous persons spoke against the rezoning petition. The general argument was to deny the requests based upon too many apartments in the area; the undesirability of the Baptist Church being surrounded by apartments; claimed assurance by seller that land would always remain single family in nature; encroachment of apartments into neighborhood; extreme traffic problem to an excess of apartments on Highway 30, Dominik and Highway 6; claim of a dramatic change of Mr. Seaback's plans, ie: (original plan of Plantation Oaks (University Arms) was all single family estates, then changed to small single family lots, then changed to single family lots and apartments, and now a request to change remainder of tract to apart- ments); justification for change; did not want 60 families in low-rent duplexes at their back doors; etc. . . Those speaking were: Mr. E. J. Holleman, A. C. Shaw, David Rowland (for First Baptist Church), Wayne O'Hara, Lane B. Stephenson, C. K. Esten, Robert Hurley, Mrs. B. G. Foster, and Freda Kozik. The protests represented over fifty Dominik Street residents. The public hearing was then closed on Item #3, P&Z Case No. 17-72. Chairman Calliham asked the City Planner to state the amount of land used, zoned, and the estimated need for apartment rental land. The City Planner stated that 73 acres of land are presently being used for apartments. The maximum need by 1990-1995 would be approximately 450 acres (high estimate). Present land zoned for apartments is 644 acres Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission May 1, 1972 7:00 P.M. Page 3 (including some land developed in non-apartment useage). Chairman Calliham asked for a motion on Agenda Item #3 and on motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Chaney, the zoning request was unanimously denied. P&Z Case No. 18-72 - A request for District No. 3, Apartment House district from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District on a 19.54 acre tract of land bounded by Mint Julip Street, Plantation Oaks Drive, Rhett Butler Drive and Munson Drive. This area is further described as being Reserve A of Section 2 of Plantation Oaks Subdivision as shown on a preliminary plat by Harry Seaback. Since both agenda items 3 and 4 were discussed concurrently, a public hearing was called immediately. The protests were similar to the protests in agenda item 3 but were more vehement. The petition from the residents also requested that this case be denied. The public hearing was then closed. Chairman Calliham called for a motion and on motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Chaney, this zoning request was also unanimously denied. P&Z Case No. 19-72 - A request for a review of a preliminary plat of Section 2 of Plantation • Oaks Subdivision. The Commission felt that the plat was closely related to the zone change requests and was of no value without the zoning. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Chaney, approval of the preliminary plat was unanimously denied. P&Z Case No. 20-72 - A request for review of a preliminary plat of Southwood Section 25, being 55.82 acres and developed by Area Progress Corporation. Mr. Bill Fitch explained to the Commission how his request related to the area. The City Planner stated that the plat had been checked by the City Staff and that it was in order. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Miller, the preliminary plat was unanimously accepted as filed. P&Z Case No. 21-72 - A street dedication final plat of Southwest Parkway from Welch Blvd. to FM 2154 by Area Progress Corporation, Harold W. Franke and M. C. Peters. The plat was filed by the City and was in order except for two signatures. On motion by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Boyett, the plat was unanimously accepted with the condition that the Chairman would withhold his signature until the other signatures were acquired. As there was no other business and no visitors who wished to speak, on motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Miller, the meeting was adjourned. PP Ov D• ATTEST: ai` man Secretary r PlanningZoning and Commission May 1, 1972 j II Please Sign Below: 1. 4./.4_,4 - 4,---te< r‘ . *-- 1/ 2. e` ' Fic igAtt e-e1-.,„e,,,,,\ 3. Tvbiwv Ohowd_f-tk a>LA- . • - ,?-12-7--. 4. 414, 5. 4:A-dv`-‘1)/4-ousir , ^ 6. -; 7. Ibil*,ot4 '•� 8. L . C.--"\ 10. O Ic--\CV\> �. 11. • 1 /l 12. A ,, 13. 2,./-fr,z0- ___ 7vec, 14. aahiK— 7niv Id- 7)/1E-2, .(?_ i446_ 15. S G 16 L" 17c-� U H-71-31)2--- 1 8. 19. (C _,_,,D , 2 0. 4--a-c- - {3, C 7ly 21. � r 22. 4, (i_l_ sc---- II 23. Cit AA 24 d 25. ✓' Ad