HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/19/1971 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION • College Station, Texas July 19, 1971 7:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Codie D. Wells; Commissioners M. R. Calliham, Dr. Carl Landiss, James Wallace, George Boyett; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Robert O. Evans and Council Liaison Don Dale VISITORS PRESENT: Dorsey McCrory, J. D. Lindsay, J. W. Wood, James R. Gardner, Pat Tedsco, Raymond Schullious,Alvin Dunaisky, Edward Miller, Mike and Marina Cullen, Howard and Marilyn Bolonoff, Tom Wetzel, Don Martell, Carl Rush, Billy Wall Agenda Item #1 (Minutes of June 21 Meeting) On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the June 21 minutes were unanimously approved. Agenda Item #2 (P&Z Case #21-71) A request from Mrs. Genevieve McGraw for rezoning Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, • Block 1, Southland Subdivision from Apartment House District (District #3) to First Business District (District #4). The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. McGraw formally withdrawing the rezoning request. Agenda Item #2 (P&Z Case #26-71) A request from Mr. J. B. Hervey and D. E. McCrory for rezoning a 5. 28 acre tract out of the 21. 93 acre Aaron Thompson tract located four-tenths mile northeast of the West By-Pass (FM 2818) on the Old Dump Road (Luther Street Extension) from First Dwelling House District (District #1) to Industrial District (District #6). City Planner George Eby explained the location of the request. Mr. McCrory pointed out that the tract is located near the university sanitary landfill and disposal plants. The Chairman called for a public hearing. When no one spoke, the hearing was closed and on motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, the request was unanimously approved. Agenda Item #3 (Subdivision Plat) On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Boyett, review of the Final Plat and Development Plans of Wolf Pen Creek PUD was postponed until the next meeting when someone from the Engineering Department could be present to comment on the final plat (see attached letter from engineers), so that the developers could present their final draft of their final development plans of phase 1 and to give the city attorney time to complete his review of the Home Association Agreement. 7 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes July 19, 1971 7:00 P. M. Page 2 III Agenda Item #4 (Zoning Ordinance) Commissioner Boyett moved that the draft of June 1971 be referred back to the Zoning Committee for further review. Commissioner Calliham seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Agenda Item #4 (Fire District Ordinance) On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, this item was unanimously postponed until 1971 copies of the Southern Standard Building Code could be obtained for review by the Commission. Agenda Item #5 (Street Ordinance) On motion by Commissioner Calliham, seconded by Commissioner Boyett, the street ordinance was unanimously approved with the revisions listed in the attached memorandum to the Planning and Zoning Commission from the Chairman. Agenda Item #6 (Sewer Ordinance) On motion by Commissioner Wallace, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, this item was postponed until the next meeting for further review by the Commission and the City Sewer Department. Agenda Item #7 (Hear Visitors) 0 Mr. Edward Miller asked what the problem was with the lack of water pressure in certain parts of College Station on July 5. Commissioner Boyett pointed out that the Planning and Zoning Commission had no authority to answer Mr. Miller's question and suggested that Mr. Miller either write a letter to the City Council or appear at their next meeting in person with his question. Agenda Item #8 (Other Business) None Agenda Item #9 (Adjourn) On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman '''" r ATTEST: • Secretary L _..J :._emo . To : :.ci..::'C'I's , 21anhinn ano Sonins, Commission. Fit t,street:l.Ct l/_ l;1?liiYlC(, . tLe Conmi ;.:,ion recommended a revision of the Street Oroir:ance to the City Council . No action has been taken on this recommendation. Copy is attached . Since the above date there has been discussion of other needed clarification of the Street Ordinance . We are again reminded that an ordinance must be not only clearly understandable but must be so written that it will not be misunderstood . There are two points on which there seems to be some questions. The first of these concerns SIDEWALKS . The City Development 2olicy is quite clear and it would appear that Section 7 of the Street Ordinance should be corrected to conform, therefore the • following amendment is su ; ested : Street Ordinance , Section 7. In the first line , after the first word on, add "both sides of" . The second cuestion concerns CURB CUTS . A careful study of the Street Ordinance discloses that "Section 10, Curb Cuts and Driveway Approach" has two sub-sections ; the first (1) deals with general conditions , and the second (2 ) covers "Width and Driveway -1.pproach" , and there is no sub-section to establish specific standards for curb cuts . It would appear that this latter sub-section was omitted through error. ' curb can be calculate.: from other __.c. .. ��. ,,.. c� permitted�t<:u ca� o cuts provisions of the ordinance by simple arithmetic , but this • • a � should not berequired . There should be a simple statement of • definition and the maximum width of curb cuts permitted , therefore the fdl lowinr amendment is recommended : street Ordnance , Section 10. Add : (3 ) CL.. CUTS , Definition and Maximum Width. (a) The standard curb is six and one half (6/z) inches in height , and any discontinuity or break in this curb is a Curb Cut . A valley gutter is required through the length of a curb cut . (b) Maximum permissible curb cuts : FOR RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS (single family and duplex) the maximum curb cut shall be TWENTY EIGHT ( 28) feet . FOR ALL OTHER DRIVEWAYS , the maximum curb cut for Entrance shall be THIRTY (30) feet , and for combi- nation Entrance and Exit shall be FORTY EIGHT (48 ) III feet . On EAJUR S�_� .L �'S , ARTERtIAL, AND STATE HIGHWAYS the City Engineer may issue special permits for curb cuts up to FIFTY SIX ( 56 ) feet to handle special traffic conditions . Since the City Council has not considered the recommendation • of May 3rd . , and to reduce the number of amendments to the Street Ordinance , it is suggested that the previous recommen- dation be withdrawn and the attached ordinance , modified as you prefer , be substituted therefor. • • • .. t'_._ .... .1,,.,._.-✓.. : )..:1..:1:1E :o . 608 , BY hEYISI G THE o. ..'.i_.NCI : I STREETS TO INCLUDE t1hE .S RECENTLY THE CITY. The area of the City of College Station has been increased con ._e< -. ably by annexation since Ordinance No . 608 was enacted and the area of extrateritorial jurisdiction has been corres- ;ondingly extended ; therefore the Master Plan of Principal streets rust be extenced into this new area, therefore 11 oRD,ht ED .)Y THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF COLLEGE Ordinance mended as follows : ows : SLC 1Lf 12. Delete the firs-, 'paragraph and substitute therefor : • Master Plan of Princioal Streets is hereby established for the City of Cc___ege Station , Texas , and the area of extrater- itorial i ; .. ..:a_.. tlon of the City , as shown on the Map attached hereto ant .., . i n atee " ,faster Plan of Principal Streets of the City of Col_ Station" , and dated i_pril 1971. " _.PP.::eVED this day of , 1971 . _iPPhOVLJ: Mayor, City of College Station. • _ r y I c_l_,1 -./.1,CE 110. :iu. 602 I•OOilING COiCTIui d • ' 1itlhOli'i 0i1cEi: INCLUDE `_... . � -..•.,1.x:„1 TO CITY. c..: correction:, are desirable for clarification, and theJ . �. ... �} 1 i ./t'.. l'. .Jtation has been increased consider— ably by anLe._ation since Ordinance No . 608 was enacted and the area of extratcritorial jurisdiction has been correspondingly t erc::nre the :,:aster Plan of Principal Streets must be extended into this new area, therefore THE CITY CuU'.';CIL OF THE CITY OF COLIEG i Or ., .. rr.ce No . CO,, is =ended as follows : 7 . In the first line , after the first word on, add "both sides of" . • SECTION 10. 'add . ��.r;T - E � ) O CUT , Definition and i:a.xirrarn Width. (a) The standard curb is six and one half ( 6y2) inches in height , and any discontinuity or break in this curb is a Curb Cut . 11 valley gutter is required through the lei'. th of a curb cut . (0) :v:a.xirnum permissible curb cuts . LE IDENTlrL DLIVEWAYS (single family and duplex) the maximum curb cut shall be TWENTY Iuii`T' (28 ) feet . FULL __LL OTHEN DIHIVLW.'.Y$ , the maximum curb cut ;nt, �r:ce shall he T}llll'liY (30 ) feet , combination entrance and exit shall be :`L'Y EIGHT (48 ) feet. • • 4 III t n L..tJO:c �''' ;:�:.;`'' , ARTEItIAL, AND STATE HIG1i?/1 .; EYa , • tho City Engineer may issue special permits for curb cuts up to FIPTY SIX ( 56 ) feet to handle special traffic conditions . sEC'T1C 12. Delete the first paragraph and substitute therefor : "A Laster plan of Principal Streets is hereby established for the City of College Station, Texas , and the area of extrateritorial jurisdiction of the City , as shown on the Eap attached hereto and designated "Master Plan of Prin— ci,oal Streets of the City of College Station" and dated July 1971. J rliaSED APPROVED this day of , 1971. • APPROVED I.layor, City of College Station n11.��1 Secretary . • /r,7/ x .T . (';;rite C)t/. , ; ,71 • • i.onor::ble D. li . =,nderoon. l,:ayor City of College Station R E V I S E D z u i J l,•l7 (./-.J 1-..1..•�. � BY , Z Dear :,:ayor Enders on: The Planning and Zoning Com:iission has completed the preliminary draft of the revised zoning ordinance , which is now printed and ready for distribution and consideration. Jae have also completed a proposed zoning map which is a part of the revised zoning ordinance , and it is now on display in the City Council chamber. The P & Z Commission must new hold a public hearing en this ordinance and there may he revisions after this hearing and before it is sent forward to the Pity Council for their consideration. h e are also several oLher considerations • before this ordinance is sent forward , as follows : 1. The ;,ection of the ordinance pertaining to sewerage has been deleted at the request of the City :::anager , in deference to his judgement that this matte_ should be handled in a separate ordinance modeled after that raro- posed by the Texas Pater qua ity board as shown in cite appendix of the brazes County and Somerville a+_ per she'd , Water Quality _,_anage_:ent Plan. In other weros this zori_ (,rdinance simply states thatsewerage must be in compliance with the sewerage ordinance . ao the sewerage ordinance must be passed by the Council before the Zoning Croir_ance is approved . T� State t Law >r•, Y e s that r, ^y, y,,.. ., L • The N V Ca e L'( iJ _�t. l4� •t, J 1i1 Ci.V U. � ,. . . _ ...... t .. based on a comprehensive plan and land use _ _.__. . hove therefore referred to a land use plan in so,•, _ . _ . in the zoning ordinance . The City has a lane uo . _;ion - _. the Brazos Area Plan, but conditions have chance in th last ten years and this plan is of very little a 1 , _. .h; iL ( ,;o., en J V I OJ L1: () `_ E: .. , • ' _ i,. ] - ( 1 r' ' t' ().."(1121 LnCC'. aYld :C, i' 7': O . ;; . Ctreets . The master plan of streets becomes the ,... ., ter , ;rid upon which the land use plan is based . We have submitted to the Council a revision of the haste r Plan of ''. H";c pa, for approval or revision as they see fit , and we mast have the approved plan before the Land Use Plan can he cr mpletc d . The revised Land Use Plan must be handled concurrently with the revised zoning ordinance . It should also be added that the Cubdivision Regulation Crai- nancealso refers to the Land Use Plan, therefore a revised Land Use Plan is urgently needed for effective control of Cubdivision Flats . The connection here is that subdividers are required to provide streets , parks , school sites , and lane use in compliance with the zoning ordinance and the Land Use Flan. • We will therefore need action by and r';uidance of the Council on these two items before the zoning ordinance can be finally appr- ovedby the P & Z Commission. copy of this revised zoning ordinance has been transmitted to the kssistant City attorney for his review and comments . Respectfully submitted C . D. Uells . Chairman Planning an . Coming Cc.... . o.. . 4 • m "' �r Planning Zoning Commission L:�r.:o . �o . ac.E,i:iJC, , and Zoning • From: C . D. Wells . Chairman. he : P i kE DiCTuI CTU : The "Southern Standard Building Code" was adopted by the City of College Station by Ordinance No. 528 dated June 26 , 1967 . This Code in Chapter III provides "For the purpose of this Code there shall be established two fire districts or zones , which shall be known as the first and second fire districts : At the time this Code was adopted there existed a first fire district , but no second f . e district . The first fire district had been established by ordinance , then in many subsequent ordi- nances it had been reduced and expanded until it was rather th e to know +� e exact limits . .It was and is very diffi- cult for the City Building _timir_us trator or Official to admin- ister the building code requirements , so the undersigned was • asked by the City Council to develop a nev, ordinance to clearly define a first and second fire district . It was about this time that work was started on the revision of the Zoning Ordinance , and it was aparent that fire districts should be related to building Zones . This was discussed with the Council and it was agreed that rewriting the fire district ordinance should be delayed until the new zoning ordinance was in concrete form. We are now at the point where the revised zoning ordinance is nearing completion, so it is in order that the Piro District Ordinance should be brought up to date . Ce_ ies of the Southern Standard Building Code are on t'ils L.t the City hall for your review, but for your convenience coyg of Chapter Di I., iil TT r_CHi,t D. it will be noted that Type !I , woos frame construction, is prohibited in the first fire district and is only permitted in A the second fire district for one and two family dwell -inJ,s . • The question immediately presented is whether wood frame een- struction should be permitted in the Apartment and (::•z_...o-aOO districts or zones , but in section 404 of the building cc;ue: We find that wood frame construction is only permitted :in ' o d _.- tial construction up to two and one half stone in :hei ht , 'meien means that in apartment construction of more than two and one half stories in height that a more fire resistant type of - ucture is required . Thus the apartment problem is taken care cf. This Section 404 of the building code applies to all r•E si,.:E:tiai construction, therefore it would apear logical that a_1 residen- tial zones should be omitted from the fire districts . In zoning District C-N Neighborhood Business , apartments are permitted but not on the ground floor , and a dwelling unit is permitted as a part of the business building , for the operator . • There is considerable fire exposure to the public in such a business building, therefore I would reccnend that this zoning district be placed in the first fire district . In the commercial and industrial zoning districts , apartments as such are not permitted ( Apartment hotels are permitted ) , however a dwelling unit is permitted as a part of a business building, for the operator. There are certain exceptions per- mitted in the second fire district ( see section and on the basis of the difference thus established it would be my recom- mendation that zones C-1 and 2-1 (all areas so classified ) be placed in the first fire district , and that zoning; districts C-2_ and Y-2 (all areas SO classified) be placed in the second fire district . Thus the first fire district would include all areas in Zones C-N, C-1 , and M-1. The second fire district would include all areas in Zones C-2 and M-2. It recommended ordinance is attached . -1N * // 1, AN OADI NA CE CHEATING ING AND hcf cLi SHI G ?lit_ 1)is l :.i.C d j _.._.l_._..:I i.0 • OTHER UtDIPINULZ Ui PARTS Of ORDINANCES IN cUZ r'II: 'hEsERVING A SAVING CLAUSE , AND IJhOVIDIMG AN l.r'iaC1 V : DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STTION, TEXAS : SECTION 1. AUTHORITY : By the authority of the laws of the CLate of Toxac , inclu- ding particularly Article 1175 , V.A. C.S . as heretofore enacted or as hereafter amended , and pursuant to the authority of the City Charter of the City of College Station, Texas . SECTION 2 . SCOI':E AND PURPOSE : This ordinance shall establish fire aistricts as further defined and prescribed in the City Building Code , and based on zoning districts as defined and delineated in the Zoning Ordi- nance or as such zoning districts may hereafter be designated . under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance . The purpose of this ordinance shall be to reauce the fire hazard to people and property in areas of the City where there is more than normal exposure to such fire hazard . SECTION 5. AREAS DESIGNAT ,D : THE r y:t„... DISTRICT shal l include -i_ of that area zoned as District C-N Neighborhood Business , District C-1. General Commercial , and District L-1 Planned Industrial. THE SECOND FIRE DISTRICT shall include that of � .� ;, _ �t area zoned as District C-2 Commercial Industrial , and District Heavy Industrial. Ty y. �` : r u,;1�1. V u 4'. �t�:,l'�,L-:L Vi Lt/�J r�1.1 C.11L,G LiLDlii__N C.�s . All ordinances , parts of ordinances , order ) cr eolic;' es in conflict with this ordinance , or inconsistent with the bro- il, visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent necessary to give this ordinance full force and effect . • `sECTILN 5. LEVEh.L'i.BILITY LILL1.1lw3i.l : Should any provision of this ordinance be declared sy courts to be unconstitutional or invalid , such decisions not effect the validity of the ordinance as a whole , or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitu- tional or invalid. vT ��� l , �.V 1 J 1V O . ",, 'i.'.'.,i CT 1 Y E This ordinance shall become effective ten ( 1d ) days after the adoption thereof. P.'isih D LiNU this day of , 9 .i1 Li{UV1 i • • i_ayor, City of Colle fe oration. City secretary. • A p CHAPTER III FIRE DISTRICT SECTION 301 — GENERAL BUILDING RESTRICTIONS— WITHIN THE FIRE DISTRICT 3U1.1 —GENERAL /i,. /• '� l•', , :':c , urlos. of •i, - (' Ie there shall be established a Fire arid sich Fire 1):-:r.at shall be in accordance with the pro- ,,:.. of S,etion Sill. jl tll'l:. 301.2—TYPES OF CO\STizucI'IO\ PERMITTED A` ', �"� ' '/AI‘ Cioz Witl.in the Fire District ever}- building hereafter erected shall be one of the following Types (except as permitted in Section 301). Type 1—Fireproof. Type II--Fire-Resistive. Type III ---Heavy Timber. Type FV -Non-Combustible. Type V Ordinary. 301.3—OTHER SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS (a) Exterior Walls Exterior walls of buildings located in the Fire District shall com- ply with the requirements specified in Chapter VI—except as set forth in Section 608.3. (b) Group "II" Special Hazardous Not Permitted Every Group "H" Occupancy shall be prohibited from location within the Fire District. • (c) Fire Protection Every building shall be fire protected throughout as specified for the various Types of Construction in Chapter VI. (d) Roof Coverings Roof coy,/ing.: in the Fire District shall conform to the require- ments of Class I or II—Roof Coverings as defined in Section 706. (e) Interior Fire Protection Within Fire District In buildings over 1-story in height (unless of Type III Heavy Timber Construction or Sprinklered) all walls, floors, roofs and their supporting structural member: shall provide not less than one (1) hour fire resistance. (Tempoiary partitions are set forth in Section 702.) 3 -1 • 6• 1111 • r (h) :\ private garage used exclusively as such, not more than one (1) 1 01.4—SCOPE story in height, nor more than six hundred and fifty (cti,u) square feet in area, located on the same lot with a dwelling. i (a) The Fire District shall include such territory or portion as utlined in an Chdinance or law entitled "An Ordinance (Resolutions (c) Fences not over eight (8) feet in height. mating and I?stablishir g :\ Fire Di tt ict " Whenever, in such nrdi- id) ('oal 'fipples, Material Bins, Trestles conforming to Section ,0:i. I,__. ._- arse creating and e.;ttrhlislng a Fite District, reference is made to the Fire Dis',tic•t, it shall be cnu:true•d to tne•an the Fire Di.,tnct (e) Water Tanks and Cooling Towers conforming to Section 71:3 and designated and referred to in this Chapter. (Sere Appendix•; ''G" for Section ill' recommended method of establishing said Fire District.) (I) Greenhouses less than fifteen (15) feet high. ('b) The Fire District complying with the provisions of this Sec- (g) Porches on dwellings not over one (1) story in height and not tion shall lee shown on a trap, which shall be available tee the public. over ten (10) feet wide from the face of the 'building, provided such porch does not come within five (;i) feet of any property line. SECTION 302 -- CHANGES TO BUILDINGS (h l Display signs as provided in Chapter \XIII. 302.1 —EXISTING BUILDINGS \\-1TIII\- "I HE FIRE DISTRICT ( i ) Sheds open on a long side not over fifteen (Its) feet high five hundredNo existing building shall be h - eafte•r increased in height b (500) sq. ft. in area. unless it is of a type of construction permitted for new huileiii.gs (j) One and two family dwellings when of a type of construction within the Fire District or is altered to comply with the re•cluire->;,e•t;t-, e not permitted in the Fire District may he extended ".i'; of the for such type of construction. Nor, shall any existing bui'.dirg be floor area existing at the tune of inclusion in the Fire District hereafter extended on any side unless such e\t� unions are of a type of construction permitted for new buildings within the Fire District. by any type of construction permitted by this Code. 302.2—ALTERATIONS—GENERAL SECTION 305 — OUTSIDE THE FIRE DISTRICT Nothing in this Section, however, shall lnohibit other alteration-- Outside the Fire District, all types of construction are pernrittcel within the Fire District provided there is no change of Occupam ev provided they comply with the provisions prescrihed elsewhere in that is otherwise prohibited and provided the fire hazavd is not in- this ('ode that apply regarellc•ss of location. Roof Covering.; shall con- cress d by such alteration. form to the iecluirements as defined in Section 70). 302.3—MOVING BUILDINGS No buildings shall hereafter be moved into the Fire District or to another lot in the Fire District unless it is of a type of con- { struction permitted in the Fire Dist-ict. (See Section '?O(i1—Regu!a- F tions for Moving Buildings.) SECTION 303 -- BUILDINGS LOCATED IN AND OUT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT Any building located partially in the Fire District shell be of a type of construction required for the Fie- District, u!.less the „ • portion of such building lies outside oi. the Fare I)str:et ... ,i n p;,:: is more than ten (10) feet inside the bound:Lies of the Fire Disti.e .. SECTION 304 — EXCEPTIONS TO RESTRICTIONS IN FIRE DISTRICT The preceding- provisions of this CluiLi..ei shell not apply in ti following instances: (a) Temporary Ituilelings used in cottnectien cc itit e}ui ci ied r, , - struction. 3 -:3 :3-" • • • . ,,,,,,„ ... . ri„7:-„,,,. Jam` Ili THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATI iSimo1110 9. 110, TEXAS AVENUE• 77440 r + TEXAS • 1 G7 July 13, 1971 • Codie D. Wells, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission City of College Station Re: Wolf Pen P.U.D. Dear Mr. Wells: A study of the submitted proposed final plat of the Wolf Pen P.U.D. and the accompanying street and utility plans has been made in this office. Several variations from previously accepted good practice have been noted and several variations from City of College Station ordinances and policies have been noted below. 1 . Geometric standards in existing ordinances are violated by . the curves in the proposed dedicated street. The extremely short radius curve needs some relief, either by pavement widening or by relocation of the street to provide a larger radius. • 2. The submitted plats, plans, and plot plans indicate that some further consideration must be given to providing for City garbage collection. Proposed street widths and layouts make this collection problem serious. 3. Proposed treatment of the drainage problem in this area r, needs to be submitted to this office for consideration per adopted City Policy. 4.. Lack of building setback creates potential visibility, clearance, and offstreet parking problems in certain areas of the development. This office finds no relaxation of building setback requirements in existing ordinances. Y s very tru �. Lloyd L. ames, City Engineer andAl North Bardell, Ass't. City Engineer i L1J, NB:rh •. r 1 GUEST REGISTER • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 19, 1971 7:00 P. M. 1. it,44"-fq \C-41 2. \ o J 3. 4. 5. 7'41- 6. �v f 7. 8. dkuaAJ7td • 10. 11. 12. UV eir�`�t 13. ae37-l. 14. �9 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. • 21. 22. 23. 24. A