HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/1971 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS February 1, 1971 7:00 P. M. Members Present: Chairman C. D. Wells, Commissioners J. A. Orr, George Boyett, Carl Landiss, Carl Tishler, Robert O. Evans; Council Liaison Bill J. Cooley, City Planner George Eby, City Engineer Lloyd James, City Secretary Sue Gough Members Absent: Commissioner Douglas Stone Visitors Present: Edward Miller, Richard Holbert, Mrs. Jim O'Brien, Horace W. Van Cleave, Frank Griffis, John E. Heyde, Clint Bertrand Stuart D. Lyda, Richard Ludenkse, Greta A. Fryell, Joy H. Upham Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. and asked for corrections and approval of the Minutes of January 18, 1971 meeting. Commissioner Evans moved that the minutes be approved as written, seconded by Commissioner Landiss. Motion carried. P&Z Case No. 1-71 - The Commission considered the final subdivision plat of Tract 1, River Oaks Subdivision located on the southside of Highway 30. • Chairman Wells reported that tax certificates from all taxing agencies would have to be filed and the $10.00 filing fee paid when the developer wanted the plat filed of record. Chairman Wells read a letter from Mr. W. W. Mann, Mann & Company of 3737 Green- way Plaza, Houston, Texas, stating the subdivision was to be developed as an apartment pro- ject by a joint venture with Mr. Tay Bond. In a discussion of the easements within the River Oaks Subdivison, Engineer James stated that a metes and bounds easement will be recorded and it will be necessary to obtain an easement to get water to the park. Engineer Pate pointed out the approximate location of an easement for the location of a water line to this area. Commissioner Orr moved for the approval of the final plat on Section 1, River Oaks Subdivisi rn, conditioned upon submission of an acceptable Guarantee of Completion and certificates from all taxing agencies showing taxes paid. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Landiss. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Wells pointed out to Engineer Pate and the developers of River Oaks Sub- division that the approval of this plat did not entitle the developers to build at this time; they had to wait for approval of the zoning request. Engineer Pate thanked the members of the Commission for their consideration and • approval of the River Oaks Subdivision. P&Z Case No. 44-70 - Consideration of 10.264 acres East of Anderson to be rezoned from Single Family Residence (District No. 1) to Apartment House District (District No. 3) - Wolf Pen Creek Corporation, owner. r -41 Page 2 Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission February 1, 1971 • The request to rezone was signed by Mr. J. W. Wood, Vice President and Mr. Martel, President, Wolf Pen Creek Corporation. Mr. Wood stated that he wanted to withdraw his request to rezone since he had secured additional information and the proposed plans for the development of this property could not be fulfilled under the District No. 3, Apartment, classification. The Wolf Pen Creek Corporation had planned to build cluster housing or a planned unit development, not apartments. Following considerable discussion among members, Mr. Wood and citizens present, Commission members agreed that a proposed P-U-D ordinance be presented to and recommended for approval by City Council. It was agreed by the Commission that the P-U-D section of the proposed revision of the Zoning Ordinance be modified to conform to Ordinance 38, with as little change as possible. The Zoning Committee (Commissioners Tishler, Stone and Wells) agreed to meet with City Planner Eby to work on the proposed P-U-D ordinance. In other business before the Commission, Chairman Wells stated he would like for the Subdivision and Street Committee to call a meeting to start the plan for major streets • into the extraterritorial jurisdiction area. The Zoning Committee would meet and study the new zoning map. On motion by Commissioner Orr, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the meeting was adjourned, subject to call. (8:30 P.M.) APPROVED: airman ATTEST : cretary 2/ • L_