HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/1971 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission 1 III MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 7, 1971 Members Present: Codie Wells, Chairman; Commissioner, Dr. M. R. Calliham, Robert 0. Evans, Dr. Carl Landiss, James Wallace, Don Dale, Council Liaison; and George Eby, City Planner. Absent: Commissioner George Boyett Visitors: Richard Smith, Tom Prish, Hugo Krenek, Edward Miller, Arlie Powell, Clyde McQueen, James Miller and Charles Hayes. Agenda Item #1 (Minutes of May 17 Meeting): Commissioner Evans moved approval of the May 17 minutes. Second was made by 411/ Commissioner Calliham. Vote was unanimous. Agenda Item #2 (Zoning Cases P&Z 19-71 and 20-71); Chairman Wells asked Mr. Richard Smith (Parkway Investment Corporation) to present his two requests for rezoning. Mr. Smith presented his requests. He mentioned the relation of the requests to the City Development Policy. Chairman Wells related development plans for the widening of Highway 6. Mr. Smith presented a Deed-In-Trust for 20 feet of right-of-way for Highway 6 (enclosed). The deed provided for 20 feet of additional right-of-way on the west side of Highway 6. The conditions of the deed are that other property owners on the west side of Highway 6 from Holleman Drive to the West By-Pass shall likewise donate such add- itional right-of-way within 90 days. iChairman Wells called for a public hearing on the requests. Lieutenant Colonel Hugo H. Krenek spoke against the P&Z 19-71 (commercial re- quest). (See enclosed letter from Hugo H. Krenek.) -2- • Chairman Wells asked for additional public comment but no one else spoke. Chairman Wells then closed the public hearing. The commission was then asked to vote on P&Z Case 19-71. Commissioner Landiss moved to favorably recommend the re- quest to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote was unanimous and Chairman Wells asked to be recorded as voting YES. The commission then was asked to vote on P&Z Case 20-71. Commissioner Evans made the motion to favorably recommend the request to the City Council. Commis- sioner Wallace seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. P&Z Case 21-71: Chairman Wells asked the City Planner to present the case using the opaque projector. The City Planner presented the case and mentioned that it would be detrimental to the neighborhood. Chairman Wells added that it did not conform to the City Development Policy, in that no buffer zone was available and that the re- quest was not located at major street intersections. Chairman Wells also added • that the request constituted "spot zoning" which was not in accordance with the City Development Policy. The owner, Mrs. Genevieve McGraw, was asked to present her case but she was not present at the meeting. Chairman Wells then called for a public hearing, but no one spoke. The public hearing was then closed. Commissioner Evans moved to table the request. Commissioner Landiss seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. P&Z Case 22-71: Chairman Wells asked the City Planner to present the case on the opaque pro- jector. The City Planner stated that this area was highly suited for commercial development and fit the City Development Policy well. The Planner also stated that the property had been subject to being used as a landfill site by the owners and was in poor condition although it is suitable for development. The Planner also • reported' that' this property is on the edge of the College Station sewer system and that it is unknown if the entire area could be sewered. 1 -3- • Chairman Wells asked for the owner, Mr. Charlie Putz, to present his case. Mr. Putz was not present. Mr. Jesse Henton stated that he was planning to pur- chase the land for the purpose of constructing two eight story structures with one being a high rise apartment and the other being a motel. He was akked'.if he needed 13.54 acres for the purpose. He stated that he did since about 6 acres would be used for parking. Chairman Wells called for a public hearing but no one spoke. The hearing was then closed. Chairman Wells stated that the request conformed to the City Development Policy. The commission was then asked to vote on the request. Commissioner Landiss made the motion to table the request until the next meeting on June 21 so that Mr. Putz could be heard. Commissioner Calliham seconded the motion. Vote was un- animous. • P&Z Case 23-71: The City Planner presented the case on the opaque projector. Chairman Wells asked if there was a representative from the A&M Independent School District present. There was no representative present. Chairman Wells then called for a public hearing. Mr. Arlie Powell spoke against the request and presented two letters signed by numerous residents to the commission (enclosed). Mr. Charles Hayes spoke against the request, "enough a- partment zoned land". No one else spoke. Chairman Wells called the request back to the table. Commissioner Calliham made a motion to table the request. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Wallace moved to recommend to the City Council that the request be denied. Commissioner Landis seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Agenda Item #3 (Proposed Zoning Ordinance): • The commission continued work on the ordinance. Several changes were made at r .w-m s. ,a-s e'cY*. _.-mg x .... r • ..- ♦ gaT^ITT. .• ...rr- e A a � -4- the request of the zoning committee, and several other changes were made at the 4110 request of the City Planner. Commissioner Landiss moved to print the ordinance as revised. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Agenda Item #4 (Other Business): None was discussed. Agenda Item #5 (Hear Visitors): None were present. Agenda Item #6 (Adjournment): Commissioner Landiss moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 PM. Commissioner Calliham seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. 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