HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission r .� MINUTES r PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS October 19, 1970 • 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Commissioners Carl Landiss, Joe Orr, Bob Evans and George Boyett; City Engineer Lloyd James; City Council Liaison Bill Cooley; and City Planner George Eby Members Absent: Commissioners Douglas Stone, Carl Tishler and Chairman Codie Wells Visitors Present: Edward H. Miller, Jim Gardner, W. D. Fitch and Harry Seaback Acting Chairman Landiss called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City Hall. Commissioner Boyett stated that he did not receive a copy of the Minutes of the last meeting. Therefore, he asked to read the Minutes before the vote for approval was taken. On motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Orr, the Minutes of the October 5, 1970 meeting were approved as written. 10 Acting Chairman Landiss explained that because P&Z Case No. 31-70, the Final Plat of Plantation Oaks Subdivision was a replat, the developer, Mr. Seaback, must file a Certificate of Voidance on the original University Arms Final Plat before filing the Plantation Oaks Final Plat. Commissioner Evans moved that the Final Plat of Plantation Oaks Subdivision (P&Z Case No. 31-70) be approved, subject to the developer filing a Certificate of Voidance on the University Arms Final Plat. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Orr. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the review of the draft prepared by Chairman Wells on the Resolution establishing the policy in planning the development of the City of College Station. After reviewing the draft, it was the concensus of the members present that: (1) Planning and Zoning Commission does not have the expertise or the time to prepare a comprehensive plan for the City of College Station and that this work should be done by professionals and (2) a policy statement from the Planning and Zoning Commission is a necessary prerequisite prior to the drafting of the comprehensive plan. Chairman Landiss explained that since one of the members of the commission had to leave early, they should continue with the agenda items. The next item on the agenda was to hear visitors. Mrs. Elizabeth Blessing asked for the commissioners thoughts on a 40-acre tract of ground on Hwy. 6 between the East and West By-pass for potential mobile home park site. The site was discussed informally. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 October 19, 1970 Commissioners Evans and Orr presented their recommendations on the revision of Ordinance No. 690 (Subdivision Regulations) for the consideration of the Planning and Zoning Commission members. These recommendations are made a part of these Minutes as Attachment A. Since Commissioner Evans had to leave, there was not a quorum present and the meeting was officially adjourned. APPROVED: Chairma � ATTEST: Zda4iiPtiee/ Ci Secretary • las S L. CITY DEVELOPMENT POLICY City of College Station, Texas. 111 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE POLICY IN PLANNING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. It is a primary concern of the City Council and the City Admin- istration of the City of College Station that there shall be an orderly growth of the City, in order to preserve the health and well being of the citizens , that there shall be no overcrowding of the land or degradation of living conditions, and that city services in the form of streets, utilities and parks , the service establishments as well as the business areas and commercial areas may be properly located , and WHEREAS , in order to implement the healthy growth of the City, there must be a comprehensive plan of development , revised and updated as conditions warrant , with ordinances designed to guide . and enforce the growth in conformity with an evolving compre- hensive plan, and WHEREAS , the City has in the Brazos Area Plan of 1960, a basic comprehensive plan of development , which has been updated in some areas and must be kept up to date as changing conditions warrant , and WHEREAS , the continuing study and updating of this evolving comprehensive plan for development of the City is the respon- sibility of the duly appointed City Planning and Zoning Commis- sion, and should be administered under an established policy, THEREFORE, the following shall be the development policy of the City of College Station. DEVELOPMENT POLICY: • 1. The evolving comprehensive plan of development of the City shall be the Brazos Area Plan of 1960, as amended or Page 1. • supplemented, together with such codes as may be approved by ordinabce. a 2. It shall be the policy of the City to encourage orderly development in harmony with the evolving comprehensive plan, to promote safety on the streets , safety from fire and other dangers , to promote health and general welfare , to provide light and clean air, to prevent overcrowding of the land , to avoid undue concentration of the people , and to facilitate the economic and adequate provision of transportation, water, sewers, drainage , schools , parks , and other facilities. 3. Zoning shall be used as a method of controlling the orderly growth of the City. Newly annexed areas and undeveloped areas of the City are to be classified as a holding zone , for development in conformity with the land use plan, this policy statement , and pertinent City Ordinances . Land in the holding zone classification may continue to be used as prior to such • classification, with an aquitable tax classification for such use . Re-zoning from the holding zone classification to be justified as the best use of the land and not in violation of the policies established herein or applicable ordinances. 4. Time restriction on re-zoning: Zoning changes to apartment , commercial, or industrial use shall be conditioned upon development within five years or zoning shall revert to the original classification. Development is defined as , an approved subdivision plat where necessary, a building permit having been issued and construction started . This condition may be waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission where appropriate . 5. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: Development in the area of extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City shall be controlled as provided by law and in accordance with the comprehensive plan. • Page 2. 6. Neighborhoods : The development of the City shall be based • upon the neighborhood plan; a neighborhood being one half to one square mile in area, bounded on all sides by a Major Principal Street , and bisected by Secondary Principal Streets giving access to and egress from the core of the neighborhood . 7. Parks : A neighborhood park shall be located neat the center of each neighborhood , accassible directly from a Secondary Prin- cipal Street , of a size varying from four to ten acres depen- ding upon the density of population and the people to be served. Land for the neighborhood park shall be provided by the devel- opers of the neighborhood and the development of the park shall be at the expense of the City. A City Park to be developed within or adjacent to the City, of thirty to sixty acres in area. Acquisition of land and the development of the park to be the responsibility of the City as a whole . 8. Schools : Acquisition of land and the development of schools shall be based on cooperation of the Consolidated School District and the City, generally providing an elementary school near the center of each neighborhood as required. Middle schools and high schools to be located on Major Principal Streets near the center of the scholastic load , and with adequate facilities for off-street parking. 9. Neighborhood business district : Neighborhood business districts shall be developed near the center of a neighborhood under the following conditions ; area to be not less than two acres and not more than four acres , located at not less than one half mile interval, and where such development does not adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood. Neighborhood business districts are to be encouraged , to reduce traffic on the streets and to provide greater convenience for the people . • 10. Buffer zones or barriers shall be planned and constructed between residential and business zones. Page 3. A • 11. Residential areas ; shall be designed to reduce the amount of land used for streets , to reduce the amount of through trafficon the streets and thus reduce the noise level, by use J ofcul-de-sacs and loops. The use of the Residential Street classification is encouraged except that this classification shall not be used in apartment or high density areas where the street is required to serve over fifty dwelling units . 12. Major generators of traffic, such as apartments and business establishments , shall be located on major streets . 13 . Business or commercial development shall be located as indicated on the land use plan, adjacent to intersections of Major Principal Streets. 14. Strip or spot business or commercial development shall not be approved. • 15. Sidewalks , in new developing land , are to be constructed on both sides of Principal Streets and Business Streets , and on other streets leading to and from parks and schools as may be designated by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 16. Electric and communication service lines : Developers shall be encouraged to place such lines underground. 17. Water and sewer lines : It shall be the intent of the City to provide water and sewer mains within one half mile of all land within the City, but no water or sewer service is to be provided beyond the City Limits. Developers are to provide water and sewer service extensions to such mains . If the City requires either water or sewer lines in excess of six inches in size , the City will pay the extra cost over and above the cost of a six inch line . • 18. Drainage shall be carried in natural streams in so far as practical, with channel improvements providing sodding of side slopes under City Engineering Standards. Page 4. _ r • Unobstructed drainage easements which are forty feet or more in width, and where the channel has been improved under City Engineering Standards , will be maintained by the City. 19. Large drainage structures : Developers shall be required to pay all costs of required drainage structures on streets other than Principal Streets , and all costs of drainage struct- ures on Principal Streets up to fifty square feet required cross section and fifty feet in length, with the City parti- cipating in the extra costs above these limits on an indi- vidual agreed basis. 20. Flood Plains : As flood plains are delineated , designated as flood plains , the use of such lands shall be restricted to provide safety to people and property. 21. Close cooperation shall be maintained between the City • and the University, the Consolidated School District , the City of Bryan, the County and the State , in planning the development of the City of College Station. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1970. APPROVED Mayor, City of College Station. ATTEST City Secretary. • Page 5. ATTACHMENT A to P&Z Minutes - October 19, 1970 October 19, 1970 Memorandum To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Commissioner J. A. Orr and Commissioner Bob Evans Subject: Recommendations and Corrections to Ordinance No. 690 Section 8 - G.10 - page 15. Change the right-of-way width of residential streets from 50 feet to 60 feet. Delete the "NOTE" pertaining to right-of-way widths being determined by easement locations. Add NOTE: A variance to the above minimum right-of-way width for residential streets may be granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission for good and sufficient cause but in no case shall the right-of-way width be less than 50 feet for a residential street. ADD the following paragraph: The determination of residential or collector classification for a proposed street shall be based upon anticipated traffic volume, service function , trip length or other criteria used in accepted engineering practice. Such determination shall be decided by the City Engineer. Commissioner J. A. Orr Commissioner Bob Evans •