HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/1971 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr � MINUTE S PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1111 CITY HALL 7:00 P. M. MARCH 1, 1971 Present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners George Boyett, Robert O. Evans, Carl Landiss, J. A. Orr, Carl Tishler; Planner George Eby Absent: Commissioner Douglas Stone; Council Liaison Bill J. Cooley; City Secretary Sue Gough; City Engineer Lloyd James. Visitors: See Guest Register Minutes of meeting held February 1, 1971 were approved unanimously upon motion by Commissioner Orr, seconded by Commissioner Evans. P&Z Case #2-71 - Rezoning request of Mr. R. F. Spearman was considered and a public hearing held. Mr. Spearman's request to rezone Lots 21, 22, 23 and 24 of Block 4, Skrivanek 4th Subdivision from First Dwelling House District to Second Dwelling House District met with opposition from the neighborhood. Mr. Arlie Powell, 1402 Sunny Court, read a petition signed by numerous neighborhood residents protecting the rezoning case. Upon hearing the opposition to the rezoning issue, Mr. Spearman formally withdrew his request. Upon the withdrawal of the request the public hearing was closed. P&Z Case #8-71 - The street right-of-way plat for dedication of Southwest Parkway from Langford Street to Highway 6 was approved pending changing the radius of the curve nearest Langford Street from 711. 54 feet to an 800 feet radius to comply with the subdivision ordinance. The P-U-D Ordinance, amending Ordinance No. 38, to allow a Planned Unit Development District was considered and a public hearing held. After a substantial amount of commentary the P-U-D Ordinance was tabled until March 15, 1971 for further study. The public hearing was closed. Motion to table the proposed ordinance was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Boyett. Motion carried unanimously. A revision to Ordinance No. 690 providing that final plats be submitted fourteen (14) days prior to Commission consideration, in lieu of the ten (10) days as originally required, was approved with the addition of "or drainage easements" at the end of the revision. The motion was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Boyett. Motion carried unanimously. Other business: Chairman Wells read a letter which stated that the developers of River Oaks Subdivision elected to finish the installation of utilities and acquire city approval of the utilities installation before filing the final subdivision plat at the county courthouse. 1111 Commissioner Boyett made a motion that the College Station Planning & Zoning Commission accept the responsibility to be a part of the Citizen's Advisory Committee for the Urban Transportation Study. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Orr. Motion carried unani- mous ly. r —1 Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission March 1, 1971 0 Chairman Wells recommended that a revision to Ordinance No. 690 which prohibits the reduction of lot size from that established on a final plat without the permission of the Plannin g & Zoning Commission be placed on the March 15, 1971 agenda. Chairman Wells asked each of the Planning & Zoning members to help on the revised zoning ordinance. Weekly meetings are scheduled at 4:00 P. M. each Wednesday to work on the proposed ordinance. The presence of each Planning & Zoning member was requested by Chairman Wells. Meeting was adjourned upon motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Tishl r. Motion carried. . I. ells Chairman ATTEST: City Secretary • •