HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1972 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission Planning and Zoning Commission April 17, 1972 111, 7:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners James Wallace, M. .R. Calliham, Bill Cooley, George Boyett, Paul Pate; Council Liaison Don Dale; City Planner George Eby MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Carl Landiss VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register The meeting was called to order. The minutes from the April 3, 1972 meeting were not available for approval. P&Z Case #12-72 - The request for Planned Unit Development District #1 from First Dwelling House District #1 on part of tract 2 and part of lot 10 of Block B of the second installment of Carter's Grove Addition being that property owned by Raymond Reiser, and consisting of 9.0 acres of land. P&Z Case 12A-72 - A preliminary plat of Post Oak Forest Mr. J. W. Wood, architect for Dr. Raymond Reiser, presented the set of plans for the planned-unit-development. Also presented was a subdivision plat of the P. U. D. The City Planner indicated that the proposed P. U. D. was S technically in order and that the project met with the approval of the city technical staff. Chairman Wells then called for a public hearing on the rezoning issue. General J. Doyle stated that he felt that Shady Drive (a cul-de-sac) should be extended to University Drive in the vicinity of the joint property line of the Reiser and Doyle properties in order to give him more access. Mrs. Jim O'Brien then stated that she did not want Shady Drive extended to University Drive and that they had purchased their lot because it was at the end of a cul-de-sac. After a substantial amount of discussion on this question the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Callaham moved to recommend to the City Council the zone change request for P. U. D. district #1 from Dwelling House District #1 to approve the preliminary Development Plan and to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plat of Post Oak Forest P. U. D. with the word "commercial" in "1 .14 acre commercial reserve" stricken from the base' of the plat. r , The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cooley. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. P&Z Case 13-72 - A request for Neighborhood Business District #4-A from First Dwelling House District #1 on 1 .14 acres of tract 2 of Block B of the second installment of Carter's Grove Addition being that property owned by Raymond Reiser. Dr. Reiser stated that the purpose for which he asked neighborhood busi- ness zoning was to develop professional offices. After informing Dr. 4111 Reiser that the commission feared that the request for commercial zoning would constitute commercial "strip zoning", Dr. Reiser verbally withdrew his request after the public hearing was called for and closed. L. P&Z Case 14-72 - A request for First Business District #4 from Apartment House District on lots 3,4,5, and lots 7 through 16 of the Visoski Addi- • tion which is located on the east corner of Highway 6 and Highway 60 being that property owned by Frances V. Larey. The agent, Richard Smith, for the owner, Frances V. Larey, requested that the commission postpone their report until he could be present to discuss the request since he had to leave the meeting early. A public hearing was then held. 0. B. Clifton, owner of lot 6 of the Visoski addition stated that he felt that his lot, which was surrounded by lots within this request should be zoned for the same use as the land in this request. The public hearing was then closed. The commission postponed a decision on this request until the agent could be present. P&Z Case #15-72 - A request for Neighborhood Business Zoning District #4-A from First Dwelling House District on a 3.40 acre tract of landlocated 800 feet south of Southwest Parkway on Welsh Blvd. being that property owned by Area Progress Corporation. The request appeared to meet all requirements of the city. A public hearing was held with no one speaking. Commissioner Boyett moved to favorably recommend the request to the City Council. Commissioner Cooley seconded the motion. The vote for approval was unanimous. Other Business - Chairman Wells stated that he would not be chairman for another term. He :expressed great appreciation to the other members of the Planning and Zoning Commission for work that he felt was well done. Commissioner Callaham complimented Chairman Wells for his work with College Station and stated that he felt that very few people realized the amount of work done by Chairman Wells. He also stated that the community owed Chairman Wells a great debt of gratitude. Councilman Dale congrat- ulated Mr. Wells for work well done. The commission as a body congratulated Mr. Wells for his service to the community. Visitors - Jim Gardner asked about public parks in P. U. D. 's and was 1 informed that there were separate rules governing P. U. D. 's under section 11 of the Subdivision Ordinance and the Planned Unit Development Ordinance. Adjournment - The motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, and unanimously approved. • APPROVED: Chairman ATTEST: • ,‘ LCS.SN(NC),,, Secretary L r- -411 Planning and Zoning Commission April 17, 1972 7:00 P.M. • Sign Below: a 1. `q.\\o..k. ') 2. �e12.` 1 cn.•_ 3. 0.21-4J i'""�J 4. 6ill (2- rahb rrt( 5. Da.te ®� � ^J 6. 7. 8. 't'yv2 /24-1.„vt„,i 9. 10.7 11. j /.644,) 12. 9u,r,.,.n-2- 14. 15. !?ct_.,_. 16. GYM 1 . 18. 19. , 20. 1Y� (.0,7, 21. / 01 22. 23. 24. , D , /-1-INi`-S 25.