HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/1971 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission AGENDA • PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS MAY 3, 1971 1. Consideration of Minutes of March 15, 1971 and April 19, 1971 meetings. 2. Zoning Cases: a. P&Z Case #10-71 - A request from Dr. R. W. Toler for commercial (Dist. #4) zoning on a 9.62 acre tract on the West By-pass at the F&B Road. This area is presently zoned First Dwelling House Dist. b. P&Z Case #11-71 - A request from C. J. Ashley, an agent for Texaco, for commercial (Dist. #4) zoning on a 1 .02 acre tract of land located at the south corner of University Drive at the East By-pass. This area is presently zoned First Dwelling House Dist. c. P&Z Case #13-71 - A request from the Area Progress Corporation for commercial (Dist. #4) zoning of property located on the south- west side of Hwy. 6 at the northwest exit of the Hwy. 6 East By-pass and known as the "Deacon Place Subdivision Section #1 " This area is presently zoned First Residential Dwelling District. Sd. P&Z Case #14-71 - A request from the Area Progress Corporation for commercial (Dist. #4) zoning on Blocks E & G of College Heights Subdivision, which is land fronting on University Drive northeast of Nimitz Street and extending to the College Station water storage property on Tarrow Street. These blocks are presently zoned for apartments. e. P&Z Case #16-71 - A request from the Wolf Pen Creek Corporation for Second Dwelling House District Planned Unit Development, (Dist. #2 P.U.D. ) zoning on a 10.264 acre tract immediately across Anderson Street from the A&M Consolidated High School. The land is presently zoned First Residential Dwelling House District. 3. Consideration of the Revised Master Plan of Principal Streets which includes a principal street plan for the extra-territorial jurisdiction of College Station. 4. Other Business 5. Hear Visitors 6. Adjourn GAE/rh MINUTES • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 3, 1971 7:00 P.M. Present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners George Boyett, Carl Landiss, Robert 0. Evans, Dr. M. R. Calliham, James Wallace and City Planner George Eby. Visitors: Lynn 0. Holmes, R. G. Young, Ned Ochs, Charles Wood, Henry Wittser, Clinton Smith, Elizabeth S. Arnold, J. W. Wood, Edward Miller, John Heyde, W. D. Fitch, Luther Jones, C. V. Wooton, Don Martell, Ed Harlach, W. Kennedy Upham and Joy Upham. Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M. in the council room at City Hall. Minutes of the April 19, 1971 meeting were approved upon motion by commisdoner Landiss, seconded by commissioner Boyett. Carried Unanimously. The correction to the final copy of the draft of the previously approved March 15 minutes were read and noted as being correct. P&Z Case #10-71 - A request from Dr. R. W. Toler for commercial (Dist. #4) zoning on a 9.62 acre tract on the 411 West By-pass at the F&B road. This area is pre- sently zoned First Dwelling House District. This case was presented by the City Planner to the Commission. He suggested that industrial zoning would be more appropriate since commercial zoning could constitute "strip zoning". After hearing the discussion then presented by the owner, Dr. Toler, and after the public hearing in which no opposition was heard, Commissioner Boyett moved to recommend the request to the City Council. This was seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote was unanimous. P&Z Case #11-71- A request from C. J. Ashley, an agent for Texaco, for commercial (Dist. #4) zoning on a 1 .02 acre tract of land located at the south corner of University Dr. at the East By-pass. This area is presently zoned First Dwelling House District. The City Planner presented the case and suggested approval to the Commission since the request met the City's development policy in that commercial zoning is appropriate at major street intersections. R. G. Young, an agent for Texaco, stated that the request was made in order to build a service station on the site. Lynn Holmes, an agent for Bert Wheeler, mentioned his com- panie's development plans. After holding the public hearing, in which no opposition was heard, Commissioner Landiss made a motion to recommend the request to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett and the motion carried unanimously. 411 P&Z Case #13-71 - A request from the Area Progress Corporation for Commercial (Dist. #4) zoning of property located on the south-west side of Hwy. 6 at the north- west exit of the Hwy. 6 East By-pass and known as "Deacon Place Subdivision Section #1 ". This area is presently zoned First Residential Dwelling District. I 7 P&Z Commission Meeting May 3, 1971 • The City Planner presented the case and suggested approval to the Commission since commercial zoning would be appropriate at this major street intersection. Mr. W. D. Fitch, owner of the property spoke con- cerning his development plans for the property. His intended land use is that of a mobile home sales lot. A public hearing was held in which there was no opposition. Upon the closing of the public hearing, Commissioner Boyett made the motion to recommend the request to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Landiss. The vote concuring was unanimous. P&Z Case #14-71 - A request from the Area Progress Corporation for Commercial (Dist. #4) zoning on Blocks MG of College Heights Subdivision, which is land fronting on University Drive northeast of Nimitz Street and extending to the College Station water storage property on Tarrow St. These blocks are presently zoned for apart- ments. The City Planner presented the case to the Commission and suggested that Neighborhood Business (Dist. #4A) zoning be substituted in place of the requested Commercial (Dist. #4) zone, since additional damage to the neighborhood could be expected with the advent of the rezoning 411 request. The public hearing was then opened and Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold of 308 Nimitz asked Mr. Fitch about the possible effect that Commercial zoning would have on her property. Mr. Fitch explained that it could be either detrimental or beneficial, dependant upon would be constructed on the property. He explained further that he had a contract to sell the land to Bryan Auto Supply, Inc., a branch of the Strauss Frank Corporation, a retail auto supply outlet. He felt that any noise would occur during the working hours of the day and that there would be no night-time noise to bother the neighborhood. The public hearing was then closed. Commissioner Bob Evans moved that the request be recommended favorably to the Council. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett. The vote concuring was unanimous. P&Z Case #16-71 - A request from the Wolf Pen CreekCorporation for Second Dwelling House District Planned Unit Development, (Dist. #2 P.U.D. ) zoning on a 10.264 acre tract immediately across Anderson Street from the A&M Consolidated High School. The land is presently zoned First Residential Dwelling House District. 411 Chairman Wells asked the developers, Mr. J. W. Wood and Mr. Don Martell to proceed with the presentation of their proposed Planned Unit Develop- ment. A Minutes P&Z Commission Meeting May 3, 1971 • The developers explained that this was a P-U-D designed under requirements of the Planned Unit Development Ordinance for District #2 P-U-D. They then presented their proposal which contained the following plans and studies: 1 . A general development plan, 2. An existing elevation study, 3. A tree and vegetation study, 4. A land use study, 5. An aerial land use study of adjacent land, 6. Common Space plan, 7. Private Space plan, 8. Parking drives and pedestrian ways plan, 9. Preliminary subdivision plat, 10. Preliminary utility plan, drainage plan, a final elevation, plan and a flood elevation study, 11. A staging plan, 12. A home-owners incorporation plan and 13. An Anderson Street paving petition. The elements of the proposed P-U-D Land Use Intensity were then reported to the Commission. Their proposal as compared to the F.H.A. Trend Planning Bulletin #7 standards established for College Station zoning District #2 are: S Wolf Pen Creek Within Zoning District #2 Requirement Proposal Limits Land Use Intensity 4.5 4.5 Yes Minimum Dwelling Unit Size (City Requirement) 800 S.F. 800 S.F. Yes Maximum # of D.U./Acre (City Requirement) 15.4 9.98 Yes Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) (Total Floor Area/Total Land Area) 0.283 0.2813 Yes Minimum Open Space Ratio (OSR) (Open Space/Floor Area) 2.6 2.6 Yes Minimum Livability Space Ratio (LSR) (Non-Vehicular Outdoor Space/Floor Area) 1.7 1 .91 Yes Minimum Recreation Space Ratio (RSR) (Recreation Space/Floor Area) 0.15 0.1604 Yes • Minimum Occupant Car Ratio (OCR) (Parking Spaces/ Dwelling Unit) 1 .2 2.0 Yes Minimum Total Car Ratio (TCR) (Parking Spaces/Dwelling Unit) 1 .4 2.107 Yes A Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission May 3, 1971 • They then presented a statement related to their proposed Homes Association Corporation which is as follows: Wolfpen Creek Corporation will follow all F.H.A. guide- lines in establishing the Homes Association. The Corporation has retained the services of Cofer, Dillon, Giesenschlag and Sharp, attorneys at law, to prepare all necessary documents. The Association will be established to properly handle its own financial responsibilities and the rights and reaponsibilities of the home owners in relation to use, management, and owner- ship of common property. The subdivision plat, dedication, covenants and other recorded legal agreements will: a. Legally create an automatic-membership non-profit homes association; b. Place title to the common property in the homes association, or give definite assurance that it automatically will be so placed within a reason- abl9 definite time. c. Appropriately limit the uses of the common property; Sd. Give each lot owner the right to the use and enjoy- ment of the common property; e. Place responsibility for operation and maintenance of the common property in the homes association; f. Place an association charge on each lot in a manner which will (1 ) assure sufficient association funds, and (2) will provide adequate safeguards for the lot owners against undesirably high charges; and g. Give each lot owner voting rights in the association. The developers then presented a petition for paving Anderson Street to the chairman of the Commission which was accepted. The P-U-D rezoning petition requires a public hearing and that hearing was called. No one spoke and the hearing was closed. The Commission privately reviewed the plat, plans and studies at the Council table for a length of time. Dr. M. R. Calliham felt that since his residence joined the pro- perty under consideration he should abstain from voting, due to a possible conflict of interests. • Commissioner Landiss moved for the approval of the preliminary development plan and preliminary plat, and moved that the Commission recommend the rezoning request and P-U-D to the City Council for approval subject to the following changes: r ' Minutes PlanningZoning and Commission May 3, 1971 411/ 1 . Extend the utility easement from Armistead Street Right-of- Way in the Redmond Terrace Subdivision to Wolf Run Street Right-of-Way instead of the Wolf Run Street common area. 2. Omit pedestrian path and foot bridge from Armistead Street in the Redmond Terrace Subdivision over Wolf Pen Creek to Wolf Run Street in the Wolf Pen Creek P-U-D Subdivision. 3. Extend Lot 11 Block 2 to P-U-D property line. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. The vote of the Commission was unanimous in approving the motion. A resident of Redmond Terrace then commented that he was unhappy about the Commission's action of removing the foot path and bridge crossing Wolf Pen Creek. He stated that since he was unaware of any pending action of that nature he did not and could not protest during the public hearing. The revised major street plan was then examined by the Commission. A change was made to connect 29th Street in Bryan directly to University Drive at a point about one-quarter mile east of Tarrow Street. Commissioner Boyett moved approval, Commissioner Wallace seconded. 11/ The motion was unanimously approved. Chairman Wells then made the following committee appointments: Street and Subdivision Committee 1. Bob Evans, Chairman 2. James Wallace Zoning Committee 1 . George Boyett, Chairman 2. Dr. M. R. Calliham Planning Committee 1 . Carl Landiss, Chairman 2. unappointed Chairman Wells then asked for nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Evans nominated Dr. Carl Landiss. Commissioner Boyett seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. The vote of the Commission was unanimous. Chairman Wells then asked for nominations for Executive Secretary. Dr. Callihan moved that Bob Evans be appointed and Commissioner Wallace seconded the motion. The Commission's vote was unanimous in approving the motion. Chairman Wells entertained a motion to adjourn by Commissioner Boyett, which was seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote was unanimous. APPROVED this the day of , 1971 . Chai C. D. Wells