HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/21/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission • MINUTES Cetior PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS September 21, 1970 7:00 p,m. Members Present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners George Boyett, J. A. Orr, Carl Tishler, Bob Evans, Douglas Stone, and Carl Landiss (Dr. Landiss was late in arriving); City Engineer Lloyd James, City Planner George Eby, and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Visitors Present: Danny Swafford, Harry Seaback, John Garner, Jane Howell, Allen Swoboda, C. W. Alworth, J. B. Hervey, Bob Reese, Dorsey McCrory, Edward H. Miller, James R. Gardner, S. Jones, S. Plapp, and Dave Ruesink Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. In the Council Room at the City Hall. On motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Minutes •of September 8 meeting were approved as written, Motion carried. Mr. Walter Gilmore, a citizen present, asked that the Minutes of the July 6 Planning & Zoning Meeting be corrected to read that he is a real estate broker, and not an attorney. The secretary was directed to make this change by the chairman. The first item on the Agenda under Subdivision Plats was the consideration of the Final Plat of Camelot, Section I Subdivision (P&Z Case No. 29-70). City Planner George Eby stated he and the City Engineer had examined the plat and it met all of the require- ments. He explained that the subdivider had elected to proceed with construction of streets, alleys, sidewalks and utilities that he is required to install, in which case the City will inspect the work as it progresses, and upon completion and final acceptance, and upon written request of the subdivider, the Final Plat will be approved and filed for record with the County Clerk. The subdivider shall pay the record filing fee. There was considerable discussion among commission members concerning how wide Langford Street should be. Commissioner Orr moved that the Final Plat of Camelot, Section I Subdivision, be approved, subject to the developer paving the city for the park funds and with a 27 foot street on Langford Street, and the City Engineer sign the plat. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Evans. Motion failed. Those voting Aye: Orr, Evans and Tishler. Those voting No: Stone, Boyett and Wells. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Final Plat of Camelot Subdivision, Section I, 41. be approved subject to the developer Paving the city for the park funds, and the street width on Langford be increased to 38 feet, and the City Engineer sign the plat. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. There was some discussion by the developers of this property and planning and zoning members before the question. On the vote: Those voting Aye: Boy ett, Stone and Wells. Those voting No: Evans. Tishler and Orr. Motion failed. Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 September 21, 1970 Commissioner Bovett then moved that the Final Plat of Camelot Subdivision. Section I, be tabled so that the request could be given further consideration to the street width on Langford. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. There was some dis- cussion among commissioners concerning this motion. City Engineer James stated that he felt, since the city staff had recommended this street width that was on the plat to the developer, the staff was being placed in a most embarrassing situation. On the question, motion carried. Commissioner Orr asked to be recorded as voting no. Commissioner Landiss asked to be recorded as abstaining since he had just arrived at the meeting. (See following pages for further commission action). The next item on the Agenda was the Final Plat of University Oaks Subdivision and Park Plan (P&Z Case No. 30-70). The City Engineer stated that he had approved the construction plans. Commissioner Boyett moved that the Final Plat of University Oaks Subdivision and the Park Plan submitted. be approved. Commissioner Orr seconded the motion. Chairman Wells stated that the approval must be conditioned upon the signature of the City Engineer. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of Plantation Oaks Subdivision (which is a replat of University Arms Subdivision) - . P&Z Case No. 31-70 . After some discussion with the developer, Harry Seaback, and commission members, Commissioner Orr moved the Master Preliminary Plat of Plantation Oaks Subdivision be approved, conditioned upon the following: 1. The wording designation of Zone 4 be deleted in Reserve B. 2. The wording designation of Zone 3 be deleted in Reserve C. 3. The wording designation of Zone 3 be deleted in Reserve D. 4. The wording designation of Zone 4 be deleted in Reserve E. 5. The wording designation of Child Care Center be deleted in Reserve F. 6. Access from Hwy. 30 in Reserve C be deleted for further consideration by P&Z. 7. Plantation Oaks Boulevard would intersect the East By-pass at a right angle. 8. Street names on the plat should be checked against existing streets. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. Motion carried unanimously. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of a Preliminary Plat of the extension of C ak Forest Mobile Home Park (P&Z Case No. 39-70). There was some discussion concerning this among commission members and the developer, Mr. Arlen Swoboda. Commissioner Evans moved the preliminary plat of the extension of the Oak Forest Mobile Home Park (P&Z Case No. 39-70) be approved as drawn. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett. Motion carried. Chairman Wells was recorded as voting no. City Planner Eby asked whether a final plat would be necessary in this case and if so, what should be on it. The Commission's answer was t the final plat should show only the R.O.W. to be dedicated that parallels Highway 6, that which is approximately 1,000 to 1,200 feet. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 3 September 21, 1970 The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of P&Z Case No. 26-70, a zoning request from John Hoerner, which had been referred to the Airport Zoning Board for action by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their July 6 meeting. At the meeting at that time, the motion read as follows: "Commissioner Boyett then reworded his motion to recommend approval of Tract No. 1, an 11.583 acre tract as commercial, with the exception of the 1.065 acre tract that is clouded by F.A.A. condemnation, and subject to approval of the Easterwood Pirport Zoning Board (P&Z Case No. 26-70) and Tract No. 2, a 13.175 acre tract, lo3ated at the corner of FM 60 and East of FM 2818, be tabled. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Orr. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. " Chairman Wells read an excerpt from the Minutes of the Airport Zoning Board at their August 20 meeting, which stated that they concur with the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission. However, it was agreed among the Airport Zoning Board members present that Chairman Smith would notify the Planning and Zoning Commission of the procedure required by F.A.A. of any construction contemplated within the airport approach zone. A letter was received by P&Z on September 17, which is made a part of these Minutes as ATTACHMENT A, from H. G. Smith, Chairman of the Easterwood Joint Airport Zoning Board. • On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, it was recommended that Tract No. 1, an 11.583 acre tract (P&Z Case No. 26-70), be rezoned from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district, with the exception of the 1.065 acre tract that is clouded by F.A.A. condemnation. Motion carried. Chairman Wells stated that Mr. Smith would appear before the P&Z Commission to explain what procedures must be complied with for building in the airport-zoned area. Commissioner Evans moved that Mr. Smith be allowed to come to the next Planning and Zoning Meeting and speak to members concerning this matter. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Orr. Motion carried. There was some discussion concerning the Policy Resolution for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Wells stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission planned to recommend this Policy in the form of a Resolution to the City Council for their action. He asked that Commissioners Landiss and Boyett meet with him to put this Resolution in final form. City Engineer James stated that he would like to call to the attention of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the drawing of his plans for the paving (in stages) of Langford Street. He stated that in order for him to complete these plans as he was dodirected by the City Council to do, he needed to know what the width of the street was going to be. There was considerable discussion concerning this matter. Councilman Cooley, Liaison for the Planning and Zoning Commission, stated that he felt, since the total members were present at the meeting now, the action to table the Final Plat of Camelot Subdivision, Section I, should be reconsidered. 1 'Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 September 21, 1970 Commissioner Boyett then moved the meeting adjourn. There being no second to his motion, the discussion of the Final Plat of the Camelot Subdivision, Section I, was continued. Commissioner Landiss was informed of the prior action taken in the meeting before he arrived, concerning this pht. City Planner Eby pointed out, that, according to State Law, unless the commission made a decision by October 8, the plat would automatically be approved as drawn. Commissioner Evans moved that the Final Plat of the Camelot Subdivision, Section I, be removed from the table for reconsideration. Commissioner Orr seconded the motion. Motion carried. The vote was as follows: Ayes - 4. Noes: 3. Those voting Aye were: Orr, Evans, Tishler and Landiss. Those voting no were Boyett, Stone and Wells. Commissioner Evans moved that the Final Plat of Camelot, Section I Subdivision, be approved, subject to the developer paying the city for the park funds and with a 27-foot width for Langford Street, and that the City Engineer sign the plat. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Grr. Commissioner Stone stated that he felt if the plat were approved, then the Planning and Zoning Commission should ask the City Council to revise the Street Ordinance. Cn the question, there were four Ayes and three Noes. Motion carried. Those voting Aye were: Evans, Orr, Tishler and Landiss. Those voting no were Stone, Boyett and Wells. On motion by Commissioner Orr, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman ATTEST: 4,/et) City Secretary las l • EASTFRWOOD JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD September 16, 1970 Mr. C.D. Wells, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission City of College Station College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Wells: • The Easterwood Joint Airport Zoning Board concurs in the recent action taken by the College Station City Council in rezoning an area in the Approach to runway 16 (the principal runway) from First Dwelling House District to First Business District. It is believed that this action may preclude law suits in the future being filed by residents because of the noise level from low flying aircraft. Sincerely yours, H.G. Smith Chairman r coM CITY PL ', it J LVr ` ,• - $Y eAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS September 21, 1970 7:00 p. m. 1. Approval of Minutes of September 8, 1970 meeting. 2. SUBDIVISION PLATS: (a) Consideration of Final Nat of Camelot, Section I Subdivision (refer to P&Z Case No. 29-70). (b) Consideration of Final Plat of University Oaks Subdivision and Park Plan (Refer to P&Z Case No. 30-70). (c) Consideration of a Master Preliminary Nat of Plantation Oaks Subdivision (which is a replat of University Arms Subdivision - P&Z Case #31-70). (d) Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of-the extension of Oak Forest Mobile Home Park (P&Z Case No. 39-70). • 3. ZONING: (a) Consideration of Airport Zoning Action by Airport Zoning Board on Tract No. 1, an 11.583 acre tract as commercial, which was referred to the Airport Zoning Board by the Planning & Zoning Commission on July 6, 1970 (P&Z Case No. 26-70). 4. GENERAL: (a) Further consideration of Policy Resolution. 5. Adjourn. C13W:GE:las 9-15-70 O 6 111 I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on _ /S 7o a t .5-04). /» . Lynda Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of • i' 19 77 ",e,,X1/ Notary Public, Br os Conn', Texas