HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1971 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION College Station, Texas June 21, 1971 7:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Codie D. Wells; Commissioners Dr. M. R. Calliham, Dr. Carl Landiss, James Wallace, George Boyett; Council Liaison Don R. Dale; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Robert O. Evans VISITORS PRESENT: Tom J. Prisk, Billy Wall, Mrs. J. M. McGraw, J. B. Hervey, John E. Heyde, W. D. Fitch, Edward M. Miller, Richard Smith, J. R. Gardner, Walter Gilmore, D. E. McCrory, and Charles Putz Agenda Item #1 (Minutes of June 7 Meeting) Commissioner Wallace moved approval of the June 7 minutes. Commissioner Landiss seconded motion. Vote was unanimous. Agenda Item #2 (P&Z Case #25-71) A request from J. B. Hervey and D. E. McCrory for rezoning a 16. 65 acre tract out of the Aaron Thompson tract located four-tenths mile northeast of the West By-Pass (FM 2818) on the Old Dump Road (Luther Street Extension) from First Dwelling House District (District #1) to Mobile Home Park District (District #3A). Chairman Wells and City Planner George Eby explained the location of this case. Mr. Hervey spoke for his request - he stated that he acquired this land with the idea that it would be a mobile home park before it was annexed. He stated that it will be developed within 1-2 years. Mr. Hervey showed photographs of the area. The Chairman called for a public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Landiss moved for approval of the request. Commissioner Calliham seconded motion. Commissioner Wallace asked when would the industrial development be and was told sooner than the mobile home park. Vote was unanimous for approval. Agenda Item #2 (P&Z Case #22-71) A request from Charles Putz for rezoning a 13.54 acre tract of land at the east corner of University Drive and Tarrow Street from First Dwelling House District (District #1) to First Business District (District #4). City Planner George Eby explained location of land. Mr. Jesse Henton, a Bryan contractor, proposed a multi-story (8 floors) structure on both sides of the ravine. It would be developed in a terrace fashion and would be a concrete and aluminum structure, possibly a motel or hotel with businesses on the ground floor. 4111 The Chairman called for:a public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Wallace moved approval of the request. Commissioner Landiss seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. L r Minutes Page 2 Planning and Zoning Commission June 21, 1971 7:00 P. M. Agenda Item #2 (P&Z Case #23-71) A request from Mr. Ernest E. Sims for the rezoning of a 7. 97 acre tract located at the northeast corner of Tarrow Street and University Drive from First Dwelling House District (District #1) to First Business District (District #4). City Planner George Eby explained the location. Mr. Sims spoke for his request for District #4. Mr. Sims stated that he is working with an oil company for a service station on one side and it might later include a shopping center, motel, etc. . . Mr. Robert Caldwell is to do land planning. Mr. Wells cautioned Mr. Sims about safety of entrance due to crooked streets. Wells inquired about sewer, but there should be no problems. The Chairman called for a public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Landiss moved approval of the request. Commissioner Calliham seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Agenda Item #2 (P&Z Case #24-71) A request from Mrs. Vonnie Ray Vance for the rezoning of Lots, 1, 2, and 3 of Block 9 of the Boyett Addition from Apartment House District (District #3) to Second Business District (District #5). City Planner George Eby explained location. Mrs. Vance spoke for the need of student low-cost housing. "If the community doesn't provide this needed housing, the university will. " Mrs. Vance presented her case for high-density housing in North • Gate. She stated that North Gate is an ideal spot to meet the needs of this housing. " Mr. Wells stated that housing would not be allowed in commercial zone under the new zoning ordinance. Mr. Eby pointed out that we are not under the new ordinance at the present time. Mrs. Vance stated that the community has provided approximately 3,000 apartments during the last three (3) years. Her proposal was for 550 square feet per dwelling with head-in parking from the street on her own property. Mr. Wells mentioned parking under the dwelling as opposed to Mrs. Vance's plan. Mrs. Vance petitioned for high-density housing near the campus. The Chairman called for a public hearing. No one spoke. The Chairman closed the hearing. Commissioner Wallace moved to approve request. Commissioner Landiss seconded. Vote was unanimous. Minutes to show that Mrs. Vance was advised of parking problems and possibility of zone changes. Agenda Item #3 (P&Z Case #15-71) Review of a final subdivision plat of Southwood Section 18 submitted by W. D. Fitch of the Area Progress Corporation. A letter to Chairman Wells from North Bardell, Assistant City Engineer, noted corrections which needed to be made on the Final Plat. The 1"=50' was made OK by Wells. 1"=100' as a minimum. Commissioner Boyett moved the request be approved with the following conditions: 1. To be signed by City Engineer 2. Guarantee of completion for curb and gutter, two street lights, and drainage structure 41/ 3. Corrections as by City Engineer (see enclosed letter) Commissioner Landiss seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Minutes Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission June 21, 1971 7:00 P. M. Agenda Item #4 (Review of Proposed Zoning Ordinance) The Commissioners continued work on the new zoning ordinance. "Change allowable density in R-3 to 43 dwellings per acre in the zone under one ownership, and maximum height from 35 feet to 40 feet. " Commissioner Landiss moved approval. Commissioner Boyett seconded motion. Vote was unanimous. Agenda Item #5 (Hear Visistors) Letter of June 14, 1971 to Mr. Wells from Mrs. Genevieve McGraw, "At the last Zoning Meeting my request to re-zone Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Block 1, Southland Addition from District #3 to District #4 was tabled. This letter is a request to take it off the Table and reconsider it at your next meeting. " (see enclosed letter). Commissioner Boyett made motion recommending to bring this request back from the Table and be advertised for meeting on July 19. Commissioner Wallace seconded motion. Vote was unanimous. Richard Smith asked when new zoning ordinance was passed, would zones already classified be completely changed or matched to the most closely related one. Mr. Wells stated that they would be matched to the most closely related zone. Agenda Item #6 (Other Business) Commissioner Boyett moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission not have 01111 a meeting on July 5, 1971, but have the regular meeting on July 19, 1971. Commissioner Wallace seconded motion. Vote was unanimous. Agenda Item #7 (Adjourn) Commissioner Boyett moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 P.M. Commissioner Landiss seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Wells. APPROVED: hairman ATTEST: Yo.fx„,\Z„,,tr, A THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATI TOTS= 1101 TEXAS AVENUE• 77840 t i TEXAS • June 21, 1971 MAYOR ). A. Anderson ,COUNCILMEN Place 1 Mr. Codie D. Wells, Chairman Bill J. Cooley Planning and Zoning Commission Place 2 City of College Station James H. Dozier Place 3 College Station, Texas Joseph J. McGraw Place 4 Re: Southwood, Section 18 Final Plat Cecil B. Ryon Place 5 Dan R, Davis Dear Mr. Wells: Place 6 Dr. C. H. Ransdell Mayor Pro tern This office has reviewed the Final Plat of Southwood, Section 18 and CITY MANAGER notes the following: Ran Boswell CITY ATTORNEY 1. Scale of 1"=50' does not comply with Ordinance 690. an Dillon 2. Submission of plan-profile sheets showing the drainage improvements INF SISTANT CITY ATTORNEY over lots 8 through 10 has not occurred. Tom Giesenschlag 3. The angle shown as 177° 40' 18" on lot 10 should read 99° 27' 44". CITY JUDGE Phillip Goode Joe Orr Inc.and Area Progress Corporation have been notified of these CITY HEALTH OFFICER shortcomings and at the time of this writing are making necessary Dr. T. O. Walton, Jr. corrections. CITY SECRETARY Mrs. Sue Gough With the noted exceptions this plat conforms to the requirements of the CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR Subdivision Regulations of the City of College Station. George L. Huebner Yours very truly, • ILVY8 North B. Bardell Assistant City Engineer NBB/nr IP S /4( / /Salt./ 2121? r7Z1:1, .121 • ;d .? 4 • • _g • • 0 e9,2, 2./12'2 t__