HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/1972 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionrig' MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission March 20, 1972 7:00P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners James Wallace, M. R. Calliham, Bill Cooley; City Planner George Eby; Adminis- trative Secretary Nancy Reeves MEMBERS ABSENT: Council Liaison Don Dale; Commissioners Carl Landiss, George Boyett, and Paul Pate VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register Agenda Item #1 - The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chair- man. On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Cooley, the minutes of the March 6, 1972 meeting were unanimously passed and approved. Agenda Item #2 - P&Z Case No. 8-72 - A request from Richard Smith for re- zoning a 5.0 acre tract of land located 800 feet northeast of the Univer- sity Drive - Tarrow Street intersection from Single Family District to First Business District. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Calliham moved approval of the request conditioned upon the owner filing a sub- division plat of the property showing a street dedication with a north- south alignment. The motion, seconded by Commissioner Cooley was un- animously passed and approved. Agenda Items #3 and #4 - P&Z Case No. 9-72 - A request from Area Progress Corporation for rezoning a 0.829 acre tract in Southwood 26 from Apart- ment House District to First Business District. - P&Z Case No. 10-72 - A request from Area Progress Corporation for rezoning a 0.963 acre tract in Southwood 26 from First Business District to Apartment House District. On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Calliham, the two rezoning requests by Area Progress Corporation, were unanimously passed and approved. Agenda Item #5 - P&Z Case No. 11-72 - A street dedication preliminary plat of Longmire Drive from DeaconPlace Subdivision to FM 2818 within the extra- territorial jurisdiction of the City. On motion by Commissioner Calliham, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, action on this plat was delayed until a representative from Area Progress Corporation could be present to explain how this would affect the extra-territorial jurisdiction.Comssioner Cooley is recorded as voting "no" on this delay. Agenda Item #6 - The recommendation concerning the naming of un-named city parks by members of the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Planning Committee was shown to the Commission. The recommendation to the Commis- sion was: Recommend to the City Council that the following park's names be adopted by the City: Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission March 20, 1972 Page 2 4111 Park Location Proposed Name 2.4 acre park on Merry Oaks Street East Park 2.4 acre park on Rhett Butler Drive Plantation Park 7.8 acre park on Stallings Drive Oaks Park 2.3 acre park on Southwest Parkway Southwest Park 2 acre park on Woodland Parkway Parkway Park (or) Woodland Park 2 acre park at ground water storage sitp- Lion Park 2 small parks on Walton at Foster Street Eastgate Park 2 acre park at Fairview Street and Luther Fairview Park Upon motion by Commissioner Cooley and seconded by Commissioner Wallace, the recommendation was unanimously approved. Agenda Item #7 - Other Business - (A) City Planner George Eby showed the 4111 Commission a base map that the members of the staff had prepared showing 48 acres of land between Bee Creek and the City Cemetery. It was mentioned that Area Progress Corporation had stated that they would dedicate 17 acres of land along Bee Creek to the City if that 17 acres would be joined with 31 acres of land presently owned by the City behind the cemetery for use as a park. The Commission agreed that the Parks and Recreation Committee should come up with some plans for utilizing this park land and the costs of such uses. (B) Mr. Richard Smith approached the Commission with a request for Commer- cial Zoning on Lot 1 , Block 3 of Prairie View Heights Subdivision. He stated that he had been notified by the City Planner that the request would violate the City's Development Policy in a letter dated February 29, 1972; and that at a previous date he, had been informed by the City Planner that there was Business Zoning in the area and that it might be possible to get other lots rezoned for business. The City Planner agreed that these were the correct circumstances, but stated that the initial discussion occurred prior to a decision by the city council that all zoning applications were to be screened by the city staff in order to uphold the approved City Development Policy to the best of their ability. • The Commission agreed that the request appeared to be in violation of the City's Development Policy by being spot zoning, and that it was proper that the request was not placed upon the agenda. Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission March 20, 1972 Page 3 (C) The City Planner informed the Commission that plans for a new 32 dwelling unit, Planned Unit Development had been filed with the city and that the plans would be on the April 17th agenda. On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Calliham, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman ATTEST: Secretary U