HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1971 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS JANUARY 4, 1971 7:00 P. M. Members present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners J. A. Orr, George Boyett, Carl Landiss, Douglas Stone; City Engineer Lloyd James; City Planner George Eby; City Council Liaison Bill J. Cooley, City Secretary Sue Gough. Members absent: Commissioners Carl Tishler and Bob Evans Visitors present: Edward Miller, Gerry E. Pate, Thomas A. Hall, Robert L. Bradley Jane Howell, Mrs. J. W. O'Brien, Keith Haines, Jerry Barton, Tay Bond, Charles Lambreath. Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Room at the City Hall. Commissioner Orr moved that Minutes of December 7, 1970 be approved as written. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. Motion carried. P&Z Case No. 43-70 was considered by the Commission. Mrs. J. W. O'Brien had requested rezoning of 41. 5 acres out of 75.2 acre tract along Highway 30 across from University Oaks from Single Family Residential to Apartment District. It was pointed out that only the portion within the city limits at present was to be considered • for rezoning. Also, an option to purchase the property was being held by Mr. Tay Bond, subject to the rezoning approval. The Public Hearing was opened and several people in the audience were heard. Attorney Mike Callahan of Goode & Jones Law Firm, representing Dr. W. R. Newton of Cameron, Texas, and property owner of 33. 68 acres of land adjacent to and west of the property in question, outlined several objections to the requested rezoning; the principal of which was that the City now has more land zoned for apartments than is justified. Two representatives of the Baptist Church, Mr. Jerry Barton and Mr. Keith Haines, owner of property across Highway 30, stated they had no objections to the rezoning. Mr. Thomas A. Hall, owner of property on Richards Street, asked if the zoning would influence street connection to Richards Street, and was advised that this would be considered when sub- division platting of the area was presented to the Commission. Mr. Gerry Pate, engineer retained by Mr. Tay Bond, explained the proposed use of the property and proposed development in several phases. A letter from Mr. S. E. McCrory, Jr. , McCrory-Hallbeck Properties, Inc. , owners of property across Highway 30 was distributed to Commission members, in which he objects to this change in zone. Copy of letter is attached. • The public hearing was closed, and Chairman Wells called for Commission action. r � Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 Minutes - January 4, 1971 41 Following discussion, Commissioner Landiss moved for the approval of the request to rezone, subject to certain conditions: 1. The option holder (and developer) must file a Master Preliminary Plat showing dedication of the extension of Munson Avenue and other streets as required by the street ordinance and subdivision regulations. 2. Provide the bridge crossing Wolf Pen Creek. 3. Provide required and acceptable park land. 4. Dedicate the Wolf Pen Creek drainage easement. 5. The zoning should be time zoned for apartments in accordance with present policy. Motion by Commissioner Landiss was seconded by Commissioner Orr. Motion carried unanimously by members present. Chairman Wells presented a draft for the annual report to the Mayor and Council members, calling particular attention to the proposed 5 year development program. Eight subjects were listed, and Chairman Wells requested the general planning committee to arrange to 411 meet in order to put the report in final form. The Planning Committee will meet and complete this report for consideration at the next meeting. On motion by Commissioner Orr, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the meeting adjourned. (8:35 P.M.) APPROVED: Chairman ATTEST: Secretary • McCROPV- HALL13ECK PPOPEPTI ES INC. • !real Estate Snveatmenta 747 HOUSTON NATURAL GAS BUILDING S. E. McCrory, Jr. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 Vernon Hallbeck 224.7085 December 30, 1970 P r. George Eby 101 Church Street City of College Station College Station, Texas 77840 Dear George, Received your notification of the hearing on the rezoning of the 41. 5 acres on the other side of Highway 30. At this time, is rather hard for us to understand why there should be any— :.1,or e land zoned for apartments than now exist. In talking to officials at A & M University we have gotten the following nrollment projection. The University now has an enrollment of about 15,000 and the plans are to try to hold the enrollment dovrn to not over 25,000 in the next 5 or 10 years. This shows an increase of about 10,000 students and according to our figures, the land we have, plus the land around us, that has already been zoned for apartments will be more than enough to take care of this increase in enrollment. There are approximately 92 acres in this vicinity zoned for apartments. If you figure 30 apart— ments per acre and four (4) students per apartment you will come up with an answer of about 11,000 students. Using these figures plus the fact there is apartment land on the other sides of the University indicates to us that if allowed to go uncontrolled, there could become a saturation of the apartment market. If this happens, not only are the apartment owners affected but also the University and the City of College Station. Iz is our intention to proceed immediately, with the development of approximately 12 acres, of our 37 acres, or about 400 apart— ment units. We have had meetings with the officials of the University and after another meeting we will have, after the first of the year, we will be able to project an exact starting date, a dace we feel at this time will be within the next 90 days. I also understand that Mr. Seaback is now in the process of having plans drawn for apartments on his land. Any further immediate develop— ment at this time would, in our opinion, be a mistake. 410 —1— -ems S Mr. George Eby —2— December 30, 1970 I will not personally be able to attend the scheduled P & Z meeting on January 4, 1971, so hence the reason for this letter to you the Director of Planning for the City of College Station. If you would be so kind to relate our views to the commission, it would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I can be of any help and please notify me of the opinions of others concerned, and the final decision of the commission. Yours very truly, MICRO H �D CK h�PERT S, INC. .ram . E. Mc rory, Jr. SEMcC. ,Jr./paw