HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS September 8, 1970 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners J. A. Orr, George Boyett, Bob Evans, Carl Tishler, and Douglas Stone; City Council Liaison Bill J. Cooley; City Engineer Lloyd James; and City Planner George Eby Members Absent: Commissioner Carl Landiss Visitors Present: Edward Miller, and Bill Fitch Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City Hall. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Orr, the Minutes of the August 17, 1970 meeting were approved as written. The following organization structure and Rules of Procedure was approved by all members present: ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 1. Officers of the Commission shall consist of: a. Chairman; appointed by the City Council. b. Vice-Chairman; elected by the Planning & Zoning Commission. c. Secretary; elected by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 2. Standing Committees: appointed by the Chairman of Planning & Zoning. a. Subdivision and Transportation; 2 members. b. Zoning; 2 members. c. General Planning; 2 members. 3. Regular Meeting; Date - First Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Place - Council Room of the City Hall. 4. Alternate Meeting: As required to handle work of the Commission: Date - _Third Monday of each month, at 7:00 p.m. Place - Council Room of the city hall 5. Official meetings require a quorum of 4 members, and an official action of the Commission requires 4 affirmative votes of the Commission. 6. City Planning Director shall advise Commission members promptly when Subdivision Plats or Zoning Requests are received, by copy of the request for approval and a small scale plan showing area in question. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Sept. 8, 1970 Page 2 7. Work of revision of the Comprehensive Plan of Development shall be as delegated P g by the Commission in cooperation with the City Planning Director. 8. The five-year development program is to be delivered to the City Council annually at the regular meeting in February; to be a fiscal year program (i.e. , July 1st to July 1st) and to be developed at the alternate meetings of the Commission in cooperation with the City Planning Director. 9. Annual Report: To be delivered to the City Council at the regular meeting in February of each year. 10. Interim Report: To be delivered to the City Council at the regular meeting in July. The Commission discussed the need for and the general context of a Resolution to be prepared and submitted to the City Council for enactment, setting out the City Policy in City development. It was agreed that such a Policy Statement in Resolution form was necessary before the Commission could intelligently proceed with the updating of the Comprehensive Plan of Development of the City, and that the Resolution should provide for cooperation of all agencies involved, such as the University, Independent School District, the County, and the City. • On motion by Commissioner Orr, seconded by Commissioner Tishler, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. APPROVED: Chair naan ATTEST: City Secretary las • A Statement of Policy * for the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION of the City of College Station, Texas 1. SCOPE AND MISSION: The Planning and Zoning Commission can and does perform a unique and useful purpose in a growing city. The City of College Station is experiencing a steady and healthy growth which necessitates the advice and counsel of qualified public spirited citizens to add direction to its growth, with planning that contains features commensurate with the best interests of all its citizens, to the ead that the city will become and remain a desirable place in which to live. To this end, the Commission shall direct its efforts. The primary mission of this Commission is to make studies, formulate plans and make recommendations to the City Council for the orderly and planned growth of the city. 2. MEMBERSHIP AND TENURE: The Commission shall consist of six members plus a chairman. One member of the commission shall be designated Vice-Chairman to serve in the absence of the Chairman. The members and the chairman shall be • appointed by the Council and will serve, at its pleasure, for a two-year term; three members and a chairman will be appointed in odd-numbered years and three members appointed in even-numbered years. If a vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired term. The Chairman may appoint one member of the Commission to each of the following city groups. It shall be the duty of the Commission member to serve as liaison between the Commission and the group to which he is appointed in order that all efforts may be coordinated. The Commission member shall have no vote on the committee to which he is appointed. Commercial Development Committee City Cemetery Committee City Parks and Recreation Committee Airport Zoning Board City Health Committee City Beautification Committee • *Adopted by the City Council on February 24, 1969 Page 2 3. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Commission shall serve as a recommending body to the City Council of the City of College Station and is encouraged, when deemed necessary, to utilize the resources of the city, including personnel of the city government, in arriving at decisions upon which to make recommendations. Specifically, the Commission should strive to: (1) Develop a realistic long-range plan for the orderly growth of the city in conjunction with the Brazos Area Plan, the Brazos Valley Development Council plans and the City of Bryan plans when and if compatible; but, not limited by them. The plan should include proposed extension of existing streets and designation of new streets to provide for convenient traffic flow into, within and out of the city. In addition, it should provide assistance for coordinating the continuing development in areas such as public health, safety and protection, parks and recreational areas, commercial, business and laboratory-type indusL,-:.al growth, utilities, housing and other appropriate features of a modern city, where feasible, and in keeping with ordinances and policies of the City Council. • (2) Make an Annual Report, with recommendations to the City Council, and more often when appropriate scheduled increments dictate, to expedite the fulfillment of an adequate long-range plan. (3) Make recommendations for zoning and/or re-zoning in accordance with the City of College Station Zoning Ordinance that will provide a city pattern commensurate with sound zoning procedures. (4) Make recommendations for approval of new sub-divisions or extension of existing ones. Careful consideration should be given to: (a) traffic flow within and through sub-divisions to support and maintain such traffic arteries as exist, or, are in accord with the future plan; (b) Sanitary sewer elevations and flow patterns to maintain continuity of existing or planned extensions; (c) utility systems to maintain compatibility with existing or planned extensions; (d) flood water and drainages toward an overall city pattern to prevent bottle necks of undrained areas; (e) The provisions for area parks and recreation, beautification and public health in the sub-division plans, commensurate with wholesome city development. As a philosophy: It is intended to encourage new sub-divisions, commerce, • industry, and their developers, rather than to discourage them; but, the new developments should be connpatiblo with exintingg or planned future extensions and clovx.l..pmento of the city. r Page 3 (5) Consult with Texas A&M University and A&M Consolidated School District Officials on all matters of Planning and Zoning, which are of mutual interest or that affect the welfare of the University or School District. (6) Consult with other committees appointed by the City Council on matters pertaining to the work of those committees directly related to Planning and Zoning. It should be the responsibility of the liaison members appointed to the various committees to keep the Commission informed of the work of the committees. (7) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall provide the City Council with detailed reports containing recommendations for both approval and disapproval in regard to zoning of new areas and rezoning of existing areas. (8) Until such time as the Council sets up a Board of Adjustment for such, appeals concerning zoning or rezoning shall be referred to the City Council for resolution. (9) It shall be the policy of the City Council that applications for consideration of zoning changes be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission ten ( 10 ) days prior to its meeting for action. The established meeting date for the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be the first Monday of each month. 4. The City of College Station has extraterritorial jurisdiction over a limited amount of territory outside its limits ( currently one mile ). The Commission should observe the developments in these areas, and make whatever recommendations feasible in order that harmony shall exist when and if such areas are annexed or incorporated. S. Minutes will be kept of each meeting of the Commission. A copy will be sent to the City Council and City Manager. 6. In performing its duties, the Commission shall function as provided under Articles 1011a to 1011j, Revised Civil Statues, State of Texas. The facilities of the city office will be made available to the Commission when and if such are needed. 7. MEETINGS: The Commission will meet on a regularly scheduled date each month and on call by the chairman ( or vice-chairman ), the city manager or the mayor. A majority of the membership ( four members including a chairman or vice chairman ) shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business. A joint meeting of the Commission and City Council shall be held annually and more often if the need arises, • the date for which will be set at the mutual convenience of both groups. las 2-27-69 (Rev. 3-25-69) J c-11127' • AGENDA �. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Tuesday, September 8, 1970 7:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes of August 17, 1970 meeting. 2. Discussion of Rules of Procedure for the Planning and Zoning Commission. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Adjourn. CDW:las 8-31-70 ilk 4 • I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on 1 �j f 70 at _ Z). • ,' 7 Ly a Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 Notary Public, Bra,Ios County/Texas