HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/1972 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 7, 1972 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners Bill Cooley, James Wallace, Tom Chaney and Ed Miller; City Planner George Eby; City Attorney James Dozier; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners John Longley and George Boyett; and Council Liaison Don Dale VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes.of the July 10 and July 11, 1972 meetings. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Calliham and on motion by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Chaney, the minutes of the July 10 and July 11, 1972 meetings were unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 - P&Z Case No. 26-72 - A request for rezoning the southwest one-half of Lot 4 of the D. A. Smith Subdivision from District No. 3, Apartment House District to District No. 4, First Business District. City Planner Eby explained that the location of • the property is currently separated from the commercial district at East Gate Square by a distance of 200 feet. It has a frontage of 100 feet on Lincoln Avenue. Mr. W. D. Fitch, owner of the property, informed the Commission that he had requested this zone change as his plans were to construct a complex of storage units. Mr. Fitch stated that his property was separated from the commercial district at East Gate by Lot 3, which is zoned District No. 3, Apartment House District. On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Chaney, this zone change request was unanimously approved and the Commission also recommended that the City Council initiate a zone change for Lot 3 to commercial. Agenda Item No. 3 - P&Z Case No. 27-72 - A request for rezoning Lot 4, Block 21 of the Boyett Subdivision from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District. City Planner Eby explained the location of the property in question and Mr. George Battallia, representative of Mr. Bardin Nelson, owner of the property, stated that Mr. Nelson would like to have this zone change approved so that a four-plex apartment could be constructed there. On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Miller,the zone change request was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4 - P&Z Case No. 28-72 - A request for rezoning Lot 1, Block B, College Heights Addition from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. The Commission discussed this case, at some extent, and agreed that University Drive should be considered suitable for commercial activity and that both Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission August 7, 1972 Page 2 sides would eventually become commercial. On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Cooley, this zone change request was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5 - P&Z Case No. 29-72 - A request for rezoning a 21. 77 acre tract of land on the southwest side of Welsh Avenue at FM 2818 from District No. 1, First Dwel- ling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District. City Planner Eby ex- plained that the property in question is sided by the new A&M Consolidated High School, FM 2818, a large apartment zoned area to the west, a neighborhood business zone and other apartment zoned land. Commissioner Tom Chaney stated that he did not feel that low density property should be surrounded by high density property. On motion by Commissioner Cooley, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, this zone change request was approved with Commissioner Chaney voting "no". Agenda Item No. 6 - P&Z Case No. 31-72 - A request for rezoning a 4. 74 acre tract of land on the northeast side of Texas Avenue and 200 feet southeast of Sterling Street from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. City Planner George Eby explained the location of the property in question. Mr. Phil McCormick, representative of Mr. Martin Leissner, owner of the property, stated that it was Mr. Leissner's intention to construct, as soon as possible, a nursery similar to his Hardi-Gardens on Villa Maria Road in Bryan. Mr. L. W. Flowers, 111 Sterling Street, College Station, presented a petition op- posing this zone change. The petition was signed by approximately 26 persons and is as follows: (the original with the signatures is attached as a part of these minutes) ********************************************************************************* PETITION The names and addresses of those who oppose P&Z Case No. 31-72 - A request for rezoning a 4. 74 acre tract of land on the northeast side of Texas Avenue and 200 feet southeast of Sterling Street from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. ********************************************************************************** Mr. Flowers stated that the citizens who signed the petition were not aware that a nursery was to be constructed on this property, and if this was the business proposed for this property, they would not be opposed. Their feeling had been they did not want just any kind of business next to their homes. Chairman Calliham informed Mr. Flowers that the intent of Mr. Leissner, at the present time, was to erect a nursery there, however, after the property is zoned commercial, there will be no way to control the type of business which eventually will be there. In other words, after the property is rezoned, the owner could change his mind and construct any type of business he chose. Commissioner Cooley inquired if Neighborhood Business Zone would control to any extent, the type business which could be constructed on the property. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Wallace moved that this case be tabled, pending further review for a special meeting to be held on Monday, August 21, 1972. The motion, seconded by Commissioner Chaney, was unanimously approved. Chairman Calliham stated that people concerned would be notified of this second public hearing also. A Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission August 7, 1972 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 7 - P&Z Case No. 32-72 - Review of a preliminary plat of Wolf Pen Park, a 199. 8 acre subdivision to be developed by Zak Construction Company. Upon request of Chairman Calliham, Mr. Bill Zak presented a report on his proposal and answered many questions regarding his proposal. A member of the College Safety Committee, Dr. Virgil Stover, presented the minutes of the last Safety Committee meeting, at which the Committee recommended altering the plat to provide for a better street system, through carefully spaced access points to Highway 6, by eliminating the Shakespeare Drive access point to Highway 6 (Business). After considerable discussion, Commissioner Chaney moved that the Commission accept the plat amended as follow ss 1. The developer he required to dedicateand file a guarantee of completion with the City for the extension of Southwest Parkway along the Boriskie (Zak) - Krenek property line as a half street consisting of the 40 feet of right-of-way on the Boriskie (Zak) side of the property line and immediately adjacent to the Boriskie (Zak) - Krenek property line and extending from Highway 6 (Business) to Highway 6 East Bypass. 2. The developer be required to terminate Shakespeare Drive at Tennyson Court, which is the cul-de-sac nearest the Highway 6 East Bypass, thus not allowing public access to the bypass. The motion, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, was approved with Commissioners Wallace, Chaney, Miller, and Chairman Calliham voting "yes" and Commissioner Cooley voting "no". Agenda Item No. 8 - P&Z Case No. 30-72 - Review of a preliminary plat of Windmill Hill • Addition owned by Robert Whitley. After a discussion of this tract, it was decided that since there was a significant amount of filling of the Carter Creek Flood Plain proposed, the Commission wanted to discuss the plat with the developer. Since the developer was not present, the Commission voted, upon a motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Cooley, to table the request until the called meeting on Monday, August 21, 1972, at which time the developer would be heard. Addendum Agenda Item - P&Z Case No. 33-72 - A preliminary plat of Southwood Section 24, owned by the Area Progress Corporation and consisting of 22. 53 acres and 45 single family residential lots. After a short discussion, on motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Cooley, the Commission unanimously approved the plat provided that an "Access Way" be provided between Lots 6 and 7 of Block 10. Agenda Item No. 9 - Continued formal study of the College Station Land Use Plan. The City Planner presented a general land use plan which was intended to represent a philosophy designed to broaden the scope of the land use plan, make the land use plan more flexible, to acknowledge the existing zoning pattern and the existing land use. The Commission agreed to the general concept of the plan and suggested that the approach to a general land use plan be further investigated by the City Planner. Agenda Item No. 10 - Review of the city park and swimming pool site. The City Planner showed the Planning and Zoning Commission the proposed location plan for the swimming pool • facility and the city park. The Commission, upon reviewing the location, stated that it was in accordance with their general plan for the City and recommended the location for use as a park. r � Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission August 7, 1972 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 11 - Other Business - Mr. Tay Bond, owner of the River Oaks Subdivision on Highway 30, came before the Commission to ask that the preliminary plat of River Oaks Subdivision, originally approved on January 18, 1971 and since then expired, be re-approved. On motion by Commissioner Cooley, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, Mr. Bond's request for re-approval of the preliminary plat of the River Oaks Subdivision, was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 12 - Hear Visitors - No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 13 - Adjourn - On motion by Commissioner Cooley, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, the meeting was unanimously adjourned. APPROVED. Chairman ATTEST: e fbSecretary III L_ ,..... . •::4::.-1K 0. names and addresses of those who opposes P&Z Case no. .,.. • 31-72. A request for rezoning a 4.74 acre tract of land on the northeast -0 of Texas Avenue and 200 feet southeast of Sterling Street from trict no. 1, First Dwelling House District no. 4, First Busine' . . District. 12 / 1/7L .. , azirloz-- , /0141k.127:14Y771/1-esli Pkte.,,, 7/7i ,i____ cpdo'fj . ?ebiell<ef' ilb -17.1-' , / ..t..,, -4. • . 1 ---- C; , 6/7 I/3 164,&;4 Yji -174- : 0 I ' I ZW0A4, / v Wei . "''-• rk. 0042_ .Fill,k_/A_ 0 vs, -''srill,- n(AA.4 Uti ,r ' r}blf . X4'e5 tZ/ ...-vti / t) / h . //0 ,-----'. v -rfAIL Nk---fvuJoi-P- (r\d--4/z~4.2g61 , ii„,,ev OAY-Aeito /--_,,t ....) .:.t.. .,,. i . ..: c A. / . a1 f gt ., )71„.7,.. Ci4--1. ,••••-; rTh I --,,A . „., , ,, ,,fiiti?, „_..._...,; -,....,_. ,, 7 a .. - , , - -IL , 0:) / ff. , - . • . .,s,------} - ,_ ,. , , - - L., 0 , i The names and addresses of those who opposes F&Z Case no. 31-72. A request for rezoning a 4.74 acre tract of land on the , 411 northeast side of Texas Avenue and 200 feet southeast of Sterling , • Street from District no. 1, First Dwelling House District no. 4, ' First Business District. ---7 • ? / ,,-. SI- e rli 27 SI- , ' (1 I/e / e S t-ai-Td ! lethil,a,(%ir . .a a .-7 I 6,- f' i i N 1 70j--Ahdit,e, 7/- --- ,.. tivt_si..._,..... aNkk9S-1 c_ --wl el „ t v • Planning and Zoning Commission August 7, 1972 7:00 P.M. • Please Sign Below: 1. ete,,L6v) aci„.. 2. ?3. 16 4. 77.• 5. 6. 7. 8. c2'61/1- 9. 10. uy_ 411 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ,D cka Oujuiln4- cjy)), 18./4/14A.,4 41—erz- 19. 6(71)/t4t/.1 Aa 20. 21.• 22. )2,l/GI 23. , 2 4. cf-}514- .. 25. L7 (2aZT- /